Is Team Talk for Mac OS not accessible?

By dharmaputra, 17 November, 2018

macOS and Mac Apps

hello mac users, I want to
  install Team Talk for mac mini. but, I can't make VoiceOver work. is it because TeamTalk is not accessible for VoiceOver on mac?



By James Dean on Tuesday, December 11, 2018 - 07:36

You can install it but you need to use tab and shift+tab to go through the controls both in the installer and the program itself because using the VO cursor will just say "unknown." That's really the secret. Oh, and use space to activate buttons or tabs, not enter or VO+space as neither will work. You cannot see the channel list but as long as you use tab and space, not VO commands, the rest is definitely usable.

By dharmaputra on Tuesday, December 11, 2018 - 07:36

So, TeamTalk can be accessed properly on the Mac screen reader? thank you for the answer.

By Chris on Tuesday, December 11, 2018 - 07:36

The app is usable if you tab around the interface. The area that needs the most work is the channel list. VoiceOver reads nothing as you navigate through it. You can press f3 to view the channel info and get the information that way, but it's clunky and not at all efficient.

I have tried contacting the developer numerous times to inquire if he'd be willing to add TTS to speak lists, but nothing has come of it after three or four years. I'm not a big fan of TT anyway. It's not really a mainstream service and is too difficult for the average person to configure IMHO! If the developer is content to only support iOS, Windows, and Android accessibility wise, I won't use it. There's no reason tts couldn't be added to the macOS version to make it fully accessible. I get that the Mac version is made in QT which doesn't play well with VoiceOver, but how hard is it to hook into the macOS speech API and have it read channel info when you press up and down arrow?

By dharmaputra on Tuesday, December 11, 2018 - 07:36

I agree with you. So in conclusion, TeamTalk is not fully accessible for voice over on Mac. thanks for the information

By Teresa on Monday, April 11, 2022 - 07:36

I remember seeing a podcast about a VO activity setup for TeamTalk. I am using it to talk to friends, and used to have an activity set up for it, but I've forgotten which settings to change. Anyone have info?

By Matthew Whitaker on Monday, April 11, 2022 - 07:36

Since the last few updates, it's gotten a lot better... Basically you can now navigate like you can on Windows. It uses the built in text to speech engine in Mac OS along with Voiceover.

By Johann on Monday, April 11, 2022 - 07:36

In the preferences under the Text to Speech tab, select the option that says Speak selected item in lists.

By Teresa on Monday, April 11, 2022 - 07:36

Much appreciated! That is the issue I've been having the most trouble with.