BitLife - Life Simulator


Description of App

How will you live your BitLife?

Will you try to make all the right choices in an attempt to become a model citizen sometime before you die? You could marry the man/woman of your dreams, have kids, and pick up a good job along the way.

Or will you make choices that horrify your parents? You could descend into a life of crime, start prison riots, smuggle duffle bags, and cheat on your spouse.

It's all up to you...



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By Kristen on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

I'm going to assume the Youtube thing does the Make Love noise because of "Netflix and Chill", maybe, which is another way of saying 'have sex'. Though not sure why it is Youtube instead. Haha.

I'll have to try out the new update this weekend when I get some time.

Ornella, i haven’t watched many bitlife youtubers. The ones i’ve watched and like are bijuu mike, gloom, and mattshea. I saw them on the youtube drop down list. Lol you unfriended your friend at the age of 6? Lol talk about friends for life. Jk, i’m being sarcastic. Wait what? You can have best friends? I didn’t know that. Do they have to ask you? Because i haven’t seen that option. Lol you spread roomers about her? Thats funny. Did she do anything to you? Or did she let it slide. A kimono is a japanese dress. Its really common for women to ware. Its weird watching youtube at the age of 7 and hearing the o yeah sound lol. I’m still getting use to it since for a long time that was the sound of bitizens having sex. Aww man, i was hoping the riot was a little accessible. And i forgot about the escape lol. Well, back to square 1 like you said.
Kristen, they should’ve just added netflix and chill. Youtube and chill doesn’t have that ring to it like netflix does. But i like your idea lol. Whenever i want to chill, i’ll just watch youtube with my partner and pretend its netflix lol.
So in my previous life, i was trying to make as many friends as possible. I only made it to 2 friends lol. Anyway, i was trying to make new friends at work. So this one coworker pulled a prank on me and i just laughed it off. I had a conversation with her and asked her to be my friend. Well, she said no, so i left it at that. The next year she pulled a harsher prank, i forgot what it was. So i pulled one back by putting tacks on her chair lol. She attacked me and i got mad. I told hr and my supervisor but of course, nothing happened. I spread roomers and even gave her a caramel covered onion but told her it was an apple. Again, she snitched on me and i defended my actions to the supervisor. Finally, i spread one more roomer about her and she just lost it. She beat me with a horse whip lol. She beat my skull and i died. Only my 3 siblings attended my funeral. My stupid parents went to play dominos instead. It said that i was traumatized after being beat with a horse whip lol. I was like, no i wasn’t traumatized, i was dead. Now, i’m a second or 3rd grader with only 3 friends. I’m not well liked at my school lol. I have a low relationship with all my classmates. You can even be friends with your teacher. Which i thought was funny. I made my first friend at the age of 2.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

You're making me laugh about the horse whip. Lol that was funny. You have to wait till you get the popup about being best friends. But remember if you don't do stuff each and every year it may not appear. When I wrote about this I didn't get back to the game as yet so for now she's just letting it slide. I didn't see the option or if there is even one to play a prank on any of them because I would so do that. I mostly watch bidju mike and hardly watch gloom and j from the cubscouts is really funny as well. I saw his name on the list. They really should take out that sound effect for when we watch youtube stuff because in my real mind I'm thinking that my character just had sex. Haha.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

LOl i started laughing when i got the horse whip as well. I don't know if you have one of the later models of iphone but when you get attacked, you get haptic feedback. Thats if you have it turned on. I do and i got lots of feedback lol. At first i thought she shot me or threw a bomb at me but nope. O ok i see what you mean about the best friends. Well, i now have like 6 new friends but i'm going to continue to see how much i can make. I think you have to be 12 or in high school to prank them. I haven't seen j from the cubscouts. I'm going to search him after i post this comment. Lol right? Glad you agree. They should remove the sound for when we watch youtube. that or change the sound to something like, yay or yeah. not, o yeah. another thing they can do is speed up when the voice says, o yeah. Instead of saying it all sexually and slow lol. And like i said before, its weird hearing that sound especially if you watch youtube when your like 7 or so. I think my teacher tried to embarrassed me in front of my class. It said that i sneezed and my teacher stopped what she was doing and told me and the entire class that i had boogers on my chin lol. I reported her to the principal but she didn't do anything.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

