BitLife - Life Simulator


Description of App

How will you live your BitLife?

Will you try to make all the right choices in an attempt to become a model citizen sometime before you die? You could marry the man/woman of your dreams, have kids, and pick up a good job along the way.

Or will you make choices that horrify your parents? You could descend into a life of crime, start prison riots, smuggle duffle bags, and cheat on your spouse.

It's all up to you...



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iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

As of today, the game is accessible again.

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The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

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24 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Moopie Curran 10 months ago



By DMNagel on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

I just meant if you're successful at rushing the fraternity.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

I hope so to. They could revamp the home burglary and all that aren't accessible. In prison there are new popups. There was a summer job to tar the roof and they asked if I was willing to do it and I did along with other inmates. This is my new life I got. I was conceived after a skydiving instructor charmed his way inside my mother during a tandum jump. So my dad is unknown and I have a new stepfather with lots of money and 77% kindness so I think I will be very good.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

In reply to by Ornella

Ornella, lol your head was to small? Why would she leave you for that. Wow, i haven’t killed someone by insulting them after they break up with me lol. It’d be cool if we can have more than one partner at once. Like cheating. I know we can do that already, but if you start dating someone else while with your partner, they leave. We could have a love triangle. Or a love square. Or a love whatever lol. What the hell. He charmed his way into your mother? Thats a little to honest lol. So thats your dad. The sky diver instructor. Since he was the last guy who was inside your mom.
Dm, o shoot,the winners are announced today? I didn’t realize that. I really hope bitlife wins. Not because i play a lot or anything, but because it could make them realize how important accessibility is. Even though they’ve come a long way by making the relationship bars and other things accessible. And like ornella said, hopefully they change up the burglary and other mini games, accessibility wise.
I got fired from a job because they said i don’t go to enough funerals. Lol. That was a dumb reason. So i sued them. And won. I got kind of bored with that life, so i started a new one lol. This life i’m going to try to be a famous singer. My parents divorced when i was like 5. My mom married my step dad who was in the marines and had 94% money. I think she likes military guys because my dad is in the navy. I decided to call my new dad, dude. He pranked me by saying i’m invisible. My mom didn’t care. O my sister got pregnant at age 14. I don’t know if thats possible for us. My step brother married my dog and had a baby with her lol. I added my dog to the game. So far, no luck getting the backup vocolist job. I’m refreshing the list every time to see if it pops up.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

Well I don't know which skydiving instructer she hooked up with. Lol. I laughed when you said your sister dated your dog. I was like what? But you added the name. Lol. I see that background vocalist job but I could never get it because I'm not experienced yet. Now I'm working as an ingineer hoping to get the pilot job. And finally I made it in to a ferturnity. I can't remember the question but I think I knew the answer. I think it was about something with a horse on wings and I tapped on Pegasus. Then I applied and didn't have to answer any questions. And got a dumb seashell for today.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

In reply to by Ornella

Maybe she hooked up with all the instructors there. LOL JK. I refresh the list like 10 times to see if the background vocalist is there, but nothing. So I just got tired of it and took the foot model job. Do you know if being a model can get you famous? I wanted to be a singer because I named this character, Holly wood. And I was born in Los Angeles. LOL. I did that on purpose. You have to go to school for engineering to get the pilot job. And I think you also have to go to grad school. Since you joined a frat house, can you do any activities within? Because with the cliques, you can’t do anything. The only thing you can do is just drop out. And I got an Atari 2600. And it’s only worth $28. So I guess it’s OK.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

Oh dam. I didn't even go to grad school. Well I will try again some other time. You can't do anything with in the ferturnities. Only drop out so nothing special but it helps with not having to answer any aweful interview questions. I'm not sure if you will be a famous moddle but the first one is foot model then some other type. What are the requirements to be a mortition? It only says university but don't know what to study for that. Lol.

