How to use Markdown on different operativ systems

By Thomas Byskov …, 15 August, 2015

Other Apple Chat

Hi all!

Last year I discovered the language called Markdown. For short Markdown is a way to format text documents so it can be exported to other formats like Word, HTML etc.

I've started to make all kinds of documents with this language, because it is simple and still very powerful. My main reason is that I can do this anywhere with any text editor I want as long as I can save something to the txt-format. This is especially nifty for braille users because we can track how the layout of the document is on a braille display, and we can easily transfer it to a computer, when it needs to be exported. That was the good news, and here is my ... But:

I haven't found any good conversion tool on Windows. It seems like most of those applications are on the Mac. For me this is not an issue, but for most people it is, because they are using Windows.I've tried a few editors on Windows, and they weren't a hit for screenreaders like the most popular among users called Markdownpad. The interface would be great, but the menubar and the edit area where you type the text is not visible for screenreaders like NVDA and JAWS. The good about this program is though that it can convert documents into other formats like PDF, HTML and a few other formats.

Do you know of any good accessible Markdown editor for Windows or on the Mac? I will be more than happy to check anything out you can suggest, because I see a huge potential for this language to expand in situations where we as blind people before only was able to do this in a graphical editor like Word for Windows or Pages for the Mac.

Best regards Thomas



By Joseph Polizzotto on Sunday, February 18, 2018 - 23:17

Hi Thomas:

I recommend using VS Code and adding the Markdown Preview Enhanced VS Code extension.

VS Code has an accessibility mode that makes the text editor area accessible to NVDA, and the Preview extension opens your Markdown code in a Preview window that you can access using CTRL + Page Down.

For more information, check out these links:

Visual Code

Markdown Preview Enhanced

Best of luck,


By PaulMartz on Friday, May 18, 2018 - 23:17

I've used MultiMarkdown Composer on MacOS. It has a very useful preview window.

Lately, I've switched over to using Scrivener on MacOS, but I still preview Scrivener's Markdown output in MultiMarkdown Composer.

I'm planning to post a blog article on AppleVis about using Scrivener for creating Markdown. Look for this blog in the next couple weeks.