Having a sleepless night. I can't fall asleep , so i'm playing some more. I made 3 new friends. One of them being the girl i took to the school dance. O also i'm friends with stewie lol. I added him as a person. When i aged up, my first friend that i made when i was 2 asked me to be best friends. then after i accepted, i got another. so accepted that one as well. Then i got another lol. I got that popup 5 times in a row. Like they were back to back. It sucks that we can't have more than 1 best friend at a time. Now i kinda feel bad because i'm best friends with one of the new kids, instead of being a best friend to one that i knew for a long time. Lets see what i can do as a best friend. My popularity is at 78. I don't know if its because i have quite a few friends or because i have good looks lol. I got a stupid china set again. Maybe i'll have some luck and be able to sell this one. Have you noticed that the spend time with all button is gone? The one at the bottom when you go into the relationship tab. I don't know if its just my bitlife or what. Or if its because we could now have friends? Do you have that button? O and i checked out the youtuber you mentioned, j from cubscouts. Omg he's hilarious lol. I couldn't stop laughing at the things he'd say. He doesn't have that many videos of bitlife though. Hopefully he'll make more.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

Again bitlife thinks I'm decorating my house for Christmas so they gave me a windchime which is in horrid condition. I felt bad even donating it. Lol. Yeah J is funny. So you're friends with Stewie then invite him to kill someone. He always wants to kill his mother. I don't think I'm seeing the spend time with all button either but I will double check because I only spent time with my best friend. I don't have the haptic thing on. I didn't understand what it was so I left it alone. So since I'm working and I'm in high school I buy gifts for my best friend and its sometimes like the same when you give them something good they really don't appreciate it. Also since we give gifts why can't we get gifts from friends and family? The next girl who I don't like I toiletpapered her house and she didn't even do anything. Like she will do anything to make friends and she don't care what I do to her. Still spreading lots of rumours and she not even reacting to it. I'm wondering if the pranks are all good or bad because I would hate to do something bad to my best friend. I'm going back to the game now and see what trouble I could cause.

By DMNagel on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

Spend time with all is only availible once you are 12. Some countries like Syria doesn't have it at all.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

So I'm like 17 now and the girl who I don't like well she attacked me because I spread a rumour about her. Which there was a way to fight back. I wanted to apologize to her not so I gave her a toothbrush and she got even angrier and I yelled at her. I never let her have the last word. She called me a dunce. I can't remembered what I called her back but I'm liking this. My best friend we are just so good. The only thing that I cut out is watching youtube. Unless they change the sound effect, I'm not watching youtube because my mind is so accustomed to hearing that sound for sex so that's a no deal for me. I'm dating a guy with 60 plus craziness and each year he wants to break up with me so I beg him to stay and he stays. I want to get married to him and make him more crazy and see what he will do because I'm yet to receive that theft popup.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

Ornella, i haven't given gifts to my friends yet. I just started middle school. I know, i'm slow right now but only because i'm spending as much time with my friends as i can. Lol stewie is actually nice, well, in the game he is. The only way we can get gifts is if were in prison. Unless theres another way that i don't know about. Wait, your stil friends with that girl? I thought you unfriended her a long time ago. Lol she finally had enough of you. Maybe she got mad when you gave her the toothbrush because she thought you were trying to say that she has bad breath or something. Lol. Have you gotten any popups saying that she doesn't want to be friends anymore? Well, if you want to hook up with one of your friends, you can watch youtube with them and then do it with them. Just pretend its netflix and chilling lol. Thats what i'm going to do when i try to sleep with one of them. YOur boyfriend must be crazy if he stays every time you beg him, no offense. that or he just wants someone to beg him. Maybe if you do stay with him long enough, he'll steal from you lol.
Dm, omg thats right. you have to be 12 to spend time with all. I can't believe i forgot. I didn't know that syria doesn't have it. Good to know, thanks.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

that's the thing. I'm doing so much bad stuff to that girl to see how far I could push the limit. I'm waiting for her to suggest that we not be friends. Wonder if I could stalk her. I doubt we could. Something just came to mind. They should have a crime or something were we could cat-fish people online. We already have the facebook thing so why not. I swear I don't know what it is with this game sometimes. I just put it down a while ago. All of a sudden in the middle of the day I'm so sleepy. I put down the game I can't sleep. That's the only game that does that to me.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

YOur so mean lol jk. So after all the things you've done to her, she won't leave you? Sounds like she still wants to be your friend. That or she wants you to end it. I din't even realize that. Stalking. Maybe we could only do that if we unfriend someone. Do you know if its possible to not be best friends with someone? Like still be there friend, but not there best friend. I kind of want to cut it off with my current best friend but still be friends with him. I don't know if that makes sense. I thought we could've prank our friends but guess not. Wait, how are you mistreating that one girl? By insulting her? omg yes. Cat fishing sounds really fun lol. I would love to be able to do that. Thats a really good suggestion. Lol your not the only one that falls asleep while playing this game. I'm the same way. Not trying to say that its boring or anything, it just makes me sleepy. I was falling asleep earlier playing but my dog woke me up lol. So i thank her for that.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

