Adding more options to "save" menu

By Chowder84, 10 March, 2018

macOS and Mac Apps

I am using OSX Sierra on an iMac from 2010. I am wondering how can I add more options to the “Save” menu. So specifically, I am trying to have the “documents” folder show up in the drop down menu in the “save as” pop up window. As it is right now, I have to save a doc somewhere I don’t want it, like the desk top, and then copy and paste and/or drag to the folder I want it in. So if anyone knows how to add additional folders/locations to the save menus it would be a big help and thanks.




By Chowder84 on Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 07:37

In reply to by Bruce Harrell

Hi Bruce. Thanks but that is not what I am looking for. I want to add more folders and destinations to the "save as" pop up menu. So when I hi save in some situations, instead of having a sidebar and table to choose a save destination, it will only have a pop up menu to choose from. The options are usually something like "downloads" "desktop" "applications" etc. but for ssome reaosn I cannot choose "documents", so I was wondering if there were a way to add that, and other files you would like to save things to quickly/easily.

By LaBoheme on Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 07:37

check disclosure.

By Dave Nason on Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 07:37

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Hi. Well for Documents you can just press Command+Shift+O to set it. Not sure if there’s a keyboard shortcut for Dropbox though, would like to know myself.
You might also find it easier to use column navigation, then you can easily interact with the browse section and navigate to where you want.
Sorry that’s not entirely the answer you’re looking for.

By bawtawman on Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 07:37

To the right of the textfield where you enter the name of what you are about to save, there's a disclosure.
VO space on that.
VoiceOver will then say expand disclosure.
Then you can navigate to where ever you want to save.
The next time you save something from the same program, you'll have to expand the disclosure again if you want to save somewhere else.
If not, you'll only see the popup button.
Your last choice will be on top of the menu.
If that's where you want to save the next time as well, you even don't have to press the popup button.
That will always be the first option.
Hope this helps.

By Chowder84 on Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 07:37

In reply to by bawtawman

Thanks a lot that seems to have worked.