Hiya, i was recommended one recently, smule sing. There are loads of songs on there, you can record and share via social media, it's a little confusing at first, but once you get used to the lay out, it's fine. It's fairly accessible with voice over.
I downloaded Smule, Starmaker, Starmaker Lite and the SingSnap app, and I could not use any of them effectively! All I want to do is record myself singing a song with a backing track! Is that too much to ask?
Hiya, i was recommended one
Standard Files
I'm looking for a player that will run on my iPhone, Airplay to an Apple TV, and use standard karaoke files.
I'm hoping not to get stuck with of in app purchase deal where I am restricted to only songs they produce.
I want the Voice Over speech to be routed to my blue tooth earpiece, and the audio and video to the Apple TV.
I'm more than willing to pay for a solution.
Any suggestions?
I recomend yiokara though it has some accessible issues. You ca. Stream thois.
All the karaoke apps I tried suck at accessibility!
I downloaded Smule, Starmaker, Starmaker Lite and the SingSnap app, and I could not use any of them effectively! All I want to do is record myself singing a song with a backing track! Is that too much to ask?