finding app information on Ipod

By ryan97, 29 December, 2012

iOS and iPadOS
so I just got an Iphone, and I'm trying to transfer an app from my old Ipod to my phone problem though, I can't seem to find it in the app store, as the name of the app is very very unspacific so there are almost 10 apps with the exact same name, some payed some free is there a way to find the information aka developer, version etc from the Ipod's download? thanks



By Maria on Monday, February 11, 2013 - 07:49

Just.came across this posting. And while you've likely found your previously downloaded app, I thought I'd chime in, in case another reader comes across the same problem. As long as you are using the same iTunes account across your iDevices, you can download previously obtained apps by: Going to the App Store Selecting the Updates tab Selecting the Purchased link (or button) And then selecting the Not On This Device link (or button) You will be presented with all the apps you have downloaded using that account that are not on the device at hand. Note that if you have a lot of apps, the process of sifting through them can get tedious, as Voice Over can get very sluggish with many results; at least that's my experience. You also have option to perform a search for the specific app under the Purchased apps results page. Hope this doesn't sound more confusing than it is. It really is simple. HTH.

By ryan97 on Monday, February 11, 2013 - 07:49

ah, thanks for that, but the problem is on the Ipod it was my brother's app, lol so I gotta go find it again

By Maria on Monday, February 11, 2013 - 07:49

Well, if you have access to your brother's iPod, you can perform the same steps listed above, with the exception of selecting Not On This Device. When you find the app in question, you can click on it and be taken to its page in the app store. From there you will find out all of its information just as if you were going to download it for the first time. You can also select Share and send yourself a link to the app via email or text message.

By Isaac Hebert (not verified) on Monday, February 11, 2013 - 07:49

Transfer all the purchases to itunes then remove the device from the account that after transfering the content then sync the content to you're iPhone
that would probably work, but the problem is that it was my brother's old Ipod, and this is one of his apps, not mine thanks for the response though