Dawncaster: Deckbuilding RPG


Description of App

Play as a cunning rogue, a brutal warrior, or a mysterious Seeker wielding arcane magic. Or create your own class and play as who- or whatever you want to be! Start playing today, create a unique deck with access to over 600 cards and see how far you can venture into the corrupted lands of Umbris. STRATEGICALLY CHALLENGING Every step of your heroic journey offers new tactical choices to improve your deck and strategy. Collect cards that match your playstyle, avoid disastrous events and build your strategy before the forces of evil overwhelm you. UNIQUE TAKE ON CARD GAMES Dawncaster offers unique mechanics to even the most veteran card game players. Though most of the gameplay should feel familiar, the ability to combine class mechanics into deck building, weapons, enchantments, and its unique energy system are exciting additions to the card game genre! VENTURE INTO DARKNESS Discover the mystery of the missing ‘Dawncaster’, a hero of legend who has been lost in the corrupted realm of Umbris. Slay monsters and explore the darkest depths of a desperate world through handcrafted illustrations, dialogue and shape its future through your choices. ACCESS TO ALL CARDS & CONTENT Dawncaster is offered as a complete deck builder cardgame. You get access to all cards, classes, and content with your purchase. No need to buy packs, tokens, or waste time on timers or ads. Future content will be offered through expansions at the same, single price per adventure kind of deal. ROGUELITE GAMEPLAY With randomized encounters, unique classes, and choices to explore, playtime could easily reach the tens of hours for those that enjoy a challenge! Additional difficulty options are available for those that seek to push the limits of their strategic insight (and/or luck). JOIN OUR COMMUNITY As a (very) small indie development studio we’d love to hear from you on our discord server. Drop in, give us your feedback and/or support, and get involved in the next step for Dawncaster. Discord: https://discord.com/invite/pfeMG9c Website: https://dawncaster.wanderlost.games



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

The game uses a modified version of the unity accessibility plugin to fix the bugs with the plugin itself, so you will have the best experience! the accessibility is brilliant! the developers will continue to expand it daily, they will even add portrait descriptions for the enemies in future versions, so you will know every detail! you play the game mostly with one finger. you can move between groups of elements by swipping up and down. I've tested this version for more than a month and can definitely say it's a masterpiece in terms of accessibility and gameplay!

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

This is the game I always wanted to play! It's my favorite game, and I kindly ask you to trust me and give it a chance, there's three years of content available, with expansions, so much to unlock, and the developers are working so fast with dedication and player feedback to bring you the best deck building experience!

Developer's Twitter Username



12 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by matheus rheine 3 months 1 week ago



By matheus rheine on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

Hey Missy! glad to know you enjoy the game, it's fantastic indeed. since this is a mainstream game, with lots of high quality graphics, it can drain the battery faster indeed. you can check the settings of the game in the performance settings to see if post processing is off, it's recommended to leave it disabled, and you could change the frames from 60 fps to 30, but I guess the game will be much slower, however I haven't tried changing it from 60 to 30, so I really don't know how it would play. also you can enable low power mode from the control center of the device, it will help a lot as well.

By Nolly on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

Depending on your IPhone model I'd suggest turning screen brightness down to zero as well since non-LED screens still eat more battery if your brightness is up.

As for in the game I'd definitely go to settings>performance and turn down your FPS (Frames per second) to 30 and possibly turning animations off as they may eat up battery even with screen curtain on. I also know in the past with other games turning off the sound could possibly help as well but that is a personal choice as sound makes up so much of the experience for us.

All in all though compared to other games, this game isn't too bad on battery consumption. I can play for hours and still not need to charge unlike Idle Iktah which just drains my battery so fast I have to charge multiple times a day.

By Missy Hoppe on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

I appreciate the response, Jonathan, but was looking for settings to adjust from within Dawncaster itself: animations, frame rate, and some sort of host thing. What are those settings, and how should I configure all of the game's settings to minimize it's specific drain on my phone's battery as much as possible. I already do most of the other things you've listed here.

By Missy Hoppe on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

Thanks! I should have seen that this thread has gone onto a second page before responding to Jonathan's message. This is definitely closer to the information I was looking for. I did turn off all animation and set frame rate as low as possible. I'mstill curious what the host setting is, but am leaving it alone for now. Battery drain is definitely less drastic now, so I'm happy. I kept sound enabled, because it is a big part of the enjoyment. I have an iphone 13 pro, and I know that sooner or later, it will need a new battery, but for now, it's hanging in there reasonably well. Meanwhile, if anyone has any idea what the host setting is, and whether or not it would influence battery life in any meaningful way, I'd really appreciate that information.

