[Closed] Coming soon - The Circus Masters Revenge

By Joseppie, 23 February, 2018

iOS and iPadOS Gaming

Calling all Blind gamers. I am working with a game production company to develop a game similar to Audio Defence. I guess I got tired of waiting around for someone else to do it. My game is called The Circus Masters Revenge. You guessed it. Instead of zombies coming at you. You will have 23 different kinds of circus performers that are trying to attack you. This game is still in the early stages of development. My first time attempting something like this so I am being very very picky. I don’t care if the blind community wants to play this game or not. I want to play it because I am a blind gamer that misses this type of game. I have to admit that when Somethin Else left iOS. I was really upset. I never even got to play the night jar. They definitely were ahead of their time as far as game play goes. Atleast on a mobile platform. Nobody since has even come close. This is where I want to succeed. Not just for all the blind gamers out there but for me. If you are interested in a game like this. Let me know in a comment. The more gamers interested in a game like this will help my game producers understand how important this game will be to us. I even got Marty from the blindfold series interested in this game. He is helping me understand the business side of this adventure. So when this game is developed and you enjoy it make sure you thank him for helping me out with the process. I will keep everyone updated on the progress right here. Thanks for your time. I will try my best not to let you down.



By Joseppie on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

In reply to by Erick

We haven’t had any information on released from Apple yet. Please don’t give people false information. Thank you.

By Jon on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

I never New that Audio Offense had night jar. It kept stopping after the holk! Hope u finish it soon, we need more RPG games like that in the blind community

By Lexi on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

In reply to by Joseppie

I was wondering if I could test this game?

By Joel on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

There is no need for testing. The game is almost out anyway.

By Joseppie on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

I don’t know what people like. All I know is what I like and what people tell me they like. The reason I started CMR was because I knew I wasn’t the only one who missed a game like this. I did podcast interviews to get the word out about this game. I started a blog on word press i’m about my experience through development with CMR. I started a Mental Vision Utube Channel to update everyone on development and to just be creative. I started my own podcast on Anchor to inform everyone on development and give out information. All these things I have done. I did them for us. I wanted everyone to get to know who Joe is. That way I wasn’t a stranger asking you to buy a game. I was a friend asking you to come play something I created for us. Some people may not like my blogs or podcasts. I know some people Who have actually enjoyed them. I know I’m not the best at them But, I think I’m getting better and at least I try. If you all believe I don’t need to do podcasts or blogs anymore, I won’t. Just let me know. I don’t wanna waste my time on something you will not enjoy. One thing is for sure. You will enjoy CMR. I would stake everything on that.

By Matthew Whitaker on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

I am very happy that you are developing a great audio game for us to play. Will there be versions of the app for us to test out on Test Flight? It's an app made by Apple that allow's users to test app's and give feedback before they become available on the App Store.

By sockhopsinger on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

... it needs to be pointed out that they are past the testing stage. They are simply waiting for Apple to approve the game in the app store.

By alex wallis on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

seriously maybe the mods could lock this topic till the game is released, otherwise people are just going to keep making stupid comments on it or asking to test or saying they can't wait to play.

By Lexi on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

Hello, good question. I also have that same exact question.

By Erick on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

We! Are done testing the game, and we have to, weight, until Apple can,, release, it!!!

Guys it's submitted already. I agree with Alex, stop the posting until things get into motion!! Right now Apple is in control now..

By CrazyEyez on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

If some of you bothered to read up even a few comments, you would know that the game was submitted to apple.
Know what that means?
No more testing!

By Igna Triay on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

muahahahahahahaha! That comment just... good one lol. Just read the previous posts people. This commt really made my day. Lol. Although, to answer your question... sadly, the ability to read has almost been lost in the blind comunity. Who here knows braille? I do, but, as with most of you guys, I made the leap from reading, to, listening... So no. We cant read... We can only listen to previous posts, reading... is passed. Muahahahahahahahahahaha! Hope someone gets a laugh out of my post

By DMNagel on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

I do agree though, that there is nothing wrong with excitement. I have unsubscribed from this post a very long time ago but, it keeps getting bumped all the way to the top. That's how we know that something is new. For the most part, Apple tends to release games on Thursdays or Fridays. It wasn't last Thursday or Friday, so my guess is maybe this Thursday or Friday.