By Moopie Curran on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

I swear, bitlife is a riot, just the combinations of stuff it comes up with. So I was playing bitlife as myself, the elementary school I attended was "Mickey Mouse Elementary School", a public school. Then in middle or high school, I can't remember which, I had a science teacher named Mickey Mouse. This is all in the same bitlife mind you, lol. I have so many custom people, so I don't know why Mickey Mouse pops up a lot, lol, what do they think this is, Disneyworld?
I just thought that was funny and I would share, lol.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

The Christmas popups are coming in. I only got one so far saying what do I want to bring to the Christmas party and I think I chose a sticky pudding. I have 1 ungreatful child. I payed for her education and her appreciation was 0%. She gave me plenty trouble while growing up but it was effective when I talked to her so I thought she would've been nicer when asking me to pay for her schooling. One time at a play date she and her friends gave each other haircuts and instead of grounding her I talked to her and the effectiveness was 89%. Another time she replaced my lunch with a dirty sock in my lunchbox and again when I talked to her the effectiveness was 90% and she said she loved me. The next daughter when I payed for her education her appreciation was 89%. And another personal diary just what I need bitlife.

Ornela, when you say skipping interviews, what do you mean? Like job interviews? Its a foot model, then a hand model, then a catalogue model, i think. for a mortician, i think you would have to study biology. Chemistry if you want to be an embalmer. Since they deal with chemicals and stuff like that. So did you ever get the pilot job? You said you forgot to go To grad school but like i said, not sure if you need that. I was just curious. I haven’t had pudding in a long time. A christmas party? Was it for work? When ever i talk to my kids, the effectiveness is always low, never above 10. Wow you did something right for your daughter’s appreciation to be 89% for school lol. I got a funeral urn. Lets if anyone wants this.
Moopie, i got that one time. I attended an elementary school named squarepants elementary school. And of course the principal was spongebob himself. And gary the snail and squidword were teachers lol. Then in middle school, i had mr. krabs and sandy as teachers. The life i’m currently playing, my dog is my sister-in-law. Lol. My brother married her.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

I didn't get the pilot job. Will try again in another life. Yes when you rush a ferturnity and you get out of university then apply for a job someone will hire you and tap on thanks bro or something like that. That Christmas party I think it was for work but its a random popup.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

In reply to by Ornella

Interesting. And why do they hire you without an interview? Just because you join a frat house? I need to try that sometime. I haven’t been able to join a fraternity or sorority ever since those were available in the game. So I am a lingerie model LOL. I think the order goes foot model, hand model, catalog model, lingerie model, and runway model. All different types of models at the modeling company. I am not famous. Hopefully this job will get me famous. So my mom died and I donated her body to science. That’s what she gets for not doing anything about by stepdad pulling pranks on me. One time, when I was a teenager, I think 14, I had some friends stay the night and he left his penis pump on the living room floor. Lol. like who does that. Especially when he knows there’s going to be a group of girls staying the night. Also, when I asked her for money, she only gave me four dollars. That’s another reason why I donated her body. But in the end, I got 8000. Which I used to make myself look hotter LOL.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

If you join a ferturnity and you go for a job interview someone will recognize you so you won't need to answer any of those aweful questions. I'm living in france and have good smarts but my looks are really poor. My real parents gave me up for adoption so I think I might be good unless if someone gets in my way.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

In reply to by Ornella

O ok. I see what you mean. Since you say that your smarts are good, you can try for the pilot job. I am a famous supermodel. I didn’t think I would gain fame from doing modeling. Every time I do a nude photo shoot, my dad argues with me. I just apologize to him LOL. Thank God my wretched stepdad died. I skipped his funeral all together. Also, my 12-year-old nephew died and I was in charge of the funeral. Like why couldn’t my brother handle that. It was his son after all. I donated his body to science LOL. I think bedrooms and bathrooms make a difference when it comes to the houses. I have a haunted castle that is nine bedrooms and eight bathrooms. I threw a house party there and only 215 guests showed up. I also have an equestrian property that is nine bedrooms and 11 bathrooms. I threw a house party there and 420 guests showed up. The cops showed up and I argued with them. They found people using laughing gas at my party. But since I’m rich and famous. I got away with it LOL. Have you ever bought a haunted mansion or seen one? I really want one. Also, I’ve been meaning to ask you, do you have the witchcraft achievement? The one where the witch doctor cures your disease or whatever.