By Firefly on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

I put together a YouTube video demonstrating basic gameplay and the endgame tutorial. This video probably needs work, as I am still getting to know YouTube, as far as posting videos go, but I figured this would be good for people, struggling with the basic concepts of the game.
Dawncaster: basic game play and tutorial

By Brad on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

The game isn't my kind of thing anymore but the update really breaks the flow of things.

It will read, card 1, 4 dots, dthe card does x, 4 dots, and so on.

By Jonathan Candler on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

I'm guessing your on Android? I'm not having this issue with IOS and I've got voiceover turned on. Maybe it might be your punctuation settings? I don't know. Ain't having said dots reading out over here. However, I can confirm that the dev is fixing this. May wanna hop into their discord if ya haven't already. I do know they're actively working and fixing stuff.

By Nolly on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

It was an attempt to create a pause break between elements on a card during combat. If I recall it's been discussed on another board and am sure is being looked into.

By Brad on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

I'm not part of the discord anymore but I did mention it.

By matheus rheine on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

I'm just curious to know if it was necessary to leave just because the developers are trying to improve the features for us. last week we got 2 updates with so much added, and they already said they will fix the dots for the next version. it was something added to try to add a line break to the information in the cards, but it is already changed for the next update since it didn't work as intended.
honestly I found your message quite disrespectful in the discord. of course you have the right to leave for any reason, but if you can't wait for a few days for the next round of fixes, something makes me think you simply didn't like the game at all. just remember that they're learning about screen readers, using the plugin is like making a game from scratch for us. they decided to focus on this feature instead of adding new cards or zones. and the support is the best i've ever had.

By Jonathan Candler on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

Ah now I'm kind of curious. Lem check the discord hehehehe. Actually I can't find it but no matter. I do agree with previous poster above. You couldn't have either waited or even waited for a response from the dev and if what the previous poster said above was indeed true, and if ya indeed left because of stuff like this then shame on ya bud. Anyway, moving on.

By matheus rheine on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

Hey all,

Patch 1.12.04 is processing and contains mainly a bunch of high priority accessibility updates:

•Malignancy Scarcity no longer
•Various weapons have been removed from the tradepost
•Onzil has been removed from the Codex

Accessibility updates
•Copying the seed code from the character sheet now prefills that code when starting a seeded run. Screen readers can now just confirm and launch the run on the seeded code.
•Fixed the 'dot' being read out and changed to comma's, which should not be read out loud by most screenreaders
•Inactive conversation buttons are now read as well.
•The weekly challenge start is now the top interactive element instead of the lowest priority.
•Malignancies now read out properly when toggled.

The patch is still processing, but could be live any time now 🙂

Thank you to the @SR community for your patience and helping us improve this feature. We are committed to making this work, so please let us know your suggestions and other improvements.

PS: If you want to stay informed of Screenreader specific updates, the /role SR command will assign this role to you 🙂

That's it for the update!

By Jonathan Candler on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

I'm going to suggest this in the discord too if there is such place for this but ah... Not sure what ya think of this, but perhaps their could be an accessibility channel feedback section but only have it assigned to the sr role so it don't get cluttered up for people who don't have or need said role? In essence, the channel will show up if you have said role and will be hidden if the role isn't active. However with that being said, Looking forward to this next update.

By matheus rheine on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

hey! regarding the accessibility channel in the discord, I believe other players suggested it. probably they didn't create it yet to include blind players as much as possible in the discussion and interact with everyone, but that's just my thought, I haven't talked to them about it yet. but I still consider it a good suggestion for the future.

By Jonathan Candler on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

Ah. yeah I can see that too. Was mostly thinking of organization here but that's a good point.

By Missy Hoppe on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

I just wanted to take a minute to sincerely thank the developers of this awesome game for all of their hard work in making it accessible. There are still a lot of things I don't understand, like how to do the seeded runs, when it's best to play each card, etc. I've joined the Discord thing, but still find Discord to be very confusing to navigate. So, I found the redit community for Dawncaster and read things there as well as keeping up with comments here on Applevis. In spite of my essential cluelessness regarding this specific type of game, I'm having a blast playing. I've made it to level 22 in the knight class, so I suppose I'm making decent progress for a newbie. LOL! If the punctuation thing is being addressed, I honestly don't have any issues at the moment. My only wish list/nice to have request would be that we can create and save our own character name. I'm getting good at typing in the name I want to play under, but if it could somehow save it, that would be very much appreciated. Portrait descriptions would be awesome at some point in the future, but for now, I'm perfectly happy to simply pick one at random and enjoy the adventure. Anyway, I just want to make sure the developers know that their efforts are extremely appreciated. I'm going to go watch the Youtube video that was just posted to see if it helps me understand how to play any better.