By ming on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

wow! can't wait! to play it!

By David Standen on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

The day of the week on which Apple choose to release this game is irrelevant. All we can do is continue to wait patiently. Feer was released on a Wednesday night my time.

By Joseppie on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

Good news to everyone. Apple has been in communication with us. So far, there hasn’t been very many issues. The issues they had were very small and easy to fix. CMR is still in the review process. Keep your fingers crossed guys. I am not sure but, I think we’re almost there. I am not telling you all this to Keep the excitement going. Just wanted to include you in the process.

By Hunter on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

Do you know when apple want to release CMR?

By René Jaun on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

I‘m sure that Apple, Mental Vision and all other involved companies are doing what they reasonably can to make this app fit for release as soon as possible.
But as you may gather from previous comments, Apple DOES NOT have a fixed date for the release. If one was known, I am sure Joseppie would have mentioned it in his most recent comment.

By Joseppie on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

Another update to let everyone know what is going on. Apple is aware how excited we are and how important this project is for our community. They have expedited us to the top of the list. So far, there hasn’t been any issues with gameplay or the functions. The only issues we have had are in the menu and settings. I guess, Apple has changed their visually impaired accessibility policy. I don’t think these new policies will hurt the CMR project or future projects for other developers. It is going to affect game players because, you will have to login using an email address. so, if you go to the App Store to download an accessible game. You will have to register your email for the game. This sounds like a bad thing. I think it is a wonderful thing. Think about it. This way if you download an accessible app or game on your cell phone and later want to use the accessible app or game on your iPad for instants, none of your purchases will be lost. If you have any problems, there will be a restore function. I like this idea because, if you go to a game that is not accessible. It will not have this function and you will Know that the app or the game is not accessible . This will save our community lots of money and frustration on purchasing games that are not accessible. Apple is trying to do this to protect our community. My hats off to them. I’m glad somebody knows what the hell they are doing.

By alex wallis on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

Hi Joseppie, your giving out misleading information there, its very common for apps to have a restore purchases option for in app purchases, for example the blindfold games series and many other apps. Your misleading when you say that apple has just introduced this, apps have had this for years. In fact apps have this function regardless of if they are accessible or not.
as to restoring, purchases are tied to your apple ID, I don't think your going to have to enter an email address, create a special account etc, as unless someone is totally new to ios people will already have apple id set up and the phone will know about it.
I think the one who is excited most of all is you for this game. Its good your giving updates, but please try to be accurate with the information you give especially when it relates to inapp purchases and such.
In fact given that apple has had the ability to restore inapp purchases for years, its actually an oversight from the people you have writing the code for you that this button wasn't included, its not some magical new policy from apple that was suddenly changed. Usually if apple changes developer guidelines these things get blogged about somewhere and I haven't scene anything like that recently.
as I say I will go into playing this game with an open mind, but the storyline sounds rather cartoonish to my way of thinking.

By Joseph on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

I agree with the most recent post in regards to the in-app purchases thing. Enough said.

By René Jaun on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

Thanks for the update, but...
If I understand you correctly: Apple requires you to have us register with our email address. And: Apple is requiring this registration ONLy in case of accessible games. So basically: Every user of an accessible game is now forced into registering.
That leads to the following questions for the developer, for Apple or for anyone who knows:
HOW THE HECK are we protected when we are now forced to register with our email addresses? And what are we being protected from?
And why does that only apply to accessible games?
Is Apple really going down that two-class thinking path again? „Accessible Gamers have to be registered, non-accessible ones don‘t“?

By Erick on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

Although I like the updates, it sounds kind of ridiculous that Apple is doing this.

First of all, we got restore purchases, so I don't understand what is going on here..

If Apple is doing this, then I'm not sure what's gonna happen now.

By alex wallis on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

I think joseppie has given out inaccurate information, I seriously doubt there is a separate registration process for accessible games, I suspect josepie is just on about having an apple ID which records the fact we have made a purchase, and has nothing to do with accessibility, as restoration of in app purchases applies for both accessible and inaccessible apps.
and I really doubt this stuff he spouted about his game being jumped to the top of the cue for review, sorry but why would apple do this for a first time developer which will probably at best have what maybe a few hundred purchases. I tend to agree with Ilene when she said he uses a lot of hyperbole.

