TuneIn Pro - Radio & Sports


Description of App

Listen to your favorite radio stations for free with TuneIn Radio. With over 100,000 radio stations, TuneIn has the largest selection of sports, news, music and talk radio from around the world. TuneIn Radio Pro is free of display ads and lets you record what you are listening to and listen later offline. With TuneIn: -Stream real radio stations from around the world live. -Listen to your favorite talk shows and podcasts live and on demand. -Enjoy live coverage of sporting events, concerts and more. Listen Anywhere: -Enjoy TuneIn anywhere you go with Apple Watch. -Try out TuneIn for CarPlay when you’re on the go. -Enjoy TuneIn Radio at home with your Google Chromecast. Get even more with TuneIn Premium. -Get live play-by-play from every MLB and BPL game, all season long. -Let your imagination run wild with access to a library of over 40,000 audiobooks. -Enjoy exclusive access to over 600 commercial-free music stations. Keep in touch: Like us on Facebook: facebook.com/tunein Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/tunein Read the TuneIn Blog: blog.tunein.com



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

Very accessible to use with VoiceOver.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Developer's Twitter Username



13 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Sandra 4 years 7 months ago



OH yeah I remember that, i think. and I remember some forum threads where the developers I believe said they would fix things and they broke things even more I could be wrong though. It's been about a year since those threads have been active. Take care all.

As stated, I remember ootunes not coming out with an update after the developer repeatedly told us it would. Instead of us writing to him and requesting the update, all we did was talk to each other and praise the app. And then we got nothing. The app essentially died. There's not really anything else we can do to help each other through these issues as they have been solved. It's extremely important that we not only right to each other but also to the developers. I constantly speak to Apple accessibility they state that the biggest issue they have is getting calls and emails from people who instead of talking and reporting bugs talk to one another. They state that without bug reports specifically from customers, many of the bugs are not fixed simply because many of the engineers aren't aware of them. Similarly, instead of receiving a large number of calls and emails, he might receive anywhere between 2 to 5 which makes it a much smaller priority and say if hundred or thousand people called and wrote in.

Writing or calling developers takes two minutes out of our day and provides them with valuable information they can use to improve the applications and software that we rely on daily. that Is my biggest problem with this website. Some of us do take the time out to write to developers while most of us don't. Instead we look to others around us to solve our issues when most of us simply have the same issues and only have workarounds instead of fixes. Tired of working around. I want bugs to be fixed. I don't think that the majority of us deserves voiceover or any of the accessibility features or applications we are using because it's become expected instead of being fought for.

By Lisa on Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 07:47

Hello all,
I did not update my TuneIn Radio app, but the app store still says one update available. It's for the TuneIn Radio app which I'm not going to update right now, so how do I get rid of this update so I don't see it any more? Thank you for any help with this.

By Elena Brescacin on Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 07:47

you are right
it's not fair that we continue chatting each others and saying this is wrong that is worst.
It's true. It's 2 years that tune in radio has introduced the graphic alarm clock and voiceover has been excluded. OoTunes... I have it but i do not like it.
I continue in every update to test what changes in tune in radio and write them e-mail messages to support at tunein dot com, to tell them the bugs are still there
to tell them it's 2 years we are waiting voiceover bugs to be fixed
i also tweeted them and facebooked them
It is true that with such a delay of time, patience is very very limited, but, we must not give up, we must ask, ask, and still ask!
that's why i do not participate to long discussions in this site and other blind-oriented mailing lists or forums; in some cases, workarounds and user discussions are useful but if you really want things working, you must talk to developers directly.
It's a must. Not a should, not a may.
we cannot always complain of things going wrong; it may be also our fault.

By Elena Brescacin on Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 07:47

this costs nothing.
Write a mail to support of the app or accessibility team of apple when the issue is on a native feature
give step-by-step instructions of what the issue is
and nothing else.
I do not understand why many people do not approach in this way! It seems like someone is going to eat people, what are they afraid of!

By peter on Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 07:47

As others have noted, this app has had several accessibility issues with VoiceOver that the developer said would be fixed but have not actually been addressed. The new version seems to have additional accessibility issues.

Someone suggested that, rather than complain on forums like this, we write directly to the developer about our specific problems with this app. That is a great idea.

In order to make this easy, I'll give the contact info for the developer below so that you don't even have to search for it. Hopefully our feedback will be heard. We should try and be as specific as we can about the issues (as well as polite!).

Anyway, if you want to contact their support by e-mail, send a message to:


Alternatly, the Twitter handle for tuneIn Radio is:

Their support / help page is:

Let's all send them a note of what is wrong with accessibility and see how responsive they will be!


You cannot hide the app update so you will have to ignore it. This has been my experience for the 4 years I've been using an iphone.

