Seeking feedback and suggestions for the Blindfold series of iOS games

By KidFriendlySoftware, 13 November, 2015

iOS and iPadOS Gaming

Tennis is on my list of games. Would people want the game to use arm movements like the Wii, or use your finger on the screen?

Also, are there any other games or suggestions that you have for the Blindfold series of iOS games?



I may look into that for the future. Maybe combine it with an iTunes music download option.

By FlickType on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 - 19:28

Hi Marty,

I think there was some other thread where you mentioned that the lack of an API to stop VoiceOver announcements (current & queued) was preventing you from utilizing VoiceOver announcements and making your games as accessible as possible. If it's useful to you or anyone else, I have found some workarounds that I am using successfully in our FlickType Keyboard, and the code is open source. Here's the relevant file with my TextToSpeech class

Hope this helps, and I'd be happy to provide any additional help on this if you need it.

Warmly, Kosta

By KidFriendlySoftware on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 - 19:28

In reply to by FlickType

How did you discover it?

By FlickType on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 - 19:28

Lots of trial and error.
- Kosta

By Julia on Thursday, April 11, 2019 - 19:28

The accessible version of Piano Tiles would be amazing and fun!

By KidFriendlySoftware on Thursday, April 11, 2019 - 19:28

In reply to by Julia

good idea

By Jay on Thursday, April 11, 2019 - 19:28

Is there anyway you could make the basketball game multi-player? Kind of like a horse style game, or a shoot out type game.

By ming on Thursday, April 11, 2019 - 19:28

I hohp we can play tghis game sometime

By Country music fan on Thursday, April 11, 2019 - 19:28

Hi Marty. I’m new to AppleVis, and it’s my first time posting a comment. But I’m very interested in parenting. I’ve played blindfold doggy, and I love it! I was wondering though, if you could create a blindfold parenting game? Like with children in stead of animals? I’d like to raise my child from exactly the first day of bringing the child home from the hospital, waking up to it at night, feeding and changing, all that caring stuff. And I’d like the child to grow up. I’d also like the ability to teach the child words, and it can learn phrases, go to school. You know, the basic Mommy stuff. I’d like to raise it up to 18 years. I’d create something like this myself, but I wouldn’t know the first thing about programming and game development. Thank you so much. Loving your games so far

By Paige on Thursday, April 11, 2019 - 19:28

I totally agree!! And maybe have it kind of be like the sims, where the kids have skill levels that have to reach a certain amount before they can age up. Like toddlers need to reach potty training skill level 3 and stuff like that.

By KidFriendlySoftware on Thursday, April 11, 2019 - 19:28

In reply to by Country music fan

I like the idea, but it's awfully complex. I have a daughter who's ready to head to college and it was quite a journey for us. Anyway, I'll think about it - I've been pretty busy pulling together what we need the new company Objective Ed (see

We've been pretty busy with the educational games coming from Objective Ed.
When I do get a chance, I add improvements to the Blindfold Games that people have sent me.
More games will come in the future.

By Josh Kennedy on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 19:28

I'm going to get an iPod touch 7th gen next month for games, better mobile braille support and for other stuff iOS does good, and in the short term future, and iPad... Can't afford an iPhone but just want iOS devices to pick up in those areas where android lacks... anyway in the future an nfl football game would be nice, maybe partner with Karen who is in the EA-games accessibility department to make madden nfl accessible for iOS. When I get my iOS device I will also test out some of the dragon ball z games to see how accessible they are. I hope I can find at least one that is accessible since I really love that show and would love to play games of the show. They exist on iOS, how accessible they are I'm not sure until I have my iPod touch and can test them out.

By Matthew Whitaker on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 19:28

I would love a tennis game. I would add both options to use gestures or swinging your arm.

By Josh Kennedy on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 19:28

hi, Can you please add keyboard gestures to all the blindFold games? This would let people play the games who mostly use keyboards with their iOS devices. I know people who only use keyboards with their iPhones and who want to play using a bluetooth keyboard. It should not be too difficult to add keyboard gestures along with the touch gestures already implemented. and this could asisst teachers who want to use the games to teach their students keyboard keys and get them used to physical keyboards. Adding bluetooth keyboard support to all blindfold games could greatly increase their educational value.

By Josh Kennedy on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 19:28

in addition to those gestures for the tennis game, you could probably play it with just the left, right, down, and up arrows on a bluetooth keyboard.

