Itunes extras?

By cw, 11 March, 2018

iOS and iPadOS

I am trying to play the extras of a movie or two I had bought from ITunes. I am running IOS 11.2.6. I brought up the TV app, went over to the library tab, and chose the movie. The scrolled down to the extras heading only to find that the extras heading was dimmed and two unlabeled buttons that were also dimmed. What am I missing? These are HD movies, and I am trying this on a 10 megabit connection that has a habit of dropping down below 4 at times. I would had thought that if it was the connection, that it would had switch down to SD. Anyway, the movies are stored on the device itself. I am hoping to figure this out before the latest star wars movie is out. That is going to be one long download on my connection, but I figure that I will have one HD movie to show to the house if needed, and if I can get the extras figure out, maybe they would get showed too.



By themusicman08 on Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 07:51

If you've got an Apple tv, you might want to try playing the extra's on that and see if they get dimmed. Also, why would your internet connection drop down to 4MBPS? Might want to speak to your ISP about that one.

By cw on Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 07:51

In reply to by themusicman08

I do not own an apple TV of my own. Sometimes I am around people who do, but I do not own one of my own personally. At home, my connection is a good 5 mega bit DSL connection. I do also go over to visit a family member’s house too. It’s this house I often get on the net at times. It’s at this house that the speeds vary so much, and to make it worse per say, it is a wireless connection. It’s better than satellite, but there are things that does, in fact, affect the speed. When I say that it is a wireless connection, I main that the ISP delivers the net via wireless. Wireless, as in mount an antenna to the side of the house. The connection is pretty much an line of sight connection. A light shower is ok with this connection, but a down pour brings it to a crawl. Anyway, back to having an apple TV, I am not too sure why not air playing it to an apple TV should affect it. As far as I am concern it would be a bit crazy for apple to force you to play it over the apple TV to get access to the extras when you can just as well watch the movie, itself, just fine on the IOS device.