Weather Gods 1.5.3

By Weather Gods (Scott), 14 November, 2017

iOS and iPadOS

Hi All,

Release 1.5.3 should be hitting the App Store shortly.

There are a few significant changes for voiceover:

1. Daily summaries for day / night are now available for each of the day menu buttons. As you swipe along the day menu, voiceover will announce a summary.

2. Enhanced summaries for widget, notifications and Apple Watch. Voiceover should now speak the summary in a more natural way, expanding cardinal points and temperatures. Please let us know if you find anything that isn't quite working.

3. The pressure values for days 3 - 7 in the air god timeline have been fixed for anyone who is using US / imperial settings.

As ever, if you are enjoying your time with Weather Gods then we would love a review or rating on the app store please (direct link in our app settings). This helps with our search ranking and improve sales, helping us with our data costs so we can keep the lights shining bright on the weather gods :)

Also, it goes without saying, if you have any problems with the app, including accuracy of data, then don't hesitate to get in touch as it can help us to improve the app for everybody.

Have a great day everyone!



By Justin on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Hi scott,
Love it so far. One thing however.
Instead of putting the word Fahrenheit in the day/night summary for each day, just either say something like 40 degrees, or 40 degrees F. No need to put the word in there, it just makes it longer than it needs to be. Love the summary you're pulling in from the weather company, it works great!

By Justin on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Also, I just went thru the wording again in the summaries, and you're writing the word degrees, I truly don't think it's needed. Just put the degrees symbol there and VO will read it as long as your punctuation is set to either some or most.

By DPinWI on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

I am loving the daily summaries. Thank you for adding this feature. I also like the clarity in the widget text too.

Now if i could figure out how to add cities to my favourites. I can search for them, but I can't figure out how to add to the favourites section. I must be missing something simple.

By MelodicFate on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

So, I keep hearing about a Weather Gods widget. Is this for Apple Watch, or can I get this on my iPhone? If so, how do I do this?

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Hi Justin,

Agreed on losing the 'degrees' and temperature unit. I wasn't sure about the impact of languages other than English though, so I will initially remove for English locale.


By Weather Gods (Scott) on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Hi DPinWI,

You can add a favourite by going into the locations screen ...

1. Swipe down until you find the recent location section and double tap to expand the list
2. Swipe through the list where voiceover will announce the name of the recent place
3. To the right of each place is an add to favourites button, double tap this to add the location as a favourite
4. You can have up to seven favourites.

Now that you have your favourites you can access them quickly from the home screen by

1. Swipe with three fingers left or right to cycle through them
2. Swipe to the app home button at the bottom of the screen and use the rotor action to select a different favourite location.

Hope that helps.

I am considering other ways of adding favourites, perhaps a rotor action on the search results?


By Weather Gods (Scott) on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Hi MelodicFate

Weather Gods has an iPhone and iPad widget just like some of the other weather apps.

You can add our widget from the widget configurations screen on the iPhone or iPad.

Our widget is fully accessible with voiceover :)

The widget gives you a quick snapshot of the weather for your current GPS location and includes:
- daily high and low
- daily chance of rain and wind speed
- the current temperature
- current (smart) weather conditions
- day, night and tomorrow summary (depending on time of day)

Let me know if you need any assistance with adding a widget?


By MelodicFate on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

This sounds fantastic! After looking in control center settings, I see nothing about widgets. do I get to this widget configuration screen? Thanks so much for all of your help.

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Can you try this please MelodicFate ... click the Edit button in Notification Centre, swipe down to Weather Gods and then double tap to add the widget.

By MelodicFate on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Oh wow, I forgot all about that section of the notification center. That worked, and I love the widget. Thank you very much for being willing to help me with this, Scott! Can't wait to see the new Weather Gods update :D

By MelodicFate on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

I just got the update. I love having the day summaries on the days as you scroll through the menu. That's awesome. Thanks for such a great app!

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Glad you like them MelodicFate and got the widget working!

