Tell me about your experiences with the kindle E-Reader and Voice View

By Oliver, 3 October, 2024

Smart Home Tech and Gadgets

As amazon are poised to bring out yet another base kindle, I'm wondering what your experience is using it with Voice View, which is their screen reader? I'm looking for a device for just reading, audible books and kindle and the ability to buy books in app, which you can't do on any device aside from a kindle.

You need to use voice view and listen to audible books over bluetooth, which is okay, I can attach it to my Sonos Roam 2, but I did wonder how people have got on with it in the past? I played with a paper white but didn't get very far with it, it was expensive too. If there is something south of Ā£100 that I can use exclusively for books, TTS reading or audible, then I'd be happy. Question is, is it accessible?

Bonus if it can connect to a brail display, though I don't think any of the current ones have this capibility.



By The blind AI on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 - 21:39

I've asked myself this question many times over the past fifteen or so years. I did actualy try it, once or twice, ages ago, but I always give it up as a bad job.

Honestly, use a phone. Use a second phone if yu want more battery life, i had an iPad mini as my 'books' for a I just get a new iPhone Pro every two years. The battery last all day and all night in low-power mode, so I only charge it once a day.

I never go anywhere without my phone, so reading is always available.

Of course, if money is no object, then the Victor Reader Stream is a great choice, if it does Audible and Kindle reading still.


By Oliver on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 - 21:39

I thought the Victor only did audible?

As niggling and petty as it is, it's the buying that is annoying. I want to be able to buy books, kindle and audible versions, in the same app at the same time and read /listen to them in that app. currently there is no way of doing this on anything but a kindle. Even on the kindle fire, I believe, you have to jump through hoops.

I do have a spare phone, but also have the 15 pro max and tend to be okay for battery. I guess what I'm looking for is a singluar device for books, something I can take away and dump my phone elsewhere and, I admit, there is a desire to have something 'normal' and be 'normal'. Everyone has a kindle, it seems. I'd like to have one too and be able to use it.

It may be that the new one, coming out over the next couple of weeks has brail support which would be a game changer... For me at least.

Back to the normal thing, this is why I'm excited, and frustrated by AI glasses. We are so nearly there with having something we can use to read normal books, normal devices like kindle. there is a pleasure in buying and owning books, for me.

By The blind AI on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 - 21:39

I do have a Pixel tablet thingy i never turn on. I wonder if you can buy Kindle books and Audible books on Android?

Being normal is good, cheap to! that's why I am such a cheerleader for the Meta Ray-Ban glasses - nine pairs for the cost of a pair of Envision glasses.

Get a new Kindle, they are are always on offer. Give yourself a month to try it and is a handy gift to give to someone at Christmas, if you do that sort of thing.

By OldBear on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 - 21:39

I worry I'm misunderstanding your question, but you should be able to get those formats on any Android-based device by having the Amazon app and the Kindle app on the device. Buy them in the Amazon app, then select to have them sent to all your devices somewhere in the process.
I have an old Fire tablet, and if I remember, that is the same process on it as well, even though it is an Amazon device. I can't say Voice View is spectacular, but it does read books with the two-finger-swipe-down, and has some granularity options like lines, words and headings etc.

By Oliver on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 - 21:39

I'm talking specifically about the kindle devices such as the paper white, the EReaders rather than the tablets.

Yeah, it's much the same experience on android as it is on iPhone except android you can use the amazon app to purchase books but you can't on IOS.

What I'm looking for is the kindle paper white to be usable as a reader as you can buy books in the kindle app, which you can't on any other device, which I think is a bit mad. It's like buying a film in one app so you can watch it in another. I understand the reason, but it's still pretty annoying.

I know it is a weird request, but I want a device that just does one thing, books. The swis army knife of a tablet or phone is okay, but I want to disconnect from all that. Hence, looking at the kindle and other's experiences.

It's really niche, I get it.

By TheBlindGuy07 on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 - 21:39

I am also interested in that. I thought there were only kindle fire? Just learned that there are other kindle based devices. I had a VR Stream for awhile and the audio experience on audible with it is unparalleled anywhere else, you can't get that audio quality elsewhere :)

By The blind AI on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 - 21:39

You have to go into Safari to buy a Kindle book on iPhone. You can buy an Audible book in the Audible ap, but not a Kindle book in the Kindle app.