Take care.

Sadly we have done this and I believe some of the devs are on Apple vis but we go ignored.

It makes sense from a business point of view. If I have 30 blind people and 300 sighted people I will put the 30 blind people on a lower priority scale, or flat out ignore them. Now I cannot in good conscious do this, how ever I'm thinking big corporate people here and huge businesses. The developers are not ignorant, but they do how ever ignore us for this reason is my theory.

I hoep this makes sence. I'm not trying to justify what they are doing, how ever I am making a point that many people who don't don't how businesses work fail to see and understand.

Sure we can be nice and professional but in the end it's the money that talks. I know this as I sell stuff as well. Of corse, I'm nicer then tunein. lol!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

By Jordan Moon on Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 07:47

Hey guys. I am a lover of TuneIn, but this latest update has made me want to search out an app that can possibly replace it. I'll contact TuneIn, as everyone should, but until they fix this, I'm using other apps. There's other radio apps and podcast apps that have been discussed on this site, but I just want to see which of those do people who love TuneIn use. Thanks!

I think the's radium but I don't use it. The only radio app I love is ootunes. The developer is wonderful to work woth and he's working on some stuff I cannot discuss at the moment, how ever I"m very excited.

Good luck i contacting the tune in devs.

By Marc Baillargeon on Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 07:47

I am totally blind and although this new version took a little getting used to I feel much more confortable with it now; your favourites are now your profile and this is where you will find your stations that you've picked over time and now the app indicates that these stations are ones that you are following. When you click on a station a list of the programs offered by that station comes up and you can choose to follow these specific programs individually even if they are not on the air at the time; when you click on a program that you have chosen the app will tell you when its next airing will be! Also when you have chosen a specific station scroll up to the top and then flick right till you get past the word station and then you will hear the actual name of the station spoken such as 630CHED and this will be where you double tap to initiate the player's playing of the station. You can double tap while the station is playing to stop it or you can go up to the top and exit the play of the station to get back to your profile of stations and choose another. I know it is frustrating because at first it is difficult to figure out what does what but all it is is a new learning curb and all it takes is a little time and patience with the app and you'll be back to where you were in no time so don't give up on it for something that might work easier but isn't as good and remember you paid for the pro version so it is really worth the extra effort to figure out what's where and how it works.

Ootunes has always been my favorite radio app. At one time or other, i've tried thirty or forty radio apps, and while a few have gotten close, none has surpassed the features, ease of use, and number of available radio stations in the OoTunes app. But the thing that really sets this app above others in my opinion is the responsiveness of the developer. If you request that a particular station be added to the directory, it's likely you'll see it within a few hours, or 24 hours later at the most. So if you're looking for an alternative to TuneIn, that's my suggestion.

By Lisa on Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 07:47

In reply to by Jen

Do you have an email address where I can contact the app developer of Ootunes? I have some radio stations that I would like to ask that they be added to Ootunes.

I stopped using ootunes because I paid for it and it hasn't even been updated in 2-3 years. We keep hearing about the dev coming out with something, but it never does. Yes, he may give you radio stations, but pretty soon, Apple will prevent us from using it because it cuts out apps after they haven't been updated for certain IOS Versions.

I spoke to the dev this year and there is an update coming out this year. He has been working on some stuff to make it better but that's all I can say. I'd keep using it. You will be pleasantly surprised.

By Clare Page on Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 07:47

If the promise is kept that there will be a future update for OOTunes, that's great, especially if it's true that Apple takes apps out of the App Store which haven't been updated for ages. I've started using OOTunes myself, but I also have Radium, plus I have kept TuneIn as well. My main reason for keeping all three apps is that different apps have different stations in their databases. Admittedly,; TuneIn's interface isn't as good as it used to be, but it's still accessible for playing radio streams, which is all I use it for, plus it has my local radio station in its database, which Radium and OOTunes don't.

By Michael Hansen on Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 07:47

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

While I've never heard of Apple removing an app from the App Store simply because it has not been updated--unless, of course, compatibility is broken with an iOS update...not the case for OoTunes--I am very much looking forward to the updated app.

As far as TuneIn...I use it for one particular stream. If I find that stream through the "Local Stations" option, I am still able to access the stream. So, for me, the app is "usable," albeit not fully accessible. I do not, however, do much else with the app other than listen to this one particular stream.

By Unregistered User (not verified) on Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 07:47

So TuneIn Radio has been updated to 6.1.1. For those of you who have stated that they wish that TuneIn Radio developers look listen and give users the ability to tap ones from the favorites menu and listen to the station, your wish has been granted. Tapping on the profile tab, and selecting the station will now automatically play instead of having to go through the extra steps listed in previous posts.

