Favorite iPhone apps

By Holