Hootsuite - Social Media Tools

Description of App

Manage all your Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Foursquare accounts in one app!**

Compose and converse on the go. HootSuite for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch allows you to manage your social media profiles, like Facebook, Facebook Pages, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Twitter, from almost anywhere.

Simple, elegant and powerful, HootSuite allows you to send and schedule updates, track click stats, and set up tracking columns to monitor keywords, #hashtags, and lists.

HootSuite is international-ready with translation to/from over 50 languages, plus the the interface is localized in 14 languages (Arabic, Catalan, Dutch, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish) with more to come.

Download your HootSuite app for free, and start using your HootSuite account on the go, whether you’re a Basic free user, managing teams and unlimited profiles on the Pro plan, or part of a larger Enterprise team. This handy mobile app is tightly integrated with the web version, allowing quick account importing and syncing with a helpful wizard.

Use HootSuite to:

Spread Messages

  • Manage your Twitter accounts
  • Update Facebook Profile and Fan Pages
  • Checkin to Foursquare Locations and share your position
  • View your LinkedIn connections’ activity
  • Comment on posts in Facebook News Feed
  • Translate messages for Facebook and Twitter
  • Save a draft message to finish later
  • Schedule updates for future sending
  • Forward messages via email
  • Reply to all recipients at once

Monitor Conversations

  • Translate Twitter messages from 50+ languages
  • See conversation history for context
  • Create custom views for keyword monitoring
  • Set-up real-time Twitter searches
  • Browse and understand trending topics

Track Results

  • Examine message click statistics by date
  • See which countries are clicking on your links
  • Shorten URLs with Ow.ly for stats
  • Track user ratings for links (via Ow.ly and Ht.ly)

Make Friends

  • Add followers to Twitter lists and accounts
  • Learn about your followers with profile view
  • View who you follow and who is following you
  • Create and edit Twitter lists
  • Subscribe to lists
  • Find where your friends are on Foursquare

Increase Happiness

  • Understand interactions with language translations
  • Share and store photos and files including stats
  • Save links to read later via Instapaper
  • Open pages with Safari for easy reading
  • Add geo-location coordinates to messages
  • "Bump™" to quickly add followers

Already using HootSuite for iPhone or iPad? Great! Consider adding a review at the iTunes App store (http://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/hootsuite-media-inc/id341249712). Stay up to date at the HootSuite blog: http://blog.hootsuite.com and via Twitter @hootsuiteiphone



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

Recent updates appear to have fixed some of the previous problems, and as a result you can now access most of the app with VoiceOver.

Button labeling is poor in places, but at least VoiceOver will now read the timeline (although I do find that VoiceOver will occasionally stop reading tweets as you swipe through the timeline ... very odd).

I've only used this with Twitter so far. I wouldn't recommend it over the more accessible options that are available, but there are some encouraging signs that it's heading in the right direction.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads most page elements.

Button Labeling

Most buttons are clearly labeled.


There are some accessibility issues with this app, but it can still be used if you are willing to tolerate these issues and learn how to work around them.



By David Goodwin on Friday, January 11, 2013 - 07:45

It's good to see in the release notes for the latest update that HootSuite is joining the accessibility party!

Here's what they say:

Improved accessibility for Voice Over in many places. We are still improving more areas of the app for accessibility

I've not used past versions of this app, so I would be interested to hear from any users who can let us know how much better things are now looking.

By ianthomas.fl on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - 07:45

I just downloaded the latest version of this and am pretty happy. The stream feeds read a little wonky (date/time before content), but all and all it's a pretty user-friendly interface. All buttons seem to work. Granted, some are a little quirkier than others, but Voiceover reads the gist of it. So, for people like myself who manage multiple social media networks for personal and business use, it's a pretty handy app to have. Here's hoping they add Google + for the next update on the free version!

By Amanda on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 - 07:45

I love this app, but am having trouble with facebook. My posts don't show up, and I get an error whenever I try to like a post. Have re-added my facebook account and emptied the message cashe with no success.

By Amanda on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 - 07:45

All facebook problems have been solved. The trick is to delete Hootsuite and Facebook from one another and then add facebook again. I had to get the Helpdesk people to do this as HS isn't jaws friendly, and deleting a social network in the app only deletes it from the iPhone.

By Amanda on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 - 07:45

All facebook problems have been solved. The trick is to delete Hootsuite and Facebook from one another and then add facebook again. I had to get the Helpdesk people to do this as HS isn't jaws friendly, and deleting a social network in the app only deletes it from the iPhone.

By cjoseph on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 - 07:45

Much of the same that is written here still applies. the App get's about a 6.5 out of 10 for usability. If you have to use it you can get by. But if you have a choice. Pick something else.