The update itself mentions how the developers have listened to customers feedback and giving them what they wanted. Is there a new bugs or other bugs, I just don't know. But submitting seatback in greater numbers seems to have made developers take notice and make changes.

By Unregistered User (not verified) on Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 07:47

In reply to by Michael Hansen

I really do hope that the application is updated because I did enjoy using it Oo tunes was a great app and deserved a lot of praise. But the developer also told me that he would update the application more than once and it never came If it comes this year, then great I will be the first one to rebuy the application. But at this point, I feel like my trust in the developer must be reearned

By Michael Hansen on Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 07:47

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Hi Vash,

Once you purchase an application, there is no need to repurchase it again simply because it has been removed from a device. Purchases are linked to an iTunes account, so once something is purchased once it is accessible across all devices.

By Michael Hansen on Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 07:47

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Version 6.1.1 is now available:

"What's New in Version 6.1.1

Thanks for all your feedback. You asked for it, and we listened!

Here’s what’s new:
-One-click play for the stations you follow in your profile (previously called 'favorites'). Get to the content you love, faster!
-Time remaining for programs is back, so you can see how much time is left in your favorite shows.
- You can enter Car Mode through the car icon on the top left of Browse (from version 6.0 on).

Need help? Have questions? Visit help.tunein.com for FAQs or to talk to our awesome support team."

By Unregistered User (not verified) on Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 07:47

In reply to by Michael Hansen

Hello Mike,

Thanks for the information. I unfortunately had to move to a new Apple ID and due to this, have to repurchase many of the same apps I purchased in the old Apple ID. I don't like this. However, there were a lot of issues going on tied to the old Apple ID which could only be repaired by switching over to a new one.

By Piotr Machacz on Monday, August 11, 2014 - 07:47

The price of this app just went up from $3.99 to $9.99, something worth considering if you're planning to get it. Personally I don't think it's worth quite that much, especially with their somewhat lack of commitment to VoiceOver, but that's just me.

By splyt on Monday, August 11, 2014 - 07:47

The free option should do everything the paid does.
Adds may be easily bypassed by locking the screen while listening to the stations.
What still anoys is that the scheduling to record is not accessible.

By Misty Dawn on Saturday, October 11, 2014 - 07:47

Is theree an accessible way to view the full description of a given station?

For example, if I have a station in a search list that is labeled "NASACast" and is followed by a description, "All the programs of..." and the rest of that description is cut off, how do I view that full station description in its entirety?

I tried looking at the profile page, but, there, there isn't even that partial description that can be found in the search list, though I wonder if, for some reason, VoiceOver isn't reading it on the profile page?

By AnonyMouse on Thursday, December 11, 2014 - 07:47

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Below there is a mentioned that they have made some improvements for VoiceOver. Which I do appreciate very much. Everything in the app is very accessible and easy to use. The only exception and has been a long ongoing problem. That would be the Alarm settings. This has been broken for a a few years now. This is still not working. Otherwise it is about 99% accessible.

What's New in Version 6.8.1

-Google Chromecast compatibility so you can stream to your TV
-Improvements to echo conversations
-iPad design enhancements
-VoiceOver improvements for visually impaired listeners
-Supports iOS Handoff so you can switch seamlessly between your devices
-Various bug fixes

By KE7ZUM on Thursday, December 11, 2014 - 07:47

When you go to follow a station It's kind of odd because you will see for example in the home tab, mix 94.1, then 2 other stations, then a group of follow buttons that just say follow. I am using the free app the I'm with in app purchases. Where would I go to only purchase the record function if I wanted that or what ever else it does? Also how would I find that once I get the add-on, and are the recordings in a proprietary format wherein I cannot access them with iPhone explorer and move them to my computer and convert them via vlc?

This app seems pretty good to use, it just needs a bit of work to be 100 percent accessible in my book.

By Mike Freeman on Thursday, December 11, 2014 - 07:47

I confess that the whole social media terminology throws me when all I want to do is to listen to a station. For my money, it isn't easy anymore just to get a station playing. But then I think the whole social media scene is nuts so I may be biased. :-) :-)

By Misty Dawn on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 - 07:47

OK, guys, so, I still have an iPod Touch 4G that I use on an old dock (got the dock before I knew I was going to get an iPhone 5!).

I was recently using TuneIn Radio Pro on the iPod Touch 4G (apparently with the latest version they've ever put out for iOS 6 devices) and I was unable to find a place to Share what you are listening to. Where is this now located in the iOS 6 version of TuneIn Radio Pro? Is it gone or is it simply now inaccessible?

By KE7ZUM on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 - 07:47

Try looking in the options button tha'ts someware around the play area. That's all I can advice for now.

By Misty Dawn on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 - 07:47

There appears to be no "options" link/button in the iOS 6 version...

