favourite diary or journal apps for iOs

By Sabrina, 7 May, 2019

iOS and iPadOS

Hi. I would like to know of favourite personal journaling apps. I am using personal diary journal app for text and Just Press Record for audio because it is very organized and efficient. What apps do you prefer?d



By René Jaun on Monday, May 20, 2019 - 19:05

I‘m still a Day One User. I set up an Evening Shortcut which, after fiddling with my alarm clock and putting the Not Disturb Sign on, asks me a random question - some kind of a writing prompt. This then is saved as a daily entry in my Day One Journal.
Sadly, Day One has made some changes to their entry view. It looks nicer for the sighted, but it made navigating it with VoiceOver a bit less comfortable. Basically: Instead of being able to read element by element (like on a website), VoiceOver now reads the entire entry in one go, not announcing headings and similar elements. I hope they‘ll bring the old view back somehow. Besides, I still like it very much...

By René Jaun on Monday, May 20, 2019 - 19:05

Forget to mention this:
Inspired by another post here on Applevis, I set up a nice little SIRI Shortcut called „Quick Record“: When triggered, it starts recording immediately until I activate the STOP Button; Then, it sends the recording into my DropBox. It even creates folders for the current date and names the note after the time at which it was taken. This makes it easy for me to find it again; and as I have DropBox on all my devices, my Audio Notes come with me wherever I go.

By Roxann Pollard on Monday, May 20, 2019 - 19:05

I really like this app. You can use it just as it says, i.e., simply write down things that you are grateful for today or you can use it as a regular journaling app. This has cloud backup and the ability to set a daily reminder to write. Voiceover works well in the app.


By Ekaj on Monday, May 20, 2019 - 19:05

I've always been somewhat of a writer, but never tried out any of these apps or suggestions and will have to do so. If we're talking about www.gratefulness.org , their site worked perfectly for me on the Mac until they redesigned it! But I'll try it out on my iPhone at some point. While I'm on the subject of writing, I use Dreamwidth and swear by it. While not an app, the developers have gone to great lengths to make their platform as accessible as possible not just with VoiceOver. The mobile site is great too, but only contains a log-in button and no log-out button. Updates seem to be far and few between these days, but it's still great in terms of accessibility. Check it out at https://www.dreamwidth.org . I'm told cross-browser support is good too, although I've only used it with Safari and Chrome.

By Roxann Pollard on Monday, May 20, 2019 - 19:05

I am not certain if the Grateful app by the dev name treebetty is associated with gratefulness.org or not but I know that this app has been very useful to me. I hope you will find it the same for yourself.

By Zoe Victoria on Wednesday, May 20, 2020 - 19:05

I use Dyrii. It’s a bit clunky with VO but it works for me and i like it since it has just about all Day 1’s features for free.

By WellF on Wednesday, May 20, 2020 - 19:05

Does any of this apps offer exporting functionalities? I like to store my diaries on the PC.

By Zoe Victoria on Wednesday, May 20, 2020 - 19:05

In reply to by WellF

Dyrii does. You can export all your entries to a PDF, just by one tag, or individually.

By WellF on Wednesday, May 20, 2020 - 19:05

In reply to by Zoe Victoria

I'll check it's usability with voiceover.

By Misty Dawn on Friday, November 20, 2020 - 19:05

Glad to see a later entry here about Day One saying it’s still reasonably accessible as late as 2019! Not into paying for an app I can’t use.