With not being best friends I'm not sure but maybe skip a few years with that person and don't do anything and possibly your friendship will go down and maybe you will get a popup saying they don't want to be your best friend anymore. Lets see what I get for today. Thanks bitlife I really needed that. Not. A burnt dvd of thriller by Michael Jackson worth $1. Could imagine what I would even get on Christmas day.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

Ok thanks, i'm going to try that. Skip a few years with him. Lol knowing my luck, i'm going to get a horrible heirloom on christmas day. I got a gas pump. I tried selling it but no one wants it. I adjusted the price several times and still, no bites. I ate 7 pieces of pizza at a pizza party that my friend threw. Sounds like me in real life lol jk. O and i just realize this but i think i know why no wants to be my friend. I think its because of my name. Its pervis lol. I don't know why my parents named me that. So a question. Does your best friend have the prank option under his/her name? I noticed that my other friends have it but not my best friend. I want to prank him to see what happens lol. Possibly fight him as well.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

Yes there's a prank option under my best friend's name. Don't dump the gas pump. It usually sells in a few years. Leave the price as is or set it to what its worth or the closest thing to it. I don't want to prank my best friend because it might be a bad prank and might ruin everything. I'm not really getting to play much how my family around but later on tonight hopefully I might get some time for my self.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

In reply to by Ornella

I think it was a bug. Because I wasn’t seeing the prank option under my best friend earlier. I updated my BitLife to the version that came out a few days ago. Not the friendsupdate but a small update that fixes any bugs. So I think that’s what it was. And I haven’t scrapped the gas pump. Thanks for the warning, if not, I would’ve scrapped it LOL. Yeah, me too. I have family around and haven’t had a chance to play that much. Just here and there.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

I did get to play for a 5 minutes today but not sure if I will pick up the game before I go to sleep knowing that it puts me to sleep but I unfriended that girl I was being mean to. I got fedup of her so I unfriended her. Maybe in a few years time I might kill her. This made me laugh so when I tapped on party with my best friend it said that you and your best friend had fun at an orgy party and when I checked the entry it said you and your best friend rubbed dildos among other things at a party. I was like wow bitlife you're really stepping it up. Haha.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

Lol some of the things that you do with your best friend or friend are funny. When i was 10, i spent time with one of my friends and it said that we went to a bar. I was like, I'm 10, how did i even get in. You made me laugh when you said that you and your friend took dildos to a party. Lol. So i pranked my best friend to see what would happen and it said that i gave him a caramel covered onion. His appreciation was 85%. I don't get how that works. Like he found it amusing and liked it. Or he was 85% mad at me. I think its how much he liked it. Then i spread a roomer about him that he touches everything he sees and he didn't do anything. I wonder if you unfriend someone, you can reconnect or something like that. Since you said you unfriended that one girl, do you see options to reconnect with her. Or did she disappear. Lets see what i get for today. Gross. A personal diary. I wonder how many times i've gotten this thing. Omg 6 times? And i got the china set 8 times! Thats a lot. So this might sound weird but i'm trying to get my grades up so that i can join the diving team at my school, so i can become friends with this one guy lol. Call me psycho.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

Well bitlife gave me a teddybear today. I didn't try reconnecting with that person and I'm not sure where to look for them again but I got to play a lot and it was kind of interesting. Every year I age up I'm always in debt by $2000 so I always ask my mom for money and the debt is payed off. My cheap husband gives me like under $100 like what can that do. I so can't wait for them to bring out shared income because its like they just live for free and get mad when you ask them to sign a prenup. I mean you don't contribute nothing but I must give you my money? hell no. I couldn't pay for my daughter's education so she took out a loan I think. I'm working as a receptionist. Its paying good but the money isn't enough. I don't even own a house as yet. Only a car. I sued my supervisor for work discrimination and lost the case so I murdered him and so far got away with it. I think 5 plus years went by.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