What the guy is saying is that on a Kindle device, you can buy both formats from the app - and it is a great book reader because it only does one thing, does it well, and the battery last a lot longer.

Is that right?

By The blind AI on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 - 21:39

I was just asking myself - playing the odds, on this site for one. Also, I've never met a girl called Ollie, but I am very old.

Sorry Ollie, if my off-the-cuff comment was incorrect.

By OldBear on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 - 21:39

I understand where that guy, Ollie, is coming from. In a way, I got my Fire tablet for the sole purpose of watching movies, which you can rent directly from the movie watching app. I'm fairly burned out on watching movies, and tend to get books from libraries, so my Fire mostly sits there.
I was talking about your "Pixel tablet thingy," and getting books on it, @Charlotte Joanne, when you asked "I wonder if you can buy Kindle books and Audible books on Android?"

By Brian on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 - 21:39

Disclaimer: This is not the lack-luster assistive reader found within the Kindle app.

If you want an amazing experience having eBooks and Audio books read aloud, or otherwise played out to you, just get yourself an Alexa device. The Assistive Reader for Kindle books built into Alexa devices, as well as the Alexa iOS app, is simply phenominal.

Thank you, that is all. šŸ™‚

By Diego on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:39

Hello guys!
it is completely unusable.
I tested my girlfriend's 10th generation Kindle and even the Kindle samples it either reads in words or characters.
No line reading, continuous reading, etc.
It's not a worthwhile product for us, in my opinion.

By Oliver on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:39

Yeah, I've been using assistive reader on my sonos roam, which can also do audible, of course. The issue with the assistive reader, and I know I'm really nit picking, is the quality of the voice is stepped down for some reason. though, really, it is probably the best of all worlds.

I think I'd just like a little cool device with a billion books on it that everyone else has... That's really what it boils down to.

By Winter Roses on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:39

Iā€™m not really sure I entirely understand what youā€™re saying. I get that you want to be ā€œnormalā€ and use your phone like everyone else, but using your phone is normal! A lot of blind people Iā€™ve talked to actually say they donā€™t like being on their phone too much, and sometimes itā€™s hard for them to explain that theyā€™re not just texting or scrolling mindlessly. It sounds like you want to use your phone less, but that doesnā€™t mean you need a secondary device like a Kindle to be ā€œnormal.ā€ You already are normal! You might not fit into everyone elseā€™s definition of it, but thatā€™s okay.

If you donā€™t really need another device, what Iā€™d recommend is using your spare iPhone and downloading the Kindle app. Or, for longer battery life, you could consider getting an iPad. I mean, if you don't already have one. Iā€™m not sure if this is an option for you, but I know you can download it, and if you sign up for Kindle Unlimited on Amazon, itā€™s about $12 in the U.S. Not sure what it costs in other countries, though. The nice thing about Kindle Unlimited is that even though they donā€™t have every book, you can switch between the e-book and the audiobook version if itā€™s available for the book youā€™re reading.

You could also pay for Audible separately, but I get the sense that you want access to both the e-book and the audiobook versions, which Kindle Unlimited offers for certain titles. If you buy books outside the program, I donā€™t think you automatically get the audiobook versionā€”itā€™s usually only available for those on the program. But I think you can still purchase audiobooks separately if you want to.

Iā€™m not sure why people would prefer using a physical Kindle over the appā€”thatā€™s what I use, and it works fine for me. But hey, maybe thereā€™s something about the Kindle Iā€™m missing! Just a suggestion for you to consider. If you purchase content from Amazon on different devices, can you log into the account on a secondary device, and have access to the content that way? And, I get that you might want some variety in terms of voices, but I think the screen reader voices are OK. It's not an audiobook, but, yeah.
Wait, do they still sell the smaller iPads? Like the mini ones? I guess that you want a device that deals with only books, but, you could always use that one single device for only reading books.

By Oliver on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:39

I guess the same, or similar reason for why others use a kindle instead of their phone applies. Of course, for the sighted the E-Ink screen is a factor, but an all in one reading device is also popular because that's all it does.

I do have an iPad mini, but it does seem overkill.

I do thank you for your response. My specific question is about the kindle though, if voice view is functional. If it were, maybe a kindle would be in my future. as it is, it probably won't be as voice view is poor.

I have tried using alexa, getting it to read my audio books or kindle books, but it never seems to sync across sessions between iphone, echo and my sonos roam.