By DMNagel on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

However another text game did. Oh the irony given all the previous whining regarding the lack of great games lol.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

Yeah I kind of got mad but I also laughed especially about the way how people complain about the lack of good games and this one didn't make it. If this app makes it in next year I will still vote for it. X2, I'm staying away from the haunted mansions and houses but yes I've seen them. I do have the witchcraft achievement.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

Dm, i just saw the winners not to long ago. I was kind of disappointed bitlife didn’t win. The award would’ve probably improved the accessibility. I’m not saying that its not accessible, but it could be a little better. Wait, people whine about games? I haven’t been on this site very long, only a few months, so i don’t really know about people whining.
Ornella, i agree with you. If bitlife makes it on next years list, i’ll vote for it as well. O yeah i forgot that you stay away from haunted houses lol, sorry. What did the witch doctor cure? And did you die from it?

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

Omg i went to prison at the age of 16! I didn’t think that was possible. My x boyfriend put a restraining order on me after stalking him. And i’m pregnant lol. I’m a pregnant teen doing time for stalking my boyfriend. I’m in for 2 years. Lets see what a pregnant teen can do in prison. Lol. Also, i got a dumb seashell for an heirloom.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

X2, I got a really sweet heirloom today. Michael Jordon's rookey card worth 50k. I got 39k for it. Imagine a 5 year old having that amount of money. My looks are really bad though like 3%. When pregnant in prison you can't do anything special just the usual stuff when you normally go there. I think I was in prison at age 17 for dating an under aged guy and was there for a year. That was when the game was barely accessible. For the witchcraft thing I got it cured that's how I got the achievement but I can't remember what it was. That was like a very long time ago. Dm, I saw all the people whining for the past couple of months and still doing it now as we speak. I just watch it and laugh. They cry like toddlers but if you tell them go make a complexed game for them self they can't say anything. My original post on this thread here was never meant to bash dice world but to show that people could only hide behind their computers and phones and just say bad things to other people. I personally don't play diceworld anymore but I won't bash them because its a good app and people like to play their games. I just got tired of it. I bet the only people who voted for bitlife are just us who come on here and try to keep this thread alive and maybe a few others but I hope they make it in next year.

By DMNagel on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

I must admit, I wasn't in the mood for a long rant, So I can see how my first post on that thread can easily be seen by others as somewhat aggressive towards other games lol. Oh well.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

Yeah me to. I was kind of upset but when I thought about it, it worked out well for the whiners. On to other things. France doesn't have any frat or sororities. Dam. Lol. Also you have to be 19 to take the driving test. So I passed mines and my parents wanted to buy me a purple ford focus. I turned it down and asked for a more expensive car. My parents said I'm an ungreatful driggle draggle. I laughed at that one. They took away the car they were originally going to buy me. Haha. And $500 for a haircut. best I stay home and cut my own hair. I do think if they add some form of clothing that could also improve looks for people who don't want to do plastic surgery. So like if you wear a nice dress or for the guys a nice jeans and hat or what ever that could make you look good.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

So I wasted my education for nothing. I tried to get the mortition job and failed the interview. Now I'm working as an exorsist in a church. But the mortition job was paying really good like over 40k. I settled for 27k. My supervisor stole 2 staplers and handed me one. I reported him to hr. Any time I report my supervisor, most times I don't last long in that job. When my parents refused me the car I wanted I took out a loan and got one and a town house in the same year. I forgot to say that in my past life as a male character I got a weird santa popup. I can't remember the exact thing but it was sexual and I reported him to the mall security. Lol.

