FlickType is fast becoming a personal favorite of one of the experts at the National Federation of the Blind. Find out why in this very helpful and well-written guide by Karl Belanger.
We have also been working hard to improve the much anticipated half-screen mode, which is currently in beta and getting great feedback so far. To join and get it for free before it's released to the App Store, simply send an empty email here. We need your help to make FlickType better!
Warmly, Kosta and Ashley Eleftheriou
Hi Kosta and Ashley!
Hey Guys,
Great update. Looking forward to the half keyboard experience. Sent an email to do my part in improving this wonderful keyboard.
I'll read the insert when I have a chance later tonight.
Thanks again for the dedication to FlickType.
Very Nice
I just read the NFB blog post about this, and I enjoyed your interview on Eyes on Success earlier. I keep meaning to spend more time with my iPhone, since it's my first i-device. But things keep getting in the way, mainly my social life lol! But this sounds like a pretty awesome app and I definitely want to download it. I've done a few things on my iPhone thus far, and frankly it has gone better than I or anybody else expected. I really appreciate the hard work and dedication by Apple to make the iOS experience a good one for all.