Help with iCloud and windows 10 mail

By Holger Fiallo, 1 June, 2019


Hello. I want to access my iCloud mail that I got from iPhone account. I loaded my iCloud account to windows 10 without no issues. However when I go mail in windows, I can not get mail to read my emails from my email Any help be good on accessing my email within windows 10 mail.



By Ben Bloomgren on Friday, June 21, 2019 - 18:22

Buenas noches, Holger, you're running into the bear that is two-factor authentication. In my opinion, Apple totally muffed up Icloud email by removing it from the likes of all other email accounts. As of June of last year, if I'm not mistaken, Apple requires two-factor authentication in order to make use of Icloud email outside the little bubble that is the Apple ecosystem. I would not activate two-factor authentication unless absolutely required to do so by the use of a Homepod or whatever. I tried to activate it a couple of months ago, and I'm very glad that I had kept the link that Apple had sent me in order to quote unquote downgrade out of the dictatorship of two-factor authentication. It's not nearly as easy as one would think to put your Icloud email account into Windows 10 Mail, Outlook, Thunderbird or whatever. This gets into app-specific passwords. Ugh... Don't get me started. If I'm wrong, please somebody set me straight, but that's where it's at.