Ornella, wow! You did something right to be in bitlife’s good graces lol. Hey, who cares how you look. Thats why you have money. To make yourself prettier lol. I know, my baby was taken from me. Wait, how did you get arrested by dating an underage person? If you were 17. Your considered a minor. Well, in the US you are. What country did it happen in? No only the US and canada have frats and sisterhoods lol. $500? For a haircut? Wow, like you said, might as well cut your own hair lol. Time to invest in some hair clippers. I wouldn’t mind clothes at all. Actually, i could go for some designer clothes like gucci, louis vuitton, chanel, versace, and much much more. Lol now i’m getting carried away. But i agree about wearing clothes to improve our looks. I hate the interviews. Even though i haven’t failed one once, they make me nervous lol. 27k for an exorcist? Thats not bad at all. Well, then again, you live in france. Everyone at the work place are hypocrites. They expect you to be cool or have there back when they get in trouble or do something stupid. But when we do that to them, they get there panties in a twist and report us to hr. I got 2 christmas related scenarios so far. One was when i was a child and my mom brought out a big dish of colorful and sweet christmas cookies. I forgot what the options were but i chose the one in a shape of a christmas tree. I forgot what the other one was about. Lol souds like santa was trying to be a ho ho ho. Lol.
Dm, so i got curious about what you and ornella meant by people whining. And wow. You guys weren’t joking around. I found some threads, i won’t say names, but they were just, wow. Forget netflix. the real show is on here. Lol. I didn’t think people would act like that. Especially in the blind community. And no you didn’t come off as aggressive.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

When I went to prison at age 17 yes I was a minor but the guy was 15 years old so I'm the older one and I got busted for it. Lol. I think I lived in Canada where nothing good happens for me. Yes santa was being a ho ho ho. I think he whispered something in my ear but can't remember what it was and I reported him to mall security. And yes now I just watch the comments on those thread when I'm bored and shake my head and sometimes have a good laugh. Speaking about tv shows, all I will say is I want a santa like what meg had in family guy this week. Lol. I'm still laughing at it. Well not at that particular part but the whole show in general. When you watch it I know for a fact that you will like it.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

In reply to by Ornella

O canada, your favorite place in the world. Lol. I still don’t get why you would get arrested since you both were minors. And its pretty common for people to date at that age. People younger than that date. Lol now i’m just overthinking it. Anyway, santa whispered something in your ear? Lol talk about creepy. Were you sitting on his lap? And were you a kid or an adult. Sorry for all the questions, i’m just curious. I’m a curious person lol. Theres a new episode? I’ll have to check. Lol o god, when you said meg and santa in the same sentence, i started laughing. I’m wondering what she got into now. Yesterday, i was watching the one where meg falls in love with brian and kidnaps him. I don’t know if you’ve seen that one. In fact, i’m going to watch it after i post this comment. Yeah, i just started laughing as well when i was reading some threads. Lets see what i get today. A china set? Really? No one ever buys this. O i almost forgot to ask you, have you ever said no when it asks you if you want to vaccinate your child? If you have, do they get more sick? Or is there health poor. I’ve always said yes to vaccination but i was just wondering.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

For the santa thing I was an adult so yeah that's creepy. Actually 17 isn't really a minor. 15 is so of course the older person will get in trouble. I've always vaxcinated my kids but if you're against it nothing will happen. I forgot to ask, how did you get your child taken away from you? And yes I watched all the episodes of that show but can't remember some of them. Anyway enjoy it.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

In reply to by Ornella

Lol omg so you were an adult. At least it didn’t happen while you were a kid. But still. Well yeah, thats true. 18 is a legal adult. Lots of places let you do certain things from 16 or 17 and up. To do all, its 18. Of course, i’m speaking from the US point of view. So don’t quote me lol. I don’t know how it is in other countries. O ok i was wondering if you would have problems with your kid if you didn’t vaccinate them, health wise. I got my baby taken away in prison. I gave birth there lol. I just had the baby normally but it didn’t say that the guards took him away or anything like that. Me too. I’ve watched every episode countless times. So i watched the new one and omg meg is a mess lol. Now i get why you were laughing afterwords. Stewie also made me laugh when brian told him about what happened to meg. And the part he asked for a new dog . Lol.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

