mp3 to become a ring tone.

By chee chau, 27 June, 2018

macOS and Mac Apps

hello every one, do any one knows any tutoreal on how to convert a short 30 sec mp3 file in itune to become our ring tone on the iphone? i just cannot get the hang of it in itune. unless people can let me know other ways to do it? many thanks for the answer.

chee Chau.



By peter on Wednesday, July 11, 2018 - 07:39

What I do to create a ring tone from another audio format such as MP3 is to use the free Audacity program (available from SourceForge for various operating systems).

Audacity is fairly screen-reader friendly with lots of hotkeys available. You will have to import the MP3 converter which can easily be done from within the Preferences in Audacity.

Then you need to import the MP3 file and export it as M4A within Audacity. Rename the M4A file to have the extension M4R. You can then use iTunes to import the M4R audio file onto your iOS device as a ring tone.

Apple doesn't make this the easiest thing to do but it is possible!

Good luck.


By kool_turk on Wednesday, July 11, 2018 - 07:39

I just upload the mp3 to, then use iTunes, or appandora to transfer the ringtone to my phone.

Appandora is a little tricky, but I use it because it also lets me put ringtones onto other peoples iPhone.

hello Peter, thank you for the reply. converting to mp3 no problem. but i just can't get the hang of the itune user interface, on how to convert those files to m4r. do you mind to give me a short over view of the steps to do it in itune? many thanks.

Chee chau.

hi, thank you for the answer. but may i ask, what is Appandora?

many thanks.

By kool_turk on Wednesday, July 11, 2018 - 07:39

Appandora is similar to iTunes.

You can transfer files from your PC to your phone, and it not only works with apple products, it was originally for android, but they somehow got it to work with apple products as well.

You still need iTunes installed on your computer though, otherwise it won't work.

very interesting. i will give it a try. smile.