, 2000 dollars in debt every year? Thats insane. Wait, theres going to be shared income? Did they announce it? Lol i agree. They take are money with no problem. But as soon as you ask for some money, they get all pissy. I also hate how we have to pay for the wedding. Like, why can't they do that. Another thing that gets to me is when your partner nags you to buy a car or house. Like are you going to pay for it? No your not, so get the f*ck out my face. Lol. I'm something else. I would've done the same thing you did. Kill my supervisor. so now i'm in college and the damn coaches won't let me join any sports. My health is at 100 and my athletism is at 90. I tried to join the swim team and the gymnastics team. I tried joining so much that the coaches threatened to report me to the school lol. I was like, dude calm down. So then i tried again next year but i didn't make it.
So i'll see what happens. O did i mention that i became friends with that one guy i talked about in my previous comment. He was on the swim team but i didn't make the cut. So i joined the hipsters since he was a part of that. Lol i'm a stalker. Now he's my best friend and we do everything together. I hate my dad because when i asked him for money, he told me that he couldn't help me. My mom gave me $50. So i'm going to her funeral. But not my dad's. Did your partner ever steal from you? I forgot to ask.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

I agree with you about all the things you said earlier. People suggested shared income but I'm not sure if they will add it. My husband never stole from me as yet and he's crazy. Both my dad and mom died in the same year and from being in debt I became a millionaire in no time from both their money combined. I went to their funerals and did what they wanted but I didn't go to my step father's funeral. He didn't do anything to me is just that his kindness was so low I didn't care. I'm still best friends with that girl I told you about. We go everywhere and I buy her gifts even when I didn't have money. Lol. They should have a thing where you could ask or give your friends money. I just tap on make love once each year and if I get pregnant well I keep the baby and if I don't I don't do anything. I think I have about 5 kids. I couldn't pay for a few of them to go to university so they took out loans. If we had grandparents I think if the parents can't pay we should ask the grandparents. Not sure if they will add that. In a past life I remembered dating a guy and when I asked him to sign a prenup he had 1 dollar. Lol. I started laughing at that. I think he signed it. I was like that's the guys I go for? Haha. The bad gifts continues. Got a dumb vhs tape worth a dollar. I didn't even waste my time I threw it in the trash. I have an idea and I'm not sure if people will like this but for the free lance I think once you turn 18 that you should be able to do all the jobs listed 10 times for each one and not just only 10 for the year. I mean there are only 52 weeks in a year and if you fall on hard times and you can't do part time jobs while you work because of the high blood pressure it could really help because when I was in debt and my mom kind of helped me I had to do a few free lance to get money to go to the gym and other things if I wanted to.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

In reply to by Ornella

O i thought there was going to be shared incomes. Wow, your parents must’ve been rich for you to b a millionaire in a matter in seconds. That or they just had good paying jobs. I gave my friend a gift and his appreciation was 67%. Also i gave my girlfriend diamond earrings in high school. Her appreciation was at 71. People were saying that grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins should be added. And they were also saying that we should be able to continue as one of our siblings or grand kids. Which would be cool because we can’t always have kids. Asking your grandparents for money is a good idea. Omg really? A net worth of $1? Lol thats funny. I got a 2010 fifa soccer ball. It might sell but my hopes aren’t that high since my other heirlooms won’t sell. I agree with you about the free lance. HOw do you work as a handy man? Do you need like good health? Because when i try to do it, no one responds to my add. The one time i made tons of money being a handy man because i was an electrician. And for tutering i get lots of responses when my smarts are high. Anyway, yeah I think they should do what you suggested. Also, if the burglary option was accessible, we would be able to make lots of money. My friend made 16000 dollars from robbing a house. I think the person had a tv, a laptop, a watch, some jewelry, and other things. Once you escape with everything, the game automatically pons the items you stole. So this one girl who asked me if she can cheat off of me in class, rejected my in person friend request lol. I got mad because i helped her pass that dumb exam and are relationship is at 100. What do you need to become a psychiatrist? Is it psychology? Or something involving medicine.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

I think you have to study psychology in high school to become a psychiatrist. For the handy man job you have to be over 18 but I'm not sure how much that pays. I only do tutering when my money is low. Sometimes when I'm really dumb I still manage to get the tutering job and I'm not sure if my smarts go up or not. I think it stays the same. Now I don't and will never feel bad when I don't have money to pay for my children's education. I payed for one of my daughter and her appreciation was 0%. I mean I was feeling so bad for having low money and being in debt and now I could afford your tuition that's the thanks I get? Well never me again. If I'm going to be really bad and I have money I will let them pay for it for them self. God knows what wonderful heirloom I will get for Christmas. Don't discard that fiefa socker ball. It usually sells for a good price.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