I think amazon could make the whole experience better. Audible needs a lot of work on the app, but it should be easier to buy the kindle book after the audible book. You can do it the other way.

Like all amazon products, it's a good idea, just not very slickly implemented.

By Winter Roses on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:39

I love audiobooks for sure, but, sometimes, it's too slow for me. I can finish more books on Kindle, then I can with audio. Plus, e-books are generally easier to get than audiobooks, at least, ones that are professionally narrated. If you know, you know. I use the Samantha default voice on my phone, and it works well enough for me. I don't like over the top accents, or too much emotion, where someone is reading the book, and it just goes over the top. I feel like it doesn't work, so, yeah. Besides, Kindle unlimited is cheaper than audible, and you're able to switch between both formats. Audible is more expensive, and not every book has an audio version.
I wish there was a way to pay for the Amazon Kindle unlimited program without needing to add a card on file. I reached out to them to ask if they would consider implementing a policy where we can pay for a set amount of time, for example, two months, for a $30 Amazon gift card. I even told them that, if refunding was an issue, they could say that there's no refund if you use a gift card, or give you back half of what you spent. So, you would get back a $15 Amazon gift card, if something goes wrong. I just can't afford to pay for the program every month. US$12 is about $1200 for me. I've been competing in the Microsoft rewards program for free, even though it's slow to try to earn an Amazon gift card at the end of the year. The only thing I can do now is to try to get enough points for even a $15 Amazon gift card. If there are any sales around the holiday, I might be able to buy four or five books, with the gift card balance, depending on the prices. Other services like Netflix allow you to pay month by month when you have a gift card. I don't know why they can't do the same thing here. From what I understand, you can pay with your gift card, but you need to have a card on file. That makes no sense. I told them that if they did not want to include paying for Amazon gift cards, alone, on the subscription based plans, to give us prepaid plans. Just like I said above.

By Oliver on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:39

Couple of things:

I listen at 1.7 on audible, fast enough to get through it but slow enough to absorb. Listening to it at the regular speed now sounds weird to me.

Regarding Kindle Unlimitted, there is 3 months free at the moment. Think it ends on Wednesday. It's cool that you can just get the book in app on IOS however, there are hardly any good books on there. There is The mirror and the light by Hillery Mantelle, which is pretty punchy, but nothing else really jumped out as a quality read. Unfortunately, being an author, I'm a bit of a snob, my loss.

Audible, on the other hand, does have some interesting books in it's plus catalogue as, I guess, to be made into an audiobook, it has to be of a certain popularity. there's a bunch of stuff in there which is pretty good. I tend to read four or five books a week, hence my desire to get my mode of consumption just right.

By Winter Roses on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:39

I don't think I could afford both of them, but I don't want to put my card on file for Amazon. I don't think what I suggested above was unreasonable though. Could I put it on there, activate the three month plan, and then remove it afterwards? I will put a gift card balance on there though, in case I want to continue. Does it work like that? Actually, the problem here is that, I don't live in America. The thing is, in order for me to purchase any of these services, the price, when converted to my currency, becomes very high. Plus, the type of cards that Amazon wants, my country doesn't always have those cards available. So many people talk about the library, overdrive, and all of these great services, but most international users don't have access to them. I love the idea of Amazon Kindle unlimited, and I wish there were more programs like this on the market. They need some competition. It's easier to pay, preferably with a gift card, for one service, and get a certain amount of books, than to pay for them individually. Not everybody can afford to pay every single month. I would pay for the service when I'm able to do so. I don't know why Apple doesn't have a similar service by now. I would love to check out what they have on Audible as well. They sound like they have a really great catalogue. Amazon needs to treat their authors better, and maybe get rid of the exclusivity clause. Maybe more individuals would be willing to join the program. I know that they want to dominate the market, but I wonder why they don't have a Amazon Kindle YouTube channel for audiobooks. I mean, they would still get their money, we get to listen to audiobooks, and I don't know if they could work something out with the other companies.

By Trenton Matthews on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:39

I would say going for a Fire Tablet would not be a bad idea either... Though probably best getting the "plus" version do to the extra ram (unless ya like certain colors). Latest deals on Fire Tablets can be found here. Braille Screen Input typing works quite well on said tablets too by the way. Info on that (along with Voice View help) can be found here.

By Brian on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:39

I have to agree with Winter Roses on a point or three. Lately there seems to be greater value in Kindle Unlimited over Audible. As a subscriber of both, I am sad to admit that I seldomly use credits anymore. I do enjoy the Plus and Access catalogs, though. As those 2 categories give free books , audio dramas, and podcasts.