By Cliff on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Hi Scott! I've used and enjoyed your awesome app now, since you first announced it's release here on applevis! :)
On my iPhone I can just switch my VO voice to an english voice, but I also love having weather gods as a complication on my watch face on my apple watch, and there I can't switch the language of the voice. And since my system language is set to norwegian, the voice on my watch is also norwegian. So a norwegian voice, trying to read english text, isn't usually very understandable...
Therefore I was wondering about what the chance of a norwegian translation of the app in a future release is! :)
In my view, the watch complication paired with the time travel feature is where the app really shines! :) And if the information also some time in the future could be available in norwegian, I would truely be a very happy man! :)
All the best, and keep up the good work!
Cliff in Norway

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Hi Cliff,

Glad you like the app!

We have a Norwegian translation which got started by a Norwegian lady but unfortunately she was unable to complete the translation - it's probably about 50% complete.

The weather gods team don't have the resources to complete the translation but we are able to help someone who would be able to carry out the translation.

If you know of someone or if you would like to have a go yourself then we can work with you to make the translation files, We have two lovely ladies on AppleVis who are our translators for Greek and German and I'm sure they would be happy to advise on best tools to use in terms of accessibility.

Let me know if this is something you would like to have a go at?


By Cliff on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Give it to me! I'll do it! :)
I did all of the norwegian translation for MBraille, so I'm sort of into the translation game already...
I'm not sure how the rules for posting personal stuff like email adresses on applevis works, so I should probably not post my email here before checking...
But maybe you'll be able to send me a PM from my profile information page?

By sockhopsinger on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Click on Scott's profile and send private message. Best way to send personal information. HTH

By Cliff on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Thanks a lot! Will do! :)

By DPinWI on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Thanks for the info about adding favourites.

My problem is that I wish to add places i have not visited recently, so they are not in the recent places list. For example, I have a family member in Canada and I want to track their weather. I can search for, and find their information, but I can't figure out how to add that to my favourites to make it easier to see the info at a later time.

Thanks again for a great app.

By cool cat on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

I lreally like how you get the summary after each day now! And Scott, I haven't had any trouble with my notifications for the last while now.

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Hi DPinWI,

Sorry I wasn't clear on the adding favourites. Anything you search for will also show up in the recents list, so you can just add it from there.

It is a bit clunky and ideally I would prefer if you could add a favorite from the home screen, but it's a bit more work due to how we manage notifications etc.

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Thanks Cool Cat, good to know about the notifications as well :)

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Thanks for offering Cliff, much appreciated!

I will respond shortly to the email you sent me.

I have to disagree with the first two responses from Justin. I suggest leaving the wording as it is to give clarity. For example, the high should be listed as being "40 degrees" rather than "40". There should be notification as to whether it is Celcius or Fahrenheit, again, for clarity.

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Thanks for the feedback Charles.

I wonder if I can detect if the voiceover setting for punctuation or something similar is switched on and then adapt accordingly.

It is quite challenging as my code doesn't have the words 'degrees', 'celsius' etc as I rely on the built in Apple measurement system to translate the measurements into other languages, including English :)

I will investigate further...

By DPinWI on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Thanks to your assistance, I can now add in my favourites. This was the last thing keeping the stock weather app in my dock.

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

That's great :) DPinWI, thanks for letting me know.

I still want to make it easier to add a favourites by putting a button or rotor action somewhere on the screen. Perhaps a rotor action on the location name at the top of the screen - 'add' if you don't have a favourite or 'remove' if you already do ?

One to explore for the next release.

By sockhopsinger on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Perhaps instead of reading out the word degrees or Fahrenheit you could have a setting where you can pick Fahrenheit or Celsius. That might actually be better because on local newscasts and such, you don't hear the newscaster state degreese and fahrenheit or Celsius. Hope that makes sense.

By Justin on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

totally agree with ya on that. Same with the weather reports from NOAA here in the states. They just say cloudy, with a high around 50, or like here today, cloudy then becoming partly sunny with a temperature falling to around 41. However, it might be that because it's only a U.S. thing they don't say the degrees fahrenheit or celsius thing. the only time it says celsius is during the current conditions part.

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Thanks everybody for feedback.

I think the best approach is to have a setting along the lines of "Speak Temperature Unit" - this way we can cover the bases. I will try and add this into the next release.

By Justin on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Sounds great!