Marry christmas. Its 3 AM where i live. Haven't heard santa on the roof yet. Lol jk. I got a sled worth $60. Usually the handy man is the highest paying gig. Lol omg really? Well, i'm not surprised that her appreciation was at 0. Thats how it is with are kids. But theres also the ones that have high appreciation. Those are the rare ones. I wasn't planning on scrapping the fifa ball. But thanks.
So i started a new life because i didn't want to mess up my other one. Anyway, I was bored and decided to try the, say yes to everything challenge to see what kind of things i could get into. Turns out a lot lol. I became friends with Mrs. Puff from spongebob. We were friends for a long time until we were 11. She decided to become an enemy. O yeah, if your friends become your enemies, you could still do the things you can with your friends. I left her alone for a while. Until we were like adults or so. Mind you this was a speed game, so i was just going with the flow and aging up. Over the years, she would prank me and spread roomers about me. Whatever she did to me, i returned it lol. I sued her ass twice and won. Finally, i got this popup which i know is definitely new. This is what it said. While at home wrapping a gift for a friend, you notice out of the corner of your eye your enemy, Mrs. Puff, sneaking up on you with a spoon. What will you do? Beg her for forgiveness. Reason with her. Argue with her. Or call the police. I argued with her. I forgot what i said. Well, you probably guessed it by now. She attacked me with the spoon and i died lol. My health was super low. I forgot to mention, she invited me to go take sleeping pills with her. We were already enemies. Also, i cheated on my husband and he found out and i argued with him. The next popup after i argued with him about me cheating on him, he proposed to me. I was like, i just cheated on you and you wanna put a ring on this? Ok go for it lol. Now i started a new life and i've been getting tons of christmas popups. One of them being what kind of present. did i want. I chose legos. And when i would spend time with my parents, they were christmas related. Now i'm going to a private elementary school. My dad has 99% money. So he's rich. O did i mention that he married meg from family guy? I started laughing. And my mom in my previous life married stewie who was a lawyer and hated me so much that we would constantly insult each other. Lol.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

I got 1 Christmas popup yesterday. It said someone gave me a pair of ugly looking socks and what I thought about it and I said it sucked. Also merry Christmas to everyone on here. I wouldn't get to much time to play today. But I'm opening the app to see what I get. Oh for the love of god. A skateboard worth $102.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

O me too. I got the same popup. I went with the neutral response which i forgot what it was. Lol hey, a skateboard worth 102 dollars is better than a sled worth $60. Plus a sled really? I know its christmas but come on bitlife. Also, i figured out how to become best friends or enemies with someone. Its pretty hidden. You have to click on there name twice to where it brings you there stats like relationship, looks, crazyness, etc. Well, at the very bottom theres a button called change status. You click on it and it will bring you to a drop down menu where you can choose enemy, friends, or best friends. Just thought i'd share that since it gets annoying for our friends to choose whether were best friends or not. And by that, I mean waiting for them to ask us.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

Now got a bit of time. Kind of drunk but its Christmas so why not. I won money from one of my enemies assaulting me. That's a way to make money if you're interested. Find a way to push their buttons and you know the rest. In real life now I got lots of nice clothes and perfumes for Christmas. Not complaining. Lol. I didn't get my skateboard sold I just donated it.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

Lol now thats how you do it on christmas. Yeah thats how i sued Mrs. puff. I would provoke her until she attacked me. And it always worked lol. I made 200k doing that to her. Clothes and perfume? Thats nice. I've yet to open mine but i probably didn't get much since i told people no gifts. Besides my birthday is in less than a month, so they can give me gifts then but i'll most likely say the same thing, no gifts. Lol. No one wanted to sled with me on my crappy sled thats at 15% condition. So i scrapped it.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

Sometimes when you get crappy lawyers it don't really work so its like luck and chance. I'm not sure if I'm going to continue to play tonight. I'm not wasted its just thatI had a day and I ate so much that I could pop at any minute that I'm feeling so miserable. I would've taken gifts on Christmas and then on my birthday. Lol that's how I role.

By Moopie Curran on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

How do you make enemies? When I was playing as myself, a person named after the singer George Strait wouldn't be my friend, he was a classmate. And apparently you can make teachers be your friend, I had one teacher who was named after a guy on the weather channel, and the stinker wouldn't be my friend, how rude!!!! I'd love to be able to retaliate on those people, but I don't see an enemies list. I haven't played bitlife yet today, so busy with Christmas and all having fun, etc. In real life, I got tons of UBER cards (That's what I asked for, sick of waiting for mobility to take me home), and some clothes, and a neat 360 bluetooth speaker. I hope my bitlife airloom is as good as the stuff I got for Christmas, lol.

