How Do I Rip mp3 Audio track From iTunes Movie or TV Shows Purchases With Windows

By Roxann Pollard, 3 April, 2019


I have been searching the web to determine how to convert my iTunes movies and TV show purchases into an mp3 format, for use on my Victor Stream. I have tried a few different pieces of software but they all seem to be inaccessible. If anyone has suggestions, I would certainly be interested. thanks for any assistance.



By Elijah76 on Thursday, April 11, 2019 - 07:46

hi roxann,
i currently use ios shortcuts to convert videos to sudio and it does the job quite well.
there are a number of good ios shortcuts, that can easily get the job done for you.
you may want to consider using ios shortcuts.

By Roxann Pollard on Thursday, April 11, 2019 - 07:46

Hello arvind. Thanks for your feedback. First of all, I have never heard of "sudio". Can you explain what type of file this may be? Also, I don't know how to utilize the Shortcuts feature to convert iTunes movies or music purchases into mp3 files. Can you give me more info? I think this has to be accomplished on the PC, not the iPhone. If I am wrong, any help would be appreciated in determining how this can be done.


By Igna Triay on Thursday, April 11, 2019 - 07:46

The trouble with Itunes movies and books is that even after you buy them; for some stupid reason they still have drm protection; which makes no sence. One way i've found is to record movie with goldwave oro some similar software... Just watch the movie as normal; but turn off your screenreader while recording. Honestly though; movies or content you've bought still having drm after you have bought it? beyond stupid. That's why I stopped buying movies from the itunes store, plus they don't have much in the audio description section' opposed to other sights; I've found movies from 2000 or earlier with audio description and in itunes, you find the same movie; but without audio description. Good luck

By Roxann Pollard on Thursday, April 11, 2019 - 07:46

When clicking your link on my PC it just goes to an iCloud pages and says loading. When copying the exact link into the search bar of my iPhone and then conducting a search, nothing comes back. Can you at least tell me what this page should have provided as far as what the shortcut is supposed to do?