By KE7ZUM on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 - 07:47

I forgot actually that somethingns changed. If they had to take it away due to TOS then not much you can do about that.

good luck

By Misty Dawn on Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 07:47

Is anyone else having the app, when you bring it up, do nothing but crash? I mean, I double-tap on the app, I hear the sound as if it's coming up, and then it just crashes.

I've tried completely closing it out and bringing it up again, but it still does the same thing.

I just upgraded from iOS 8.3 (where it was already doing this) to iOS 8.4, hoping this would fix the problem, but it still crashes in exactly the same way! Help!

By sockhopsinger on Friday, September 11, 2015 - 07:47

Don't know about the accessibility yet, as I haven't had time to play with it.

What's New in Version 8.1.1

Introducing TuneIn Premium.
-Get live play-by-play from every MLB and BPL game, all season long.
-Let your imagination run wild with access to a library of over 40,000 audiobooks.
-Enjoy exclusive access to over 600 commercial-free music stations.

By Diego Garibay on Friday, September 11, 2015 - 07:47

The problem with not being able to swipe is still present. The new premium Offering it is completely inaccessible at least in my case. And I had some server problems at first. It would not connect.

Since version 8.1 updated the accessibility is broken. The app is no longer accessible. I can't just swipe through it anymore, and I did have problem with the server not connected. I'm very disappointed, because it was my favorite app at least 15 years now.

By Bahzad on Friday, September 11, 2015 - 07:47

Unfortunately, I also had the same problem when navingating through the premium screen. Tapping on different places was the only way that VoiceOver read the text. I did find a solution to work around the other tabs, though: Once a particular area is tapped, simply touch the middle of the screen and you'll be able to flick accordingly. It's not the most intuitive, but that's what has helped so far.

By Toonhead on Friday, September 11, 2015 - 07:47

As far as TuneIn Radio goes, explore by touch is your friend. No it is not the most intuitive app ever made, but it is at least usable in a lot of aareas. I was able to get a station to play in the premium area so maybe I'm just lucky? It did take a bit of trial and error so I'm not saying it's easy, but if you take a few extra seconds and explore by touch, it is usable. They really do need to make the accessibility better with this app, but repeated requests seem to go unnoticed.

By Amir Soleimani on Friday, September 11, 2015 - 07:47

@TuneIn just released V8.3 of TuneIn Radio Pro on the App Store, and the What's New section just talks about "Bug fixes & improvements." However, my rather brief look at various tabs of the app indicates that all swiping issues are gone. Good to see such a popular app has fewer accessibility-oriented issues now. Can anyone confirm my observation?

By KE7ZUM on Friday, September 11, 2015 - 07:47

does this count for tune in radio free? I don't use, nor doI want pro. I can't justify $10. Lol!

By KE7ZUM on Friday, September 11, 2015 - 07:47

I would think it mmight also apply tot he free version as the programs are very similar. If I want to record anythig i do it through the website and audio hijack.

By tripolice on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 - 07:47

- The NFL is now on TuneIn Premium! Subscribe to listen to every single game, all season long. - Accessibility improvements for the visually impaired-
Sign in via 1Password now available

By John Moore on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 07:47

I completely disagree with the comments made about this app needing VO improvements. Many bugs have been fixed and I find the app to be completely accessible with no unlabelled buttons or missing text. The social aspect of it is also accessible. I think the information needs to be revised.

By Elena Brescacin on Monday, April 11, 2016 - 07:47

Hello guys,
it's four years we're all complaining about accessibility issue on Tune in radio, since August 2012 it has been no longer possible to set an alarm clock or schedule a recording.
Well, Yesterday TuneIn radio 9.6 came out, and I performed the usual app tour to explore if something changed, I was really convinced nothing changed, I do not hide that after 4 years of unanswered requests to support, my hope was lost.
And instead, surprise.
The alarm clock has its adjustable values with time and minutes again, you can set it with no problems now!
And it seems to work - radio did not start automatically on my iPad, because I left it locked and with smart cover closed, but the notification came. I'll perform further tests to find the right solution, I do not understand why radio doesn't start when screen is locked!
I ask the Whole community to perform these tests with me, so that we can officially announce accessibility is back!

By AnonyMouse on Wednesday, May 11, 2016 - 07:47

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

It is great to see such a wonderful app like this become more accessible again! Nice work on by the developers.

What's New in Version 9.8
- Version 9.8 features a new design for Home with recommendations and top content on TuneIn.
- Station, show, and event pages have a brand new look, too!
- Your profile has been redesigned as well, making finding the stations you follow easier than ever.
- Program pages will remember which episodes you've listened to and show progress indicators.
- We've also improved the VoiceOver accessibility across the app, and added localizations to Car Mode.