Voiceover and iWork Pages

By ray h, 8 December, 2012

macOS and Mac Apps
Below is the text of an email exchange I had with Apple about Pages. I haven't tried it yet, but wanted to post for the experts to evaluate. As a user of a Mac, iPhone and iPad, I have found one of the main shortcomings of the Apple accessibility infrastructure to be in the productivity arena. I am a heavy user of word processing software for complex legal documents. To date, while it is marginally usable, I have found Pages falls well short of MS Word on a PC platform with JAWS screen reading. I note that new versions of Pages for both OS and IOS have been released. I have not updated to them, but I would appreciate any feedback you could provide on the issue of whether accessibility with Voiceover has been improved on either of these platforms. Thanks very much for any information you can provide. Ray Hepper Sent from my iPhone with RefreshaBraille Hello, Ray, Thanks for your email. While we cannot provide a complete list or comment on everything that may have been addressed in the recent updates to Pages, Numbers and Keynote for iOS and OS X, we have heard from users that overall functionality has improved. You can find a brief write up on some of the improvements in the iOS versions here: http://maccessibility.net/2012/12/05/iwork-for-ios-apps-updated-with-improved-accessibility/ Some additional community resources are listed on Apple's Accessibility Resources page, in the first column at this URL: http://www.apple.com/accessibility/resources/ Regards Apple Accessibility



By Dave Nason on Wednesday, December 26, 2012 - 05:11

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
Hi. The main improvement I've noticed in the iOS version is that you can now rename documents with VoiceOver, a glaring omission from previous versions. I haven't used it enough as yet to comment further. I haven't updated it on my Mac yet either.