By mority on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06


I fully agree with Eileen here, I think either the excitement with Josepy is running ahead like a race horse out of the starting machine, or, and i know that I really step onto thin ice with that statement, the game either doesn't exist and we're running after a fake hype for about a year, which I myself see as not really likely, or the game is a really small thing with no new concepts blown to new proportions by marketing talk.

But, let's not kill each other, we'll see what comes around, but I think a certain grain of doubt would be not a bad idea.

By alex wallis on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

Hi Mority, I must admit the thought that the game doesn't exist crossed my mind, and that would be an incredible hoax to pull off as podcasts and blog entries have been created. But on the other hand a year or so back josepi did run into problems with his developer asking for a lot of money to finance the game development, so its possible that testers got to test something but development stopped once he hit problems. But I can't see what anyone would have to gain from doing something like that, as sure they would get lots of attention but eventually the bubble would burst, so if someone was doing something like that they would have to have some sort of mental disorder, which inclines me to think the game does exist especially given how specific joseppi is with his updates.
though I hope we haven't all been tricked. still I am very pleased that not everyone has lost his sanity around here and has maintained a level of skepticism. I think one thing we can all be certain of though its not going to spark some huge revolution and get all the console manufacturers to suddenly wake up and start making all there games accessible. we will always be different to sighted gamers in a parallel cultural world and that's how it will be always. the games industry for us will always be like the sighted games industry as it was in the 70s and 80s small hobby based never attracting big money or serious companies but groups of dedicated people who make products for love and not for profit.

By Joel on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

Just restore purchases. The information you’re giving out is missleading

By mority on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

Well, it's not like that the mainstream industry doesn't care, accessible menus, constant accessibility improvementss in console and pc titles are quite the step forward, and this is bound to increase. I don't know how good you are informed about the mainstream industry, but over the last year or so it made quite a number of leaps and bounds.
And regarding the possible hoaks. Well yeah, I also see this as quite unlikely, but he could sit there and chuckle about how easy it is to get the blind comunity hyped up about a new game.
Because, if I'm brutally honest here, if you throw the blind comunity a bone, almost 90 percent will come running and instantly stick to you and you can tell most people what ever you want, they believe it. I've seen enough games be hyped and suddenly beeing gone again, so a natural skeptizism is something i always have when these things are going on.


By Country music fan on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

Guys I kind of have to agree with the whole signing in with email addresses etc., because I saw on the news a few weeks ago that Apple is removing the whole App Store thing, so I guess we will just see what happens. Give him a break though, Joe and his team have tried very hard to get this game up and running. So I’d really don’t think what he is saying is far-fetched at all. It makes sense if Apple is getting rid of the App Store, then we need someway to sign in, right? And since our email addresses are often linked with our Apple ID, that makes sense. Guys please don’t give him any more trouble, Joe, please keep up with the updates. If anyone doesn’t read them, I do. I am also excited about the game, but I’m not going to constantly hound poor Joseppe about it, because that doesn’t help anything. Let’s all just calm down and cross our fingers, and wait for the game. It doesn’t sound like it’ll be too far away

By CrazyEyez on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

Gonna go hang out with Alex Jones and share your conspiracy theory that this whole thing is a fake?
Maybe the russians made it so all the blind people could be excited.
Or maybe the email registrations are so the russians and Iranians can hack all our information and mind control you into voting for who they want.
Dat is gooood idea yes?
i'm not sure how important this game is for you guys, but I still sleep, eat, pee, shower, and do all my stuff i've always done. 700 comments later, I sure hope this game is worth the hype.
All this extraordinary vocabulary, all these laughs, all the name calling and conspiracy theories sure are fun to look at.
Keep it up!

By Joel on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

You’re comment made my day

By Erick on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

Guys. You really should be weighting until the game comes out. I certainly agree with Apple policies, but at the same time, when are they going to be removing the restore purchases thing? Where did you hear this information? I'd like to know.

By mority on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

Ok i'm really curious now, where did you read that apple is gonna remove or step away from the app store? I know that they split up iTunes into smaller apps, but not the appstore.

