Accessible audio editor

By Maria Georgakarakou, 1 November, 2012

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories
Hello all. I hope you can enlighten me. I am interested in creating a podcast but cannot use any of the podcast applications in the apple store. They seem to be inaccessible. Any ideas? Thanks so much. All the best, Maria.



By John W. hess on Sunday, November 18, 2012 - 22:53

May I suggest the following. Two apps that would be great for recording on the iPhone are voice memos and drop vox. After recording import these files in to Audacity which is completely accessible. I've recorded presentations in this way and the iPhone does a great job.
Hi. Have you tried Hokusai? What about GarageBand? Also, there's a section in the user manual for editing audio files on the iPhone. I don't know how complex the editing you want to do is, but these seem like some good solutions. I don't think Hokusai is free, and I know GarageBand is not. BTW, I just threw the phrase audio editor in the search box on the app store and got a bunch of results, lots of them free. HTH!

By DrewWeber on Monday, February 18, 2013 - 22:53

Hello, if your looking for iOS: as was already mentioned here, the "Hokusai audio editor" is Voiceover accessible. If your looking to create podcasts with background audio such as an in/outro, or maybe some audio clips within your podcast. "Bossjock Studio" was created especially for this. Creating podcasts without having to do any post processing/editing.

By Isaac Hebert (not verified) on Monday, February 18, 2013 - 22:53

sound forge is a good application for the PC and mac that can be used to create podcasts.
The hokusai app is completely free to download but upgrade packs cost money.

By Can Kırca on Saturday, January 18, 2014 - 22:53

In reply to by Isaac Hebert (not verified)

Ä°s it accessible on Mac?

By KE7ZUM on Saturday, January 18, 2014 - 22:53

I would recommend amadeus to record podcasts or at least to edit them. I love this editor and it does a lot in terms of stuff to dok intros and outtros. Take care to all.