Buttons becoming unresponsive in Safari

By Ipadman, 5 April, 2018

iOS and iPadOS

So here’s an unusual problem I found in iOS 11 .2, though I haven’t seen mentioned anywhere else before.
I use an iPad Air with voice-over, and sometimes when I use Safari for a long time, double tapping buttons on the screen doesn’t do anything.
This also happens with the reload button at the top of the screen, and when I find this problem, I have to exit out of Safari and close the app before restarting it in order for the buttons to work again.
It doesn’t seem to happen for links, form controls, or any other mode of navigation, only buttons.
If anyone else has experienced this problem or has the solution, please let me know.



By cool cat on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 - 07:43

It happened to me last night using the app store. I couldn't tell how long I was using for though. It was atleast 30 minutes. I had to close the app and then open again. I'm on 11.3 and use Iphone SE.

By tunmi13 on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 - 07:43

This has also happened to me, but not just in Safari, but in other Apple applications as well, such as GarageBand, or sometimes Mail.

By Dawn 👩🏻‍🦯 on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 - 07:43

Hi. Sometimes if a button isn't responding, I'll double tap and hold. It's hit-or-miss, but in the times I've gotten it to work, it's responded. I haven't had this issue like you've disscribed.

By DMNagel on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 - 07:43

Simply press the home button to go to the home screen, then open the application again. You don't need to close the entire app.

By Jesse Anderson on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 - 07:43

I've sometimes experienced this type of thing in a couple of areas. For a while, the sign in button on Audible's login page didn't always work.

I've also seen other form elements occasionally not work right. Just yesterday, I found a few edit boxes that would trigger, but the on-screen keyboard wouldn't appear. I do have some vision, so turned VO off, and tapped the edit box. The keyboard appeared right away. I don't know...

By Ipadman on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 - 07:43

I’m going to report this as a bug to Apple, because it’s happening a lot more regularly now, though this will be difficult because it’s not consistent bug so will be difficult to reproduce.