Whats the biggest house anyone’s owned? The biggest i found was 10 bedrooms and 11 bathrooms. Is that the max for a house? Or has anyone had bigger homes.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

The biggest is the 10 and 11 what you said. Wait I can't remember if the palace has 13 bedrooms. And that happened to me in Canada with the underaged thing. And for that family guy yes it made me laugh and meg got some love in a weird way that's why I said I wanted a santa like that. Haha.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

In reply to by Ornella

Wow! 13 bedrooms? I know in real life there’s houses, or should I say mansions, with way more bedrooms, but I’ve never seen that many in BitLife. I’m going to look for a palace then. I want to buy the biggest house possible. LOL do you want some Christmas joy from Santa? Write him a letter, JK. And he sure did bring Meg joy in a good way LOL.So I think the Friends update is coming out soon. But Bitlife just rolled out the generations update for android yesterday and I got bored, so I started reading the comments. Just to get a good laugh lol. Since you know, iOS and android are always at each others throats.A lot of people were saying that it was going to come out on the 21st, which is this Saturday. Which to me, seems unlikely since it’s the weekend and BitLife usually rolls out updates during the week. I mean, I could be wrong but given their track record. Also, have you heard of a game called Alter Ego? Well, someone tweeted at the developers saying that, alter ego is better than BitLife. Since bit life is random by chance and you don’t know what to expect or something like that. Also, alter ego is imageless so it makes it better. That’s what the tweet said. I started laughing at that. Whoever plays alter ego and thinks that’s how life works, then they don’t know what life really is. Yes, some situations can happen but in that game, everything is to be expected. Where as in BitLife, you don’t know what’s going to happen and everything is random. Which, that’s how life works. I’m not saying that alter ego is a bad game because I’ve played it before. The first few times playing both genders was pretty fun, but after a while, it gets really boring and repetitive and you know what to expect. Again, I’m not bashing alter ego or anything, just comparing the two.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

Haha you made me laugh at that santa thing. I could be wrong about the palace but I think I saw one with 13 bedrooms and I can't remember how much baths given that I payed 13 million for it I'm guessing that each of the rooms it self costs a million. Alter ego wants nothing with this game. First of all the dev of that game is not an open minded person and not because of that but what you said. You know what to expect and its very repetitive and nothing random happens. I dumped that game from my phone. I got my $5 use out of it and that was it. Anyways, I got another gas pump and for some reason no one wants it and usually it gets sold. I've adjusted the price and its in really good condition. I will keep it for a while and if no one wants it will donate it. And what I said yesterday did happen. I got fired from my job because of the stapler thing. I'm now a house keeper working for around the same amount as an exhorsist. I'm going to age up and what ever life throws at me deal with it because my life is borring. I also forgot to say that both of my parents died and I took out my revenge on them. They called me an ungreatful driggle draggle when I asked for a more expensive car and took back the car they were originally going to give me so both of them wanted to be cremated and I donated their body to science costing me 0 dollars and 0 cents. My brother and I didn't get 1 red cent from them so that's what they get.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

In reply to by Ornella

I’m still looking for a palace. None has popped up yet, but i still have hope. I bought another manor on the same street as my previous haunted castle, which i sold. I think its on the same street because it has the same street name as my castle did. Wow, you have some strong feelings towards that game lol. Of course, its your opinion, i’m just saying. But i get where your coming from. I think i still have it on my phone, i should delete it. Lol you got fired for reporting your supervisor for stealing staplers? Which belong to the company? I would’ve sued my job for that. Lol what the hell is a driggle draggle? Thats a funny word. I think i called my mom that when i insulted her at the age of 6. They should have a vengeful ribbon lol. I would definitely get it. Considering the fact that i can be to vengeful lol. I got a stupid movie camera worth $22. I have lots of heirlooms and there piling up cause no one wants them. My coworker pranked me by putting a cut out behind the bathroom door and it said that i almost had a heart attack lol. I started laughing at that. My son called someone a moron in school and i had a talk with him and his receptiveness was 79%. Which was a first time that i got one that high. Do you know how to increase your net worth? Do you have to buy cars and houses? Or just have lots of money. Do you know how that works?

