iPhone 4 or 4S?

By BlindMag, 22 July, 2013

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

I'm blind and cannot afford an iPhone 5. I need to choose between the 4 and 4S. Specific concern is turn by turn for driving with maps and, whether Ariadne for walking directions will work on 4. How many maps can I store on 4? I live in a small town and only need location identifier plus just 2 or maybe 3 area maps at a time. I don't want to pay for expensive map or nav apps unless there is one I really need. I want to run the phone on StraightTalk or maybe Net 10 if that matters. I probably only need a dozen or so apps, and basic internet; I would only store a few small text files and maybe 2 or 3 added ringtones on the phone, no music files no videos nothing like that. I do want to use Twitter. I can live with slower speed but do need navigation capability; for both walking and driving, turn by turn. Can 4 be enough or do I need to go ahead and get 4S? I am unclear about whether the cost markup is really worth it for my needs. This will be my first smartphone. I only have experience with standard older model cell phones. Am using TTS on my computer for this forum. Suggestions very much appreciated!



By Unregistered User (not verified) on Friday, June 21, 2019 - 18:09

Go with the iPhone 4s but not sure how the apps work today with it and also the iOS will be old and may affect the apps.

By chris R on Friday, June 21, 2019 - 18:09

In reply to by Unregistered User (not verified)

Wow how did this happen lol