Of course for those who are feeling truly adventurous, an Audible subscription can grant between 20% and 30% off of books purchased out of pocket.

So there is that.

What I find valuable in Kindle Unlimited, is the fact that authors whom I follow always seem to have more books out on Kindle, and as I mentioned above I love listening to Kindle books through Alexa, either with the device or the iOS app.
@Winter Roses,
I do not know what your budget is like, but some authors put their stuff up on Patreon. The idea here is if you become a 'patron', you can get their books at a discounted price, up to and including a handful of books per month for free. This depends on the author, and the tier you subscribe to.

Just wanted to put that out there.

Finally, I concur with Trenton Matthews, if you're going to go with an Amazon tablet, go Fire.

By Oliver on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:39

Yeah, I think the fire is probably the best bet but then it kinda comes full circle to, why not just use my iPhone? The only real advantage with the fire is you can buy books in the amazon app, yet still not in the kindle app for some reason. I guess the great advantage of a fire is that it's a portable alexa for audible and kindle books through assistive reader. They are very cheap at the moment too. Possibly worth a punt.

I'll keep at kindle unlimited sub for now as it is free. From what I have seen, it's certainly not worth Ā£9.99. Again, my snobbery coming out, but barring a few self publsihed breakthroughs, unless it has been traditionally published, I don't find the quality up to much. I should know, I self-published many years ago...

It would be nice to see tighter integration between audible and kindle though. It just seems hard to marry up each version, or choose between them.

By The blind AI on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:39

Kindle Unlimited - all the crap books you can stomach! OK, there are a few good books on there, but I usually have a month or two a year and that is enough.

I have Audible+ all the time and it does seem to have more better books on it. But I do only get it because it is included and I am an Audible Ninja - I buy books at the cheapest possible price.

For reasons previously mentioned, I'm not a big fan of Whisper Sync - but it seems to work well when I do try it.

Interestingly, some KU titles have the audio as well, but most don't. I've not seem it work the other way - getting the Kindle version of an Audible+ title.

By Winter Roses on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:39

I think it would make sense to include the audiobook version for readers. Many people prefer e-books but also want the option for an audiobook, so why not give them that choice? When you subscribe to Audible, itā€™s clear youā€™re only there for audiobooks, not e-books. Unfortunately, with the Kindle Unlimited program, itā€™s how a lot of authors make their money, but many authors choose not to participate because itā€™s too exclusive. Thereā€™s also a big issue with pirating in the book community. Many authors avoid joining Kindle Unlimited because they believe their books are more likely to get stolen when theyā€™re part of the program. Even authors who arenā€™t in the program face this issue. When books are pirated or found on unauthorized sites, authors can lose good standing with Amazon, their publishing deals, and more, all because Amazon enforces an exclusivity clause. The worst part is, Amazon doesnā€™t seem to investigate these cases thoroughlyā€”they immediately blame the authors, even when itā€™s out of their control. In the end, it hurts everyone involved. Not to mention, when people pirate these books, theyā€™re stealing money from authors, which affects their ability to pay bills, write more books, and continue their work. This is why I wish Amazon would find a solution. Itā€™s not just about my budget, but in my case, $10 USD translates to about $1000 in my currency, and I simply donā€™t have that kind of money.

By Oliver on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:39

KU does seem to be the equivalent of a slush pile, for the most part. I'm sure there are diamonds in there, but it's a little like Netflix in that there is a lot of rubbish to wade through. You can search by author and then add the KU filter, but that rarely brings up very interesting books.

As winter Roses says, I think a lot of established authors steer clear of KU, after all, there is still money to be made on selling books full price. Still baffles me how a kindle book can be the same cost as a hardback. Hardbacks are desperately expensive to make. You can bet that the difference isn't ending up in the authors or publisher's pocket.

