Stream to Me

By Xandross, 16 December, 2012

iOS and iPadOS
I'd be interested to hear of anyone's experiences with the Stream to Me app as I understand that it can stream both movie and music files of varying formats to your iDevice from either a Mac or PC. There's no sign of it on the site at the moment, but I'm hoping someone has used it and can give me some idea of its accessibility and effectiveness. Many thanks.



By Skippi666 on Thursday, December 20, 2012 - 19:25

I have tried several streaming apps such as airvideo, vlc streamer etc and have to say I prefer StreamToMe. The app itself is 100% accessible and also has a high level of usability in my opinion, with gestures such as scrubbing permitted. . I have had no problem streaming all sorts of files, including dvex, avi, mkv, mp4, mp3, ogg, jpg etc. Alas no ISO support yet though. Once set up correctly, with my computers IP address added to the app, I can not only stream from within my home network but can also pull files through from outside which is essential when travelling. The only problem is that the software called ServeToMe which needs to be installed onto your computer is not all that accessible using a screenreader. It only needes to be used when choosing which folders to share from your computer and can be worked out with trial and error, but it would none the less prevent me from giving the app 10 out of 10 which it otherwise would get from me, lack of ISO support aside.

By Juan on Sunday, January 20, 2013 - 19:25

In reply to by Skippi666

Hello: I starting using the stream to me app which even though is not free I find very, very accessible. the app has a simularity to tonido there is a apple app and a desktop version. You will of course need both to be able to run the app. On the app itself its all 100% accessible. I was able to play folders songs and also a movie .avi from within my desktop without a problem. The app doesn't have a way to share as you do on tonido and the desktop version is not quite accessible but once you set the folders or drives up you won't have to really bother with it. what I did was shared a drive and within the drive i made a movies folder and I just add them to the drive so that I don't have to reset the sharing from within the desktop. Not because the desktop version is not accessible don't let that from trying the app itself. The developer of this app is very responsive and open to feedback. I did wrote him once and he did offered to make his app more accessible to us. Honestly since I don't really use the desktop version as much I didn't bothered mentioning it but you certainly can write him and approach him with that. and yes, you can play various type of music and movie files.

By Xandross on Sunday, January 20, 2013 - 19:25

Thanks to those who confirmed that this is indeed a useable app, unfortunately though for me it simply doesn't work! Having gone through every step of the setup and trouble shooting information it would appear that because my desktop is connected to my router by a cable, and not in fact wireless, I'm unable to successfully run the app. Or at least this would appear to be the reason! I'll shortly drop an email to the dev to point out my difficulties and hopefully a solution can be put forward.
Hello: no, I don't think that's what your problem is. Although I do believe testing this app on a wifi is recommended is not a requirement. what I had to do with mine was play around with the ports so that the pc and the app would match. if you can't get it to work send the developer an email explaining your situation and am sure he'll advice. because I can listen to music on either wifi or on my cell phone data plan. good luck