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

To increase your net worth yes you need to buy more stuff but if you over buy you could become broke because they take out money to maintain them. If you're lucky then do what I do keep your house for a few years and let the value go up and make a profit on it. Sadly that don't work for cars. I got a paint set. Bitlife thinks I'm painting my house for Christmas. Lol. I'm now living in my favourite country. Canada. My dad sampled my mom's cookie at a bakery or something along those lines and that's how I was conceived but it said that my father is unknown. Have a stupid step father. Kindness 7%.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

In reply to by Ornella

Yeah, I know that they take money out to maintain. I can’t sell my houses, they’re big and beautiful. I like them big lol. I have three properties, two manors and an equestrian property. And they’re all above 3 million, I mean their value. So if I wanted to make a profit, I easily can. And I hate how we can’t take care of our cars. I really wish that we could paint them. That way we could buy the car we want and paint it the color we want. And try to make it last as long as possible. In real life, I know someone who has a car from 1958 and it still in good condition Believe it or not. I’m pretty sure he had more than a sample of her cookie. LOL JK. I’ve gotten that one before as well. And I was in Canada. I’m pretty sure your stepdad is also sampling your mom‘s cookie. LOL. I don’t know if you noticed but if one of our parents remarries someone then divorces them, were still in contact with our step siblings, if we have any. One time, my dad married my step mom, who is 10 years younger than me, and a year later, she divorced him. Anyway, when I went to the Relationships tab, it’s said ex step brother. Like it would say their name and then what they were. Has that ever happened to you? I forgot to say that when I was in middle school, My friend asked me to skip school with her so we can go mail letters to Santa. I said yes. Also, the paparazzi‘s are weird. I got a pop-up that said, while using the restroom, a paparazzi begins taking pictures Of your exposed parts. I think I called the police. If I’m going to be exposing my goodies to the world, I better be getting paid. LOL. No one gets this show for free.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

Wow I have good timing. Your post was a few minutes ago and I didn't really check on here for the day. That never happened to me before. My mom never divorced my stepfather. I know when I divorce a guy with kids they don't appear at all in the relationships tab as x or anything. I'm getting plenty Christmas popups these days. They asked what decoration do I want to put at my work station and I chose a tiny Christmas tree. Almost went for the disco ball. I hate when you call the police for something really serious and it said the police warned you for wasting their time. I mean a hooker assaulted me so I took her to court and won. For that thing you said about them taking pictures of you in the bathroom I got that and even famous calling the police I would get the same result. I'm always wasting their time. And why can't we own a gun. Think about it most famous people in real life own a registered gun.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

In reply to by Ornella

Lol well, i have horrible timing because your post was 6 hourrs ago. I had a busy day today. I haven’t gotten any christmas popups like that yet. Maybe because i’m famous? I don’t know. O yeah, now that you mention it, i don’t see our x step kids when we divorce. Omg yes, i agree with you about the cops. One time it said that i saw someone being cruel to a dog, what do you want to do? So i intervened and the person assaulted me. So i decided to call the police and they said to stop wasting their time. I also hate when they arrive late and don’t catch the person in time. Has that ever happened to you? Not just famous people, regular people own guns as well. That would be nice though. To own one or some type of weapon. Like a taser or baton. Now that you mention about owning a gun, where or how do we automatically have a gun when we perform a drive by? Like think about it. Man i hate celebrity feuds. An actor and writer insulted me during interviews. I returned the insult and my fame dropped to 50% lol. The other one i just ignored it. I wish we can interact with other famous people. Like hang out with them, be in commercials with them, and invite them to parties. O and date them. In real life, famous people don’t date regular people. They date famous people. My husband is a real estate agent. I don’t know why he went to school for chemistry since he didn’t end up using his degree. I want to date someone as famous and as rich as i am lol. If i have expensive taste in cars and houses, my men should be expensive as well lol.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