By 780KixxFan on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

I can't say enough good things about this app, especially now with the daily summaries being added to VoiceOver text. Thank you very much. This has become one of my favourite apps very quickly.

By taichong on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

after I updated my weather gods I can't received morning summary notification. I'm in Philippines, I"m using iPhone 7 with 10.3.3 version. thanks

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Hi taichong

Do you get other notifications?

If you can send me a feedback email please, then I can investigate further.


By mendi on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

When I updated I didn't get updates initially either. However, once I opened the app and took a peak at the weather, they've been working since. I don't know why this happens, but this isn't the first app I've had this issue with, and simply using the app fixes the notifications.

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Hi Mendi,

Very strange and I can't think why this might have happened.

Had you updated with the previous release or did you skip an update?


By mendi on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

I did not skip an update that I am aware of. I read and determine if I want to update and do not use automatic updates, but given your program has detailed release notes every time, (much appreciated by the way), I typically install each time.

Like I said, it's not just your app that's done this to me. I've had a few other news and/or sports apps do it too. Strange, but if all I have to do is open the app and it functions again, I just chalk it up to tech doing what it does sometimes, being a bit less than perfect.

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Thanks for clarifying Mendi.

The only thing I can think of is that the push notification registration for our app with the Apple servers went astray, launching the app would remake this connection.

Hopefully just a glitch in the matrix :)

By John Gassman on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

I don't see an edit field inthe notification center. I've also looked in notifications in settings. I have the latest iOS and am using an iPhone 6S. Would the 6S make a difference in not being able to access the Weather Gods Widget? If not, then I'm not interpreting your direction correctly. Thank You for a great app!

By cool cat on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

I noticed whenever I update I have trouble with notifications. Sometimes I only get 1 out of 2 or none.After reading Mendi's post I tried what Mendi said but it didn't work.However, that gave me a idea. I simply close the app from the app switcher and then open it again. I did that last night and I have got my notifications today. I know
I mentioned this earlier but LOVE the new additions to this app. The Summaries and being able to flick up or down at the home key.

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Thanks for the info Cool Cat.

Sadly, I cant offer any technical explanation other than something must be happening with the notification registration between your phone and the Apple servers. We do check the connection when the app is launch fresh, but in theory, the connection is already setup.

I'm somewhat perplexed, but perhaps it is something to do with app updates.

Notification problems aside, we've got lots more updates coming along :)

By Holger Fiallo on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

In reply to by Weather Gods (Scott)

How do you add one? Using iPhone 7, current iOS. Step by step will be helpful.

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Hi Holger,

This should work:

1. You need to be in the Today View
2. Swipe right over the Home screen or Lock screen
3. Swipe to the bottom until you hit the Edit button
4. Double tap to edit the widget list
5. Swipe down until you find Weather Gods
6. Double tap on Insert to add the widget
7. Now you need to find top right corner and double tap on Done to exit

By Holger Fiallo on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

In reply to by Weather Gods (Scott)

I do have one, however my gives me info about Evanston IL, instead of Chicago, In my WG, uses Chicago, This is a problem, because location shows Lincoln Wood, IL or Evanston.

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Ah, sorry, currently the widget defaults to your GPS location. We are hoping to change that in a near term release by allowing the ability to change the widget to cycle through favorites and then remember the last chosen location.

By Holger Fiallo on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

Hi, It is interesting that the weather app that comes with my iPhone, shows Chicago, yet WG shows Evanston. This is strange since my GPS shows Chicago.

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

The main difference is that Chicago is a big place and we go for a more localised forecast - IBM have this capability so we take advantage of it.

Same for any of the big cities, we go for a more local forecast.

By Stefan on Monday, November 27, 2017 - 04:01

High Scott,
The app is very useful and i like it's new features added recently. I have some ideas for the Apple Watch version.
1. More often synchronization with the phone app. Sometimes the phone and apple watch widget show different current weather data. May be added ability to choose how often the Apple Watch widget refreshes itself.
2. It will be cool adding daily summaries in the Apple Watch app like these at the phone.
3. If it's possible and convenient for the other users, adding the app's sounds to the watch version.
Thanks in advance!