By Josh Kennedy on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 19:28

Also, could you please add the Grizly Gulch western extraviganza game, and the Chillingham, former bavisoft games, make them iOS games by blindFold games? It would be fun to swing the phone to aim your gun, tap it to shoot, or just pair it with a bluetooth keyboard and play the traditional way, just using iOS to play grizly gulch with a bluetooth keyboard. But I would pay $4 or $5 to get a bunch more coins in the grizly gulch game.

By Josh Kennedy on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 19:28

Also in the future could yu port some of the popular GMA games to iOS such as tank commander, shades of doom, loan wolf, and the star trek 2000 game? And also that star trek game made by USA games would be another fun one to play on iOS devices.

By Josh Kennedy on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 19:28

How about a trucker simulation game where you can pick from among 5 or 6 different big rigs, and drive them across country delivering goods to trucking terminals in a set amount of time, while watching your speed, health, money, fuel, how much you sleep, driving thrgough through storms and blizards and stuff?

By ming on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 19:28

talking about GMA games. is this company still here?
maybe they can create some great games for IOS though.

By Jesse Anderson on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 19:28

Games from Bavisoft, GMA Games, and others likely won't be ported to IOS, and very likely won't be ported by Blindfold games. Without getting the rights and code, a developer can't just port someone else's games to whatever platform. Unless someone gets the rights, and updates these types of games for modern operating systems, these games are probably gone.

There used to be a port of an old PC game called Big Rig that was part of De Steno Games on IOS, but that app is no longer available. It had a few older text-based PC games, but it's gone too. You might be able to find some old PC version of Big Rigs somewhere online, but whether it would run or not is a whole different story.

By KidFriendlySoftware on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 19:28

In reply to by Josh Kennedy

If I remember correctly, we could not pick up the arrow keys from the keyboard. We had to use alternative keystrokes to do that.

Right now, we are focusing on education games for Objective Ed, but we will get back to Blindfold Games in the future.

By Manuel on Sunday, August 11, 2019 - 19:28

Hi everyone. Under iOs 12.4 on my iPhone 7 Plus occurs the following problem at RS Games: I don't find the option "Use Braille display instead of speech". A friend told me that you can activate this option under the settings in the RS Games main menu but I can't find it. Could someone help me? :)

By Tiffany J. Kim on Wednesday, September 11, 2019 - 19:28

In reply to by KidFriendlySoftware

Hi, I'm sure this suggestion has been made before, and perhaps it is already available, so my apologies if I missed it. It was inspired by Racer actually. I realize that this project is on hold for now as you're focusing on Objective Ed, but I wanted to write it down before I forget it. Anyway, I thought it would be rather fun to have a Blindfold Golf game. I was inspired by your Racer game and all of the different obstacles such as elephants, trolls, rivers, etc. Golf is one of those games where the hole is blocked by many different obstacles such as sand traps, lakes, alligators (per the Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Golf ;), windmills, etc, etc. I think that it could make for some fun, though it could be challenging to code a sound for the hole. It might need to be described e.g. "the hole is 132 yards away, slightly to your left." The obstacles could be noted with different sounds, and one could select different clubs to do the hitting, and the like. Anyway, thank you for reading and have a great week! Thank you again for your work on all fronts.

By Hilary Reed on Friday, October 11, 2019 - 19:28

Hi. I think that we need more care simulation games like Blindfold Doggie. I saw on the in-app survey that you have a suggestion for the Game of Life as a blindfold game. That would be cool. I also think we need other common pets to care for as blindfold games, such as cats, dogs, bunnies, birds, and small pets like hamsters and mice. It would be cool to have a variety of pets. Also, please consider eventually having a game in which players can raise a baby. That would be cool as well. When you decide to focus on Blindfold games again, I can email you with ideas for these things if you’d like.

By Hilary Reed on Friday, October 11, 2019 - 19:28

Hi. I had not realized that someone had already requested a parenting game on this forum. There are quite a few comments here, so I apologize. In any case, I’d like to suggest a version of a game that was available for iOS some years back. The game was called Fish With Attitude. The basic idea behind this game was that you raise fish, feeding them, etc. The catch is that these fish have human-like personalities, such as nice, mean, brave, etc. The player then breeds two fish with different personalities. These new creations range from things like tough, to supernatural fish like fairy fish, unicorn fish, alien fish, etc. Status fish like Princess fish or actor fish are also possibilities. You then can sell these fish for currency, with more rare fish being worth more currency. This game is a strategy game that also provides a fun way to learn about genetics. I know that this would be complex, but it could also be fun.

By ming on Wednesday, March 11, 2020 - 19:28

haven\'t heard it for awhile.
any new games coming soon?

By ming on Wednesday, March 11, 2020 - 19:28

besides some bord game or card game.
I would like to have some pac-man games or