By Firefly on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

I have to echo what the previous poster just said. This game is so awesome! Level 22 though? You’ve made it a lot farther than I have. I have managed to defeat two of the bosses and that is it. I know kind of sad huh? L O L anyways, hope you like the YouTube video, it might not be my best work. There are things I can improve on, but I am learning. I guess I just want to do two things, help people, play games, and also give these developers or any developers that put Accessibility at the top of their list as much recognition as possible. Without the hard work and dedication of these individuals games like these would not be possible for us to play. I would like to thank you guys myself. Keep up the great work! I do have a question though. I have heard that there is another class called the cyan? If I’m pronouncing that right? If so, I don’t see this class in the list of classes that you can play. Is this even a class or was I reading it wrong? If it is a class, how do I get access to it. Do I wait until I beat in the game for the very first time? Also, I love the weekly challenges! Just as a sidenote.

By Brad on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

I don't hate the game or anything, it's just not my kind of thing anymore.

I actually bought the £12 bundle a couple weeks ago. I'll freely admit the accessibility work on this app is amazing!

@Missy Hoppe oh wow! Level 22, that's dedication right there :)

I'll probably redownload it later on this year to have another play around with it but yeah, the accessibility is amazing.

I think my punctuation is set to some but before the dots were added there were no issues reading it so I wonder what the diffirence is between me and everyone elses phones?

Oh one thing i'd like to see for the future is the character descriptions read out. I don't mean the pictures, I mean, for example, rogue, a person who's great with bows,if that's part of the character screen, it might not be.

By Nolly on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

Seed codes are codes that will enable you to replay a run with the same offered rewards during that particular run.

By Missy Hoppe on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

Hello again, all. For those of you who are impressed by my level 22 accomplishment, bear in mind that I only ever play the knight class, so invest all my fate shards into unlocking things which I believe are specific to that class. It says my knight level is 23 now, but anything else is most definitely only level one. For the person asking about the sion class, which I'm pretty sure that I am also spelling wrong, I *think* that class is unique to the sun forge challenge.
So now, for my question. If I somehow get a really great run with useful skills or whatever, how do I find the seed number and apply it for future attempts? This concept is still illuding me. At the moment, I've gone back to playing in story mode, but will probably switch it back to playing in normal mode again in a few days. I don't see myself being able to handle higher difficulty levels any time soon. I like attempting the sun forge thing each day, and I love the weekly challenge as well. I'm guessing that resets on Sundays? Anyway, I need all the fate shards I can get so that my knight can become as awesome as possible, but I know I still have a lot to learn.

By Jonathan Candler on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

Hmm... Kind of wondering the same thing here as well. Haven't had a lot of time to play round with this.

By matheus rheine on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

hey everyone! the seed code can be found by going to the character info. it's one of the first options. you might have to swipe left a few times to find it. then just double tap to copy the seed. when you start a new run, you'll have the possibility of starting the same seed if you want to get the same card rewards and opportunities. for the next updates the run history might become accessible as well, so you will also be able to replay previous runs.

By Missy Hoppe on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

Not sure what the best way to report a possible bug in the game is, apart from Discord, but I think the weekly challenge is broken. I can start it, but when I get to the starting location, no actions appear. It just shows my health, a few other things and then settings. I just tried it again, and my phone froze up in a weird way. Just curious if anyone else is having trouble with the weekly challenge. Everything else seems to be working beautifully.

By matheus rheine on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

hey Missy! The developers have already fixed the weekly challenge, the patch will be available in a few hours

By DrummerGuy on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

I sincerely hope that the developers keep adding more expansions or creating more stories about this game.
Perhaps they can keep adding more cards or something like that.
This game is beautiful. I just have to say that this has become my favorite game.
I thank the developers for making this game accessible.

By Firefly on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

I have to say, as of right now, when the golden apple awards come around again, and it’s time for nominations, I am definitely going to nominate this game for an award.

