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iOS and iPadOS App Directory by Snorlax
Usability Rating: There are some accessibility issues with this app, but it can still be used if you are willing to tolerate these issues and learn how to work around them.
20 comments. Last update or comment 6 years 11 months ago
Forum Topic by Robin
1 comments. Last update or comment 5 years 2 months ago
Forum Topic by LBM
6 comments. Last update or comment 5 years 2 months ago
Forum Topic by Jim
1 comments. Last update or comment 5 years 2 months ago
Forum Topic by m311b
4 comments. Last update or comment 5 months 4 weeks ago
Forum Topic by Hubert
2 comments. Last update or comment 5 years 2 months ago
Forum Topic by Joseph
6 comments. Last update or comment 5 years 2 months ago
Forum Topic by Nicol
3 comments. Last update or comment 5 years 2 months ago
Forum Topic by gallagher123123
2 comments. Last update or comment 5 years 2 months ago
Forum Topic by treky fan
0 comments. Last update or comment 5 years 2 months ago
Forum Topic by Lielle ben simon
0 comments. Last update or comment 5 years 2 months ago
Hardware or Accessory Review by Scott Davert
4 comments. Last update or comment 5 years 2 months ago
Podcast by AppleVis
2 comments. Last update or comment 5 years 2 months ago
Apple Watch App Directory by Ted Drake
Usability Rating: Partially Accessible
0 comments. Last update or comment 4 years 5 months ago
Apple Watch App Directory by Ted Drake
Usability Rating: Mostly Accessible
0 comments. Last update or comment 4 years 5 months ago
Forum Topic by Marc Baillargeon
4 comments. Last update or comment 5 years 2 months ago
Apple Watch App Directory by Ted Drake
Usability Rating: Fully Accessible
0 comments. Last update or comment 4 years 5 months ago
Forum Topic by Tina
1 comments. Last update or comment 5 years 2 months ago
Forum Topic by Gus Pacleb
11 comments. Last update or comment 5 years 2 months ago
Apple Watch App Directory by Ted Drake
Usability Rating: Fully Accessible
0 comments. Last update or comment 4 years 5 months ago
iOS and iPadOS App Directory by burak
Usability Rating: The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver, but the interface could be easier to navigate and use.
0 comments. Last update or comment 5 years 8 months ago
Blog Post by AppleVis
0 comments. Last update or comment 5 years 2 months ago
Forum Topic by Ell
0 comments. Last update or comment 5 years 2 months ago
iOS and iPadOS App Directory by AnonyMouse
Usability Rating: The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver, but the interface could be easier to navigate and use.
29 comments. Last update or comment 1 year 9 months ago
Forum Topic by cjackson
4 comments. Last update or comment 5 years 2 months ago