By alex wallis on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

I am replying to two comments hear to avoid the need for double posting.
in response to country music, I think you have obviously got the wrong end of the stick accidentally about something you have scene or read, I haven't scene anywhere that apple is getting rid of the appstore, in fact it was one of there biggest earners they revealed a few days ago on there earnings call making up for slow down in iPhone sales. You really need to be careful about statements you make of this general nature, seriously something like that would have been all over the tech world. think about it if apple was getting rid of the appstore people wouldn't be able to put apps on devices it makes no sense.

to mority, I don't know anything really about the pc or console games industry, if you would like to direct me to some modern pc accessible sighted games I would certainly be interested. though accessible menus doesn't nnecessarily mean the game is playable by us.
I have been watching liam urvans racing games he has been playing on youtube, and from what I can make out he lets the computer do all the driving for him, so not entirely sure what the point of his effort is, though its interesting if he has other things planned. and I have never bought a console as I suspect the amount of games I could play on it are probably not worth it vs the investment for games plus console.

By Joseppie on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

I apologize country music. This is going to be my last update. To the others. If you must know. My information is correct. I just had to fork out $800 on server memory space to include your guises email addresses in case you upload CMR on a second device. This way if you purchase on one device it will still be on your second device using your email address. If you guys would have been this shady with me two weeks ago. I would not have released it to Apple. I can’t believe how ungrateful you are. I am a part of the blind Community. I am completely blind. I am also on a fixed income. I am not some millionaire trying to trick everybody. Quit being a jerk. You have no reason to treat me this way. I thought I was doing something good for all of us. Maybe I will step away and not finish the game. I hope none of you like it. Good night. Unsubscribed.

By CrazyEyez on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

So many people are stupid. They read something, and understand something else, and type out an entirely different thing.
How about we keep this forum post about this game, not about what you think apple's policy is, was, or will be.
Don't assume you understand something just cuz you read it on the internet.
before you freak out and spread crap around the community, you'd think that folks would be bright enough to google it, or ask siri if you're to lazy to type. Don't worry, misinformation is all over the world, blind people aren't exempt.
Do some research before posting, wouldn't want to cause people to die of high blood pressure.

By Zachary on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

In reply to by Joseppie

OK. We are not "ungrateful" for what you have done. Seriously talk about overreacting. We are simply pointing out the fact that what you posted about email addresses doesn't make any sense. Maybe the information you got was correct, but you worded it in a way which was not very clear. Seriously if you can't take criticism, why are you developing games? I'm not trying to be mean, but this is just too much. I think you should take a step back from this, wait a couple of days, then come back with a clear head.

By Joel on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

No point Criticizing. He already unsubscribed

By alex wallis on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

this makes no sense at all joseppi forking out for server space to store email addresses. apple stores records of who purchases games and downloads software from them, all this information is linked to your apple id which every individual registers with apple. it would be totally unreasonable for apple to expect you to maintain records, what did apple actually say to you I am sure you have just misunderstood the concept of an apple id, after all how is any individual developer supposed to work out how much server space they might need.
I think you have misunderstood what apple are asking of you, how about actually posting the original communications from apple. I suspect the issue might be language related as its obvious joseppis first language isn't English, and I think maybe something got lost in translation either between him and apple, him and us or both. Plus if this was a decision from apple all the developers would be complaining about it, plus privacy blogs I mean there would be so many data protection issues thrown up by this change I can't begin to count them. it does seem though like he can't take any suggestion that his version of reality might be wrong. also anything purchased with your apple id can automatically already be downloaded and installed on other devices linked to your apple id.

By CrazyEyez on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

You need to hear this.

If I knew you were a winebox, I would have called you out a long time ago for crying like a bitch.
Its 2019. Maybe you can buy some harder feelings with the proceeds from this game.
Get over yourself.
You're just a guy who tried to develop a game. You didn't do it for me, you did it for yourself to see if you could.
To make some money.
To replace audio defence.

You're acting like you're the only blind guy to ever develop anything.
You aren't. Grow up.
I don't care if you're blind.
Just about everyone who frequents this website is.
Here's a cookie!
I hope your game is awesome.
I hope everybody likes it.
I also hope that you learn that its just a game. Its nothing special or life changing.
If you continue with production of the game, i'll buy it and play it, but understand one very important thing:
I do not need it.
Be careful how you act before you lose your customer base.