By Missy Hoppe on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

I haven't felt overly motivated to vote in the Golden Apple Awards for several years now, but Dawncaster absolutely deserves as many awards as possible. Got the patch this morning for fixing the weekly trials, so once again, all is well. As I've said several times, I still have tons to learn about how to play the game effectively, but at least at the moment, none of my issues are accessibility related; it's just lack of knowledge and needing to figure out winning strategies. I'm trying an alternative option in the mansion, but so far, I've never been able to determin an outcome for that, so I'm excited to get that mystery solved eventually. In closing, I just want to thank Dawncaster's developers once again for making such a fun and wonderful game accessible with VoiceOver.

By Jonathan Candler on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

Gotta agree with what's been said here. And I do believe they're gunna add more stuff when it comes time but all in all, can never get enough of this game. It's fantastic!

By Firefly on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

I do have a question. I am doing a weekly challenge right now, do I need to complete that in one sitting?

By Jonathan Candler on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

I wonder that too.

By matheus rheine on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

hey! as far as I understand, you can continue it later, just like the standard game. The only thing that must be respected is the deadline in order for your score to be valid to the scoreboard. and when doing the challenge for the first time you should receive 250 fateshards.

By DrummerGuy on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 02:39

I will be voting for this game as well.
The developers have done an awesome job at making this game accessible.
A wonderful game like this deserves a shot at the award.
If it was up to me, I'd say that this game will be the winner. Lol.

By mistermouse on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 - 02:39

First off, huge thanks to the devs for their commitment to accessibility.

I've been trying to buy stuff from the store but keep getting errors, no idea if it's an issue at my end or not.

Does anyone know how you can choose what kind of energy you use when you play a card, this is kind of important when your attack crits when you use holy energy and else not, but somehow the game chooses to not use the holy energy for the bonus.

One more suggestion, the challenge to clear a run in 90 minutes is never going to happen for a screenreader user, I don't know if the game can detect the use of a screenreader or not to support more appropriate. bounties?

all in all a great game, I've finished runs already as a knight and warrior, getting close with my arcanist :D


By DrummerGuy on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 - 02:39

Could someone explain to me what is a charge card?
Also, what do they mean when they say performance?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Happy playing.

By matheus rheine on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 - 02:39

hey everyone!
if the purchase in the store fail, you can try closing the game and opening it again in the app switcher and trying again. it can happen because of a timeout request from the server.
if you have holy energy and are trying to play the great sword, the card should say “bonus” after the name of the card. the bonus word mean the special effect of a card will be triggered, such as: ambush, flanking, frenzy, etc. if it doesn't say bonus in this case, it's because you don't have holy to play it.
the performance keyword can have different effects based on what you choose to perform. it should give you a list to choose.

By Firefly on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 - 02:39

I just did another YouTube video on Dawncaster. This one is the first boss battle. I will be doing one on the haunted mansion this week, since it seems that a couple of people might be having trouble with getting out of it. I do remember at least one person posting on here that they were having trouble. Dawncaster: The first boss battle!

By Jack on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 - 02:39

Just wondering if anyone has any tips for surviving the initial game as an arcanist. I find that I really can't get past level 2, or chapter three when starting in the cemetary. if i start in the woods, i can't really get past the second boss. my cards just do not seem to deal enough damage. i use chain with forcewind with shock. but the cards i draw after just don't seem to generate the damage i need before things kill the character. also i don't seem to be able to unlock any additional cards. when do i see the rewards menu?
thanks to everyone who has shared there experiences and advice!
does anyone know how to enable rewards?

By Missy Hoppe on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 - 02:39

I only ever play as a knight so far. I've made it to level 35, and things typically don't get too complicated until the third chapter. So, for what it's worth, my only advice is to use trial and error. The game does a great job of describing cards, so just try to pick whatever cards you can that you think will most fit your chosen playing style. I still think there is a ton of room for improvement in my strategies, and I know there are still plenty of game mechanics that I don't understand; most notebly swapping/upgrading cards at shrines. I am pretty sure I'm not doing those correctly yet, so I hope that maybe someday, someone who knows what they're doing could demonstrate that aspect of the game and explain it in a way that makes sense.

Perhaps someday, I'll try another class, but I truly enjoy the knight class, and I feel like there's still so much I haven't discovered. For example, in the weekly challenge, a couple of the starting setups for knights listed cards and weapons I've never even heard of; one setup seemed to be music-centric, which I'd love to explor, but I have no clue where to get the harp or whatever else it was talking about. Anyway, I wish you the very best of luck in making progress as an arcanist.

By Firefly on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 - 02:39

One thing that might help you, Jack, although this is definitely not in full proof, is upgrade your cards whenever you can. Visit a blacksmith whenever you can, 50 gold might seem a lot to upgrade all your basic attacks, but it really really helps.