By Moopie Curran on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

interesting, wonder if you can make someone your enemy who isn't even your friend? It makes me so mad when any of my custom people dare to say no when I ask them to be my friend, the turds. I'd love to retaliate, lol.

By Sabrina on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

Okay, haven't been on this thread because of nasty sickness.
Got the update iut have yet to know what has happene|d.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

Moopie, to make someone your enemy, befriend them first then do lots of bad things to them like spread a rumour, prank insult even give them bad gifts and after a few years you will get a popup saying that that person has made you their enemy. I think there's another way to do it but will have to test it again and see if it works. Like if you tap on the person's profile you might have the option to make them your enemy. I make lots of money from them when they assault me. Sad that there's no way to fight back. Sabrina glad you're feeling better and was wondering why I haven't seen you on the thread. Also merry Christmas. I got a dumb alarm clock as an heirloom. Like I don't have enough of those.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

Ornella, hey its ok to be wasted and have some fun. Lol jk hang overs are the worse. The reason i don't want any gifts is because i already have everything i want. Not trying to sound entitled or snobby lol. I'm just saying. I'll admit, if money is the gift, i won't complain one bit. I know. The 3rd time i tried to sue her, i got the same lawyers and asked for the same amount but lost. I hate going to private schools. Everyone is so stuck up lol. I joined the swim team and literally no cliques are letting me join. Not even the jocks. And my popularity is at 90. Plus i'm captain of the swim team. All my classmates hate me. There just jealous. Besides, its like they say, my haters are my motivators lol.
Moopie, to make enemies yu have to befriend them first. Once you do that, you can go to the relationship tab, go to friends, choose the person you want, and click there name twice. Make sure your on the screen where it shows you there stats. Like looks and stuff. At the bottom, there should be a button called, change status. Click on that and it'll bring you to a drop down menu and from there you can choose what you want to be with that person. That or you can wait until you get a popup asking to be enemies. I haven't been able to be friends with any of my teachers. I want to so bad lol. I wonder what kind of trouble i can get into. Check the relationship that you have with that person and depending how it is, try raising it. Thats what i do. I once tried to join the diving team to be friends with this one guy. And when that didn't work, i joined the hipsters clique since he was a part of it. Our relationship went from 28 to 81 in no time.
Sabrina, hope your doing better. Marry christmas. I have a feeling that your probably going to end up killing your friends and enemies lol.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

What a life I had for the past few days that just ended. So my enemy confronted me with a machine gun. I tried to run for my life and she shot my thy. I died instantly. I wish if they would change that up meaning that if you get killed by someone it should say that you got killed by a machine gun and that person was charged for your murder. Its like any and every time you die by someone they always get away with killing you. It didn't even say if my best friend attended my funeral or not. Before that I went to a party with my best friend and all of a sudden I got addicted to alcohol. It was never cured. One time she asked me to try nose candy with her and I made up an excuse because I didn't want to go to prison and look how well that turned out for me. All because of 1 house party I spent a year in and when I came out is when my life went to hell. She asked me to drop off a package for her to the post office. There was weed in it and I didn't get in trouble for it. This life I now have I'm going to have lots of hookups and probably abandon all my kids or adopt them out. I was conceived on my grandmother's love seat. Like my parents couldn't find somewhere better. There's a new popup. So if you're a baby and have low health like in the 90's or lower you could choose to drink something and your health would go up. I only tested it with the apple juice. There's milk, water, prune juice and I think another one.

By Sabrina on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

How do I do that? I currently don't see anything.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

Ornella, I agree. I wish that it would say if they got caught or not. Mrs. puff really deserves to be killed lol. Or better yet, she needs to be popped. One time, my coworker killed me after i pranked her and i got so mad that i paid to use the time machine. So i went back in time and killed her. At least your enemy confronted you to your face. Unlike Mrs. fat puff who tried sneaking up on me. Wow, i never got the post office thing. Sounds like she was a wild one lol. If you go through with that life, you might get the wicked ribbon. And really? A loveseat? That must've been uncomfortable lol. I've gotten that popup about the drinks several times now. I always go with the apple juice. And sometimes water. The options are apple juice, mil,, water, and prune juice.
Sabrina, to make friends in school, go to the class option under the school tab and click on a person. Once you do that, in the options, there a new option called, befriend. Click on that and it'll show you there stats and at the bottom it should say something like, become friends. Once you make a friend, they'll appear in the relationship tab. So will your enemies if you have any. You can also make friends at work by going to the coworkers section and choosing someone and asking them. Also, you might be ask to be friends when your a kid. Its random though.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