I agree with you. Where do we even get a gun when doing a drive by. Yeah regular people would own guns to but imagine if you're famous you could have anything you want and for those types of public situations I know famous people they hire body guards and depending on what it is they would have an army of security. Why can't we have that to? I get the thing with the police showing up late lots of times and the thing before it would say got to love law enforcement. I agree with your second point that we should get someone famous to date as well. I got a slot machine as an heirloom. I think this is my first time getting this. Worth $5000. I hate selebrity fudes as well. I returned the insult and my fame went up by 100 so I think its random.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

In reply to by Ornella

Well, thats true. If you were rich, we could own anything. O yeah i agree. I wish we can hire body guards. That would be fun. It’d also be fun if we could sleep with our guards and cheat lol. Omg you’ve been getting some really good heirlooms. I got a stupid seashell. I think the bit gods are doing this to me because i have lots of money, so they think that i need bad heirlooms. I feel like if you return the insult in a feud and your fame goes up, then the other person isn’t well liked. I’m not well liked lol. Because i lost 50% of my fame. But i got it back up to 100 but it took a while.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

I still think its random because one time I returned the insult and my fame dropped to 50 and in another game I returned it again to someone else and then it went to 100. I hate when you have to keep adjusting the prices on stuff to sell. I mean either take it or don't or just set an asking price. I have to age up a few and sell my machine. I think I might migrate and move to the US not sure yet.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

The friends update is here. I can't get to post the stuff they added but I think that prison and other mini games might be accessible now. They said there are swipe controls or something like that. I already downloaded it but going to eat some dinner now so if I find out anything significant will post but they added new sinarios for childhood and other things.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

What a year, Bitizens! Together, we made BitLife the #5 most downloaded game of the year! Let's celebrate with one of your most popular requests of 2019: FRIENDS. Fair warning though: this Friends Update includes not just friends and best friends but also enemies. We'll leave it up to you as to who you keep closer. With that, friends, we wish you all a wonderful holiday season filled with hours of BitLife by the fireside. Here's the full list of new things in this update: • Make friends throughout your life • Befriend your classmates, teachers, co-workers, and even your supervisors • Turn your friends into best friends or enemies • Are you a bad friend? Maybe you'll become someone else's enemy! • Prank your friends, start rumors about them, give them advice, go partying, and many more hilarious interactions • New countries: Austria, Bahamas, DR Congo, Costa Rica, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Mongolia, Nepal, Ukraine, & Vietnam • New childhood scenarios • Saving multiple lives is now easier to understand (hopefully!) • Burglary and prison riot mini-games now have swipe controls • Holiday surprises! • The usual gamut of bug fixes, life refinements, and new textual content

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

In reply to by Ornella

I got you. I posted the update already. I can’t wait to play and find new things. OMG yes tell me about it. I hate adjusting the price as well. Before it was easier, well I think it was. It was a take it or leave it type of situation. Then people tried to lowball you. One time I tried to sell one of my houses for 280,000 and someone offered to buy it for 258,000. I was like, get out of my face LOL. I still have a huge pile of heirlooms just sitting there collecting dust. Haven’t decided whether to donate them or scrap them. After you updated, did you lose your character? Like did you have to restart all over again.

