Ask about backing up iPhone

By Freddie, 20 February, 2019


Dear All,

From my previous post in this link,

I tried to find out information and tried to back up using iTunes and NVDA. After trying, I'm facing the following situation.

The capacity of my iPhone is 59.60 GB and here are the following information.
Photo: 20.9 MB, 7 photos
Apps: 11.14 GB, 163 apps
Documents & Data: 5.96 GB
Free: 40.73 GB

However, when I did a back up for many times, the result is the same, the total size of the full back up is only about 800 MB. Did I miss some step or do something wrong during the process?

Please help me,



By Kai on Monday, March 11, 2019 - 07:46

Are you trying to back up your music or everything? The reason I ask is because it’s different for what ever you’re trying to do. If you’re trying to back up your music, you’ll need either an iPad or a laptop with the iTunes app installed on it. Connect your phone to that device and then back up from there. If you’re trying to back up everything-go to the Settings app, click on your name, go to iCloud, scroll down to iCloud back up, enter that and click back up. This is for a manual back up. It’s a good idea to do a manual back up every now and then. For a automatic back up, you don’t need to-one plug in your iPhone into a charger and plug it into an outlet. Sorry, that should be: Plug your iPhone into a charger and then into an outlet in the wall. While it’s connected to Wi-Fi, and plugged in on a charger, leave it alone. If you unlock it at any point, it won’t continue to do an automatic back up. So leave your phone/device locked. Hope this info helps resolve your issues. Good luck!

By OldBear on Monday, March 11, 2019 - 07:46

It might be all right. Did you encrypt it? It didn't save some of the data if you didn't. Here's an article.
Also it doesn't save the apps and things like that, just records that you have them on your phone, and it would redownload them if you restore.

By Freddie on Monday, March 11, 2019 - 07:46

Thank you for your reply. Anyway, I didn't back it up on iCloud. I just want to back it up in my computer and restore it later using iTunes.