So i finally was able to join a sorority. My plan was to rush all the ones on the list lol. To see which one would let me in. I was able to join the first one on the list. I was looking for one like the fraternity that asks you greek mythology questions and i think i found it. Its the Alpha chi omega sorority. Now lets see if i get hired on the spot like you do if you join a fraternity.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

So the game I'm doing now my mom and dad got married and it only lasted for 2 years. Well given that she was 19 and he was in his 50's. So my dad married a really nice lady. Her kindness is 89%. Anytime I ask her for money she gives me and like in the 50's or even $100. I think my real parents are jealous because when I asked them for money they refused. It didn't say they couldn't help me. That means they don't have money.When it says they refused means they just don't want to give any. But before I started asking my step mom for money they used to give me. First time I have a step parent who is so kind.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

In reply to by Ornella

Wow, lucky you. I swear every time I start a new life, I end up with a stepparent. And the kindness is always low. Only once did I get one with 80% or so. For the first time, me and all my siblings are going to college. My sister is an accountant. I’m going to medical school, I haven’t decided whether to be a doctor or physical therapist. My younger sister is going to school for information systems. And my baby brother graduated high school. He hasn’t started college yet but let’s see if he does. Also, what is it with all these popular girls trying to be my friends. I feel like they’re going to pull some sick joke on me later on LOL. Like they do in the movies and stuff. My boyfriend is so stupid. He went to school to study engineering and got a job as a cook instead. He wasted four years and lots of money just to be a cook? Like come on now. Put that degree to use one way or another.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

About schooling, I know kids could make their own decisions at 18 or what ever but only once I could've had the opportunity to bribe the colledge to take my son in. Some of them just don't want to go to school at all even if we could afford it. That also happens with me a lot. I can't remember what my girlfriend studied it university but she became a hairdresser. Its not a bad job but I mean use the degree for something worthwhile. Some of those cliques I don't really understand. Like how do you become popular? What do you need to do to raise it? I tried to join the mean girls clique a few times but couldn't. I mean they say what's required but like we don't know what to do. I didn't get to play for today as yet so going to when I'm done on here.

By Raul on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

Is it possible to play the mine sweepers, jail escape and other mini games? If so, how do you manage?

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

Most of them aren't accessible. For now only pickpocket, murder and stealing cars are the only crimes you could do. I gave up on hoping all the rest would be accessible.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

In reply to by Ornella

I’ve bribed a college official before. but only once. I did it when I was a famous author. That was the first time I ever became famous. I think I paid the official 20 or 25,000 for my daughter to join. Even though, she became a grocer afterwards. I’ve joined the popular clique quite a few times. It helps to have high looks. Also, you have to be in an extra curricular. I haven’t figured out which ones you need but it helps to look at your classmates Description. Where it says their gender, age, sexuality, and if they are in any clubs or cliques. If I find one that is in the popular clique and is in any club or activity, I try to join the activity. Also I think you have to be well liked in order to join. Which for us, kind of sucks because we have to go digging to find the relationship with each individual person. Where as sited people can just open the tab and automatically see everyone’s bars. I mean their relationship bars. So they don’t have to go digging around, they just look at the bar next to each person and They can see whether they’re like or not. Which I thought of a way that this can be implemented with voiceover. Instead of digging through each persons name, just add the relationship next to the name. For example, Bob Smith, 62%, mary jones, 88%, Jane doe, 56%. You get the idea. This could also be added to our family such as our parents, kids, siblings, partners, etc. Since sighted people can also see the bars when they open the relationships tab. Anyway I got sidetracked LOL. As for the mean girls clique, I haven’t been able to join that one. Maybe you have to mess with people and disrespect teachers? Just a guess. Oh and obviously be a girl. Well, time to go finish medical school LOL.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

Well that's lot of work. I will try that when ever I play another life. When I said I was going to play yesterday I didn't. Up to now I'm still tired from Christmas. Anyway I opened the app and got some kind of amulet worth $8 and of course no one wants it. I will keep it for a while and see in a few years.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

This might just be me or since they kept updateing this app it has become difficult to achieve certain things. All I could say for now is that I'm 23 and have 9 kids. Could've had more but some of the females are on birth control or they refusing to keep the baby and one of them lost the baby. I'm a policeman with lots of kids. I don't own a house or car and now sure if I care to in this life but will see. The doctors are making money off of me a few times each year because I have to treat every disease that I get and obviously the most expensive HIV. When I give my girlfriend HIV I apologize to her also when or if she finds out that I cheat on her. When she wants to leave I beg and some of them stay and some of them leave. I only have 1 set of twins so far.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