By Moopie Curran on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

I see I'm a day late and a dollar short (gee, what else is new, lol), but anyway, there's a new update out. I noticed a little blurb about mini games being made to work with swipe gestures. I have things to do now, but I can't wait until my ceremonial pre-sleep bitlife game to see what happens, lol.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

When I can't sell an heirloom I donate all instead of scrapping them. When you update you don't lose your character it just continues from there with the new stuff. Also thanks for posting the new things on here. I was in a hurry. Lol.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

Well for me at least they still aren't accessible. Had to turn vo off to do the swipe things I was able to grab items in people's home but I didn't know how to get out. X2, I remembered you telling me how instlife had a better version of home burglary. The only way this and any of the other mini games could really become accessible is if someone explains it to them and make sure that they actually see the tweat and might do something about it. I made my first friend.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

In reply to by Ornella

ornella, I’ll probably just donate them. Thanks for that. Oh OK, I just wanted to make sure it doesn’t reset your character. Remember with the school update it reseted your character so you can experience the School update. I think that’s why they reset it for the update. O ok I was just wondering if they did the same for this one. It’s updating while I am typing this. Can’t wait to play. Yeah, I kind of figured you were busy. Really? How did you grab items? When you say swipe, what do you mean? And yeah, Instlife had a better burglary option, accessibility wise. It would ask you what kind of house you wanted to rob, what way you wanted to go in, and it would tell you the items you see and how much they were. And there would be two options, keep going or escape. And the deeper you got into the house, the higher the risk was of being caught. But also, the more expensive the valuables would become. I mean, BitLife can still leave the games how they are but they should also have a way for the app to Tell whether someone is using Voiceover or not. I don’t know, just to make it fun for everyone. And I feel like if we wanted them to see a tweet like that, they would have to be following someone. I see a lot of people tweeting at them and they reply. And who is your new friend?
Moopie, let’s see what kind of mischief your custom characters Get themselves into lol.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

Well since I turned off voice over I only hear the cash bell when I swipe either left or right if I'm even lucky. I don't know what the items are and I always get caught because obviously I don't know where the exit is. When I was 3 years old I got a random pop up sayig there's this girl from australia and you could be friends or unfriend so I started hanging out with her. When I get older there might be other things to do.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

In reply to by Ornella

I fell asleep playing lol. Just woke up, i’m going to finish my game. Yeah, i played with the burglary option yesterday and i got lots of things but like you said, its the exit that we can’t find. I’ve escaped but only because i either got chased by a dogg or the owner comes home. Maybe the prison riot might be a little easier. But then again, its like a snake. You can’t run into the guards, chain of prisoners, or the walls. But who knows, i might have to try that. Wow you were 3 and made a friend? Hopefully it lasts. I got a new popup, well, i think its new. My friends at school dared me to ask out a girl and i did. But she turned me down lol. I got a kimono for today’s heirloom. I don’t think i ever gotten that before.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

So i thought there was a tab called friends where you can meet new people. But the only way i found to make friends is at work or school. Theres now a befriend option. I don’t know if thats how you make them or what. So far i made 2 friends at work. You can go to a concert, go to a party, and watch youtube with them. Along with the usual options like spend time, hook up, prank, etc. also, if you watch youtube with them, it makes the sound when you have sex lol. The first time i heard it, i started laughing. I’m still exploring the update, i’ll post anything new if i find some.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:42

Befriend means to become friends with them. I will tell you my situation just now. So You could either make friends when you get a random popup or like you said in school or work. Now when you spend time and you choose to be best friends with that person, more stuff will come up. I started laughing at that youtube thing. In my opinion bitlife just giving those youtubers a plug because they play their game. I only noticed a few of the youtubers not all of them. I mostly only watch bidju Mike. Don't really like Lauren side to much. The prison riot isn't accessible either nor the escape. So back to square 1. So for me now, I'm living in the US and I'm a female and I made friends with this girl at the age of 3. I didn't do anything with her and when I started school I unfriended her. I met this nice girl named Holly Lee and we spend time and party and all the things there is to do. Then she asked me if we could be best friends and I agreed. In the same year another girl wanted to be my friend but I had an ulteria motive. She had 0 looks and was very borring so I spread a rumour about her each year. I never hang out or nothing. This now started so I will see how it goes. I got that kimono thing earlier in the week. I don't know what it is. Will have to look it up some time. Bitlife thinks its raining a lot in my country which is very true so they gave me an umbrella.