By DrummerGuy on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 - 02:39

Besides upgrading your cards with the blacksmith, you also need to visit some shrines and to open the spots that say opportunity or trap.
Explore everything in the game and you will come to understand how to choose your cards.
Also, there are a few cards that will upgrade your basic attacks as well.
I am not an expert in this game. I am just beginning to figure things out Little by little.

By Yvonnezed on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 - 02:39

First, the rewards menu is under meta progression on the main screen. Under that are the classes and you can pay for upgrades with the in game currency the name of which currently escapes me, ☺️

For the trickier stuff, well I hate to say it but it's all about practice and strategy and playing style. Trying to pick cards that work well together and complement each other. Knowing what powers the monsters have and what you'll need to have to deal with them. It's not always about pure power, it's often about protecting yourself from the things the monsters are doing, too.

Also, and this is a thing I didn't realise, you shouldn't always accept every card you're offered. Having a deck that's too big can sometimes be worse than not having enough cards, since you can die while you're waiting for the things you need to turn up in your hand.

Anyway, I'm no expert, this and conjury are the only deck builders I've played, but that's just a couple of thoughts.

By mistermouse on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 - 02:39

Thanks for the suggestions.
I found that the issue was on my side somewhere hidden in the screen time settings of iOS that prevented in app purchases... I guess this shows how rare it is that I buy something, but this game is worth it!
For choosing the type of energy, I found d that the game prioritises non holy and only if that runs out it grabs holy for neutral.

For people that struggle, my tips are to keep your deck small and only take rewards if they fully synergise with your strategy. Also focus a little more on defences or heals rather than only pure damage. Even when it does not synergise, still try to grab a rare card in the first area and go to the alchemist to upgrade it for 35 gold. Always go for the opportunities first and leave the shrines for later when you possibly have more suitable cards for it. Be nice to the stranger and he will become a merchant which might sell you some awesome cards. Good luck and have fun.


By Missy Hoppe on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 - 02:39

I thoroughly enjoy just muddling through and trying to figure things out through trial and error, but some of the shrines really confuse me. The way I thought I understood things, you're supposed to pick a card to sacrifice, trade or whatever. Then, it shows a list of cards, which frequently includes the one you chose on the previous screen. I'm just not sure exactly how that particular aspect of the game is supposed to work. Everything is working well for me, for the most part, but I feel like I'd do even better if I understood how those interactions worked. I also want to agree with what others have said about trying to get upgrades at every opportunity and exploring every single area offered.

By DrummerGuy on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 - 02:39

If I remember correctly, when you sacrifice a card in one of the shrines, the cost of the card or its power is divided among other cards.
Of course, this card gets removed and destroyed.
I, hope I remember that correctly.

By joshl on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 - 02:39

Hi all,
I am having trouble getting past the opening screen while VO is turned on. When I turn it off, it seems like a native screen reader comes on. Is it possible to play the game with VO alone, and if so, How?

By Nolly on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 - 02:39

The arcanist class without any rewards unlocked takes a certain amount of patience, especially early in a run. Let's say on turn 1 you start with only one or two base weapons. Ordinarily your first thought is to use one or both cards and move onto turn 2. This however is inefficient since a lot of a starting arcanists' power comes from chains. I've found it's best to play either a single shield card or nothing and move onto turn 2 giving you 3 to 4 INT to maximize your chain damage.

As you progress further in the run I would look for cards that either create other free cards or increase the amount of damage the longer you have it in your hand such as Gathering storm.

Shrines can be a bit confusing at first but here are a few things I've learned.
Only certain cards can be upgraded such as melee attack damage, poison damage and magic damage with numeric values. Trying to upgrade something like a surge card doesn't appear to do anything, wasting the upgrade chance. However if the shrine gives you the option to give a surge card as a second option it will duplicate the surge card you offer.
Sacrificing a card to upgrade another is random and appears to only upgrade a card of the same type, however if you do not own any cards that can be upgraded of the same type not only do you lose the sacrificed card but nothing happens and the upgrade fails once again losing the chance to upgrade.

I should mention that once you are at the final screen showing the newly upgraded card successful or failure it will still continue to show you a card list with your newest cards on the end. This however is not a current deck list of your current cards but appears to be more of a history of the cards you've gained, lost or upgraded.

All in all learning what you can or can't upgrade isn't too difficult to figure out so long as you learn the card type, rarity and color. This information comes in handy especially when upgrading a card through the alchemist.