accessible citation generators

By natalija Lambert, 19 March, 2022

macOS and Mac Apps

Hey Guys.
I hope you're all keeping safe and well.
I just wanted to reach out to see whether anyone knew of any accessible citation generators for the mac?
They can either be seporate apps or plugins for the microsoft suite of products.
I look forward to receiving your suggestions.
Many Thanks



By Maldalain on Friday, March 18, 2022 - 22:58

Hopefully someone has answer to your query.
I use web citation generators and the experience is not all pleasant.

By TJT 2001 on Friday, March 18, 2022 - 22:58

You can generate citations using the Cite button in Google Scholar, and many journal websites and university library catalogues have a button to generate a citation. When using all of these methods, you need to ensure that the details are captured correctly since often information will be omitted, so I recommend having a copy of whatever style guide you're using handy so you can quickly see what you need to add.

You could also try using Zotero. There do not appear to be any recent discussions about its accessibility for macOS, but it's worth a try.