By Leela on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:39

I have a kindle fire and a fire tv stick. I also have a kindle unlimited subscription. First, I'll give my opinions about the screen reader. It's easy to use, and they have the Ivona voices, which are still great voices to this day. The only thing I've noticed is VoiceView is not that stable. It sometimes crashes, and it can be kind of a pain to get it back working again. It's great for beginners as you can customize a lot about how it's used. You can't add third party voices or any third party apps to it though, and the app store lacks accessible apps. It's only good for reading basically.
I love having kindle unlimited. I guess I enjoy self-published stuff. Unless it's super bad, I generally can deal with it. I will say that I've heard there is a penalty for books that are too long, so if you generally like reading Stephen King, or Brandon Sanderson, you probably won't find any of those there. It's really good for finding novela style fiction, and short story collections. There are also a lot of light novels on there as well, but if you don't like reading something akin to someone's first true work, or you aren't like me and can sometimes pass YOUR time obsessively scrolling amateur poetry websites, then you might not like some of those. They are getting better at adding authors that are more well-known or published by the big publishing companies like Harper-Collins. They have a decent sized collection of nonfiction titles as well. N everything published by the big companies are worth reading either, especially if you are a child or young adult. Just look up the warrior cats series. If you can't stand self-published works, try indie publishing. Some of my favorite novels were published by those. They usually give their authors more freedoms and take more risks, so you get stories that don't fall neatly in genre conventions, or are a bit more experemental in nature.

By Brian on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:39

I read a lot of books pertaining to Isekai, LitRPG, Portal Fantasy, etc by indie authors. They are some of my all time favorites. šŸ˜€

By Leela on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:39

They're pretty entertaining. Portal fantasy in general is one of my favorite genres. This has been true ever since I watched Dragon Tales on my old TV as a kid.

By Oliver on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:39

So, I got a kindle fire. Unfortunately it's not really what I want. Even the latest version is still sluggish compared with iPhone, so I'm sending it back. I have worked out a bit of a work around though...

In the kindle app I can search for the book, add it to a list. I've then put a bookmark on my homescreen to that list so it's just a case of hitting by. It's not perfect but it is certainly not too much of a bother. I think you can buy the audiobook version at the same time, but no matter how often I check the box to buy it too, it doesn't seem to work when I buy the kindle book. I'm wondering if there is a different button I need to press. They really don't make this easy for us...

By Brian on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:39

You can buy content with the Amazon app. I believe you can by video with the Prime app. Possibly even can purchase music through the Amazon Music app.

So why in all that is right in the world, can we not purchase books through the Audible or Kindle apps? šŸ˜•

By OldBear on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:39

I assume you mean on a Fire device. I wonder if it might be some kind of monopoly avoidance--I can't think of the term for it right at the moment.
Bummer about all the dead ends with what should be cool devices.

By Winter Roses on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:39

Yeah, that makes absolutely no sense. You're honestly telling me that I can view the books on the Kindle app, but I can't actually purchase them directly from there? I actually saw someone complaining about this today on Instagram. It's crazy, and talking to Amazon doesn't work. I feel like all of the customer service representatives our AI bots responding to me.

By Brian on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:39


I meant in general, but my experience is mainly within iOS.

@Winter Roses,

Yeah. If you have a credit, you can purchase an audio book through the Audible app, if I am not mistaken, but no chance of that if you wanna pay out of pocket. Same for Kindle. If you have a Kindle Unlimited sub, you can add books directly to your library from the app, but you have a better chance skateboarding to the moon than you do purchasing a book out of pocket through the Kindle app.

it is, in a word, stupid. šŸ˜’

By OldBear on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:39

It's my understanding, unless it has recently changed, Apple charges a huge fee to the provider to sell that type of digital content on iOS. So Amazon doesn't want to pay it, and you can't buy it directly, or something like that.

By Brian on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:39

Which is why we have to purchase content for these services through a we browser. Which, while perhaps taking a little bit longer to complete, completely disregards Apple's fees.

So yeah, gimme back my purchasing rights, Apple! *Grrr* šŸ™

By Tara on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:39

Hi Olly,
I do pretty much the same thing. If I like the sound of a book, I add it to my list, and then open Safari, navigate to my shopping list saved in my bookmarks and buy it from there. I just tried buying a Kindle book with the Alexa app on my iPhone and the Amazon app but no luck.

By Oliver on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 21:39

You can also buy audible books directly in the audible app, no credit required. Saying that, this is a relatively new addition. I do also notice that to sign up for audible plus in the app it is significantly more expensive in the IOS audible app than on the website.

Maybe in app purchasing will eventually come to the kindle IOS app too. It's just the 30 percent that apple grab that, I think, amazon are loath to forgo. They probably get this situation of people moving to a kindle device instead rather than reading on an iPhone or iPad because the kindle is visually significantly better for books.