By Zoe Victoria, 24 July, 2019
iOS and iPadOS
Hi Everyone,So Voicedream Writer's having an issue right now where an error shows up whenever I try to create a document. So until this bug is resolved I'd like to find a temporary replacement. So could you all please recommend me some (preferabley free) accessible markdown writing apps? Thanks.
drafts 5
I think drafts 5 does markdown & it's free & accessible.
there's an entry for it on here in Ios. app directory.
I don't use the markdown stuff on it, but what I use it for is my pad of paper of sorts that I can pick up right away when I need to write stuff down real quick. and unlike a regular pad, it never runs out of paper! lol & you can take it anywhere so if you wrote that number for example down on a pad in your kitchen but not the 1 in your purse, then you don't need to worry about it. just go to drafts 5 & look for the number or what have you.
but I'm pretty sure it does markdown, but I know 100% sure that it is free & accessible.
Macdown is the best for mac
Macdown is the best for mac os. It's accessible and I can see if I have gone wrong anywhare.