I know how you feel. I basically slept through the day yesterday lol. With the occasional waking up. Plus it was raining so that just added to my laziness lol. Anyway, I got prayer beads. I threw them away. No one buys them anyway. Are you trying to do the 100 baby challenge? I think you can now father multiple kids a year. They added that a while back. Supposedly theres a way to help you have twins and triplets but i don't know how. I saw it somewhere on google. I was searching for something about bitlife and it popped up. So i started a new life hoping to get the stupid ribbon, which i did. But i had lots of fun being stupid. I only had one friend and we became enemies in high school. He tried to unfriend me but i salvaged are friendship but only because i wanted an enemy lol. We pranked each other a lot. He sent me a voodoo doll of me with a needle in the buttocks. I started laughing. Another time, he called me a creep on a billboard and i erased my name and put his. I don't get why are enemies invite us to do drugs with them. Well, at least for me they do. My enemy invited to do cannabis and i accepted. I also got addicted to opium. And he spread a roomer that i was addicted to it. Which wasn't a roomer since it was true, so jokes on him. Have you ever gotten invited to do drugs with your enemies? I also hurt myself while having sex lol. It said that i threw out my back after giving her all i got. I died of an opium overdose. No one came to my funeral. Since my parents and step dad were dead. And i always fought with my step siblings. Now i'm going to try to get the lazy ribbon.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

I haven't been asked to do drugs by my enemy but in my previous life my best friend asked me and I made up an excuse. Yeah I know you could father multiple kids but the girlfriend gets mad. I'm not saying I'm doing the 100 baby challenge but if it happens then I'm cool with it.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

In reply to by Ornella

Omg in one of the lives I’m playing, my best friend asks me all the time. She asked me to do Molly with her. And another time she asked me to do Ritalin. Then she asked me to do Adderall. And it just went on and on LOL. It’s weird because our relationship is at zero but we’re still best friends. I don’t know if I should make her my enemy or not. I am down to do the hundred baby challenge but honestly, I’m kind of lazy LOL. That and it seems really tedious. I’ve seen other people on YouTube play and it takes them a while. Some don’t even finish the challenge, they only make it to like 50 or 60.

By X2 on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

So I got the lazy ribbon. This was a speed game. I’m getting lots of Christmas pop ups. Well, I did get a lot of Christmas pop ups. I got one saying that Christmas carolers were coming to my house. I told them to go away LOL. I got another one saying that a kid asked me about Santa and I told him that Santa doesn’t exist LOL I was mean. I was just going with all the easy answers. And whenever my friends would go to the club or when someone would offer me something, I would just turn it down. And when I would get those pop-ups about someone trying to argue with you, I just ignored them. Like I said, the easiest way out. And I also didn’t work at all. So I don’t know if this is possible but when my mom died, I inherited some money from her. The thing I found weird or whatever you want to call it, my sister got $129,000 and I only got $89,000. Can we choose the amount of money each person gets? Like in our will. Now I’m playing as a new character. I never got this before. I was born a female in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. I was conceived after my father duped my mother by poking holes in the condom. My dad must’ve really wanted a baby for him to do that LOL. First time playing a character in Mongolia. Let’s see how this goes.

By Ornella on Saturday, January 11, 2020 - 19:43

That thing about the will I've gotten that. Like my sister got more money than me and I got mad about it. I don't think we could do it unless if they changed something. I think there was a time when we could set 50% to a person but I think they took that out. I think I got that one about the condom once. Well if I make it to 100 then I may not attempt it again but the rate some of these women going I doubt. I'm 23 and already have 12 kids. This is a slow game. I even had to take a part time job not to support my kids because if I don't have the money I'm not going to care or feel bad if I can't pay for their education because some of them could be so disrespectful. But I took it for medical bills. Treating HIV from my first doctor for a few years only cost me like a little over $200 but now I have another doctor and I'm paying $2000 plus to treat that each year and the rest of diseases that come with it will have different price rates so the doctors are getting rich off of me. I haven't done hook ups in a long time and I could be wrong but I think they changed up some things about it. So if the person didn't enjoy it it would say that you had a one night stand with whoever. She says she's tired and has to wake up early in the morning. I got different things but its random and some of them when I infect them. Lol. Its a little after midnight now so lets see what I get as an heirloom. A motoroler paiger worth $8. Puke.