Hi all: I'm having a terible time trying to use audible.com because Safari gets redirected to the Canadian version of the site. I have changed about every setting in Safari that I can think of, plus called Audible's customer service number with no luck at all. I even tried downloading Google Chrome to see if that would help. Same result. Has anyone else had this problem? I can't log on any more to buy books. I don't want to change to a Canadian membership, because I can't buy extra credits. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
This should work
Use this URL:
Still redirects
Thanks Patrick, but unfortunately it still redirected. I have a little vision, so I think I saw the US site for an instant, and then right back to the Canadian. I do hope to find an answer, as Tuesday is new release day, and the day I usually buy a lot of books. On the other hand, this way may save me some money. LOL
I Know How You Feel
I know how you feel Louise, I live in Canada and get the same thing each time I try to go to the Audible US. Have you tried using the accessible URL for Audible? It's...
I haven't logged in to the site in a month, so I don't recall if it worked or not.
Consider Deleting Internet Cookies
If you use Internet Explorer, then delete Internet Website and Cookies. Go to Tools, Delete Browsing History, then check the box for Internet Website and Cookies. Remember, this will mean that you will have to retype all frequently used website addresses in once again the first time you go to the sites.
I use this method when I sometimes find myself on the amazon.uk site.