By Joel on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

I might not buy it now. I think I’ll buy six ages instead.

By Nikola Jovic on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

Hi. First of all, you did not write a single line of code, yet you are claiming to be a developer. You are a part of the team, not a developer AKA programmer. Now, you wrote: "I just had to fork out $800 on server memory space to include your guises email addresses ." I think every server hoster in the world is laughing at what you just wrote. Can you tell me how the hell did you manage to spend 800 dollars on a server that only stores emails? I would be really curious to know which servers cost that much. Why do you need to store emails on your own server when your app can easily check the Apple ID signed in to a device? So unless you answer with solid proofs, I will just say that you didn't spend anything and are just making this up and don't whine, but give a link which shows this. You could have easily said hey guys, here, in the Apple developer agreement for iOS apps section 5.2 says this, so we had to comply, but it's much easier to blame others right? Also, instead of crying, you can easily post a link to proove that what you are saying is true. If your development team actually read the developer agreement for iOS apps, you would not be posting such nonsense. Yes, you can cancel the game if you want, I will live without it. People asked you to just show what Apple told you and you call that criticizing? I call it constructive forum discussion, but if you do not know what that means then you should develop this for yourself and not publish it anywhere.

By René Jaun on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

My guess, though in my career as hobby programmer I never made it anywhere close the official App Store, is that Apple asks developers not to share their email correspondence with the world.
Although should they allow you to do that, I would be very interested to read their original statement as well.
Look Sir, I don‘t think anyone wanted to act shady on you or whatever you call that.
But please do understand that some of the things you write do make a rather confusing impression.
Could you, for instance, elaborate on why storing a list of email addresses (even securely) does cost you a whopping $800? My hosting provider, on which I currently run two entire websites, charges a fraction of that amount.
I cannot understand, and others can‘t either...

By alex wallis on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

another possibility is that the developers saw joseppi coming because he isn't a programmer and they told him he had to do these things and so ripped him off because he doesn't understand the development process, programming etc, so he may very well believe he is right and telling us the truth but is being taken advantage of by the game developers.

By Zachary on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

I'm slowly starting to become fed up with this guy. Honestly why is he making it seem like it's our fault that he had to spend $800 on some server space for seemingly no reason at all? Like some others here, I don't think I'm even going to bother purchasing this game anymore. Unless it's actually good, I'm going to stick with companies that don't play around with their customers like this. Seriously man, your behavior is rude and unprofessional. After reading some comments that were posted before mine went live, I'm just going to amend this. If Jo was given in accurate information by the Game development company, that certainly isn't his fault, however I don't know if this is the case. It seems like from what I've read, Apple told him to go through all the stuff with the email addresses. This seems really unlikely. I'm not a developer, so there may be some things I'm unclear on, however it doesn't make sense to me. Apple already has everyone's info through Apple ID, so why would they need a developer to host email addresses?

By Joel on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

I hope you understand that every time you post stuff like this you’re potentially losing customers. I don’t think you want that

By alex wallis on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

if he has unsubscribed he won't be reading this anyway, but I bet he will be back to see what we are all saying about him, as he does love the attention. I just hope he hasn't been taken advantage of by his developers, as I for one don't plan to create an account just to play a game, correct me but as far as I know it won't have a multi player mode, and in fact even if it does there is apples game center to manage all that sort of thing, I think we have debunked the need to store email addresses nonsense.

People really need to stop bashing the developer who made this game for the blind community I myself am completely blind and I am very appreciative that he made this game for us all people do is hate and be negative I am subscribe to this blog through my email and getting emails and it not being related to the game being updated on the Apple Store is very frustrating go take your negativity somewhere else.

By Joel on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

We’re not bashing. We’re only pointing out that this is not how a developer should act

By David Standen on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 05:06

I can't believe some of the comments I finished reading a short while ago. Quite frankly, I am disgusted by what some of you have had to say and I think some people here need to stop backstabbing Joe and grow up. The game is *not* a fake. It went through 2 rounds of beta testing. I support Joe in whatever decision he makes regarding this game. Personally, if I were responsible for managing threads on this site, I would be closing this one right now and there would be no more discussion until we hear either one way or the other about this game's release. Now, as for the apple store removal, I have never heard anything so ridiculous. I'll believe it when it happens, if at all.