Hello - I am the developer of a Mac crossword app called Black Ink: https://red-sweater.com/blackink/
Unfortunately this app is not even moderately accessible. I've wanted to add VoiceOver support for a long time but have been daunted by the challenges of presenting the 2D crossword grid, clues, letter values, etc., in a meaningful way that is not too overwhelming.
I'm committing to add VoiceOver support for the forthcoming 2.0 update and I am asking anybody who is interested to help advise me about accessibility features to join me on my company's Slack community. If you're interested you can read more on my blog:
Thanks for considering it!
The Slack invite page was not working
I realized that for the past day or more the Slack invite page I linked to from that blog post was not working. If you tried to sign up for my Slack team and it didn't work, pleas give it another shot!
I'm very interested
Hi, Daniel. I sent a message on the accessibility channel on the site. I just discovered your blog post, and I'd love to beta test, discuss, etc. I know there is a crossword app for windows from spoonbill games. I don't have a Windows computer, and i think it would be great to have a Mac OS app. thanks for your interest in making accessible apps. I'm looking forward to some great "crosswording" on my computer. :)
Hi Teresa
Thanks for the enthusiasm! As I mentioned on the Red Sweater Slack, I'm getting closer to a solution for the app to make the crossword grid accessible. I'm running into problems but sorting the issues out bit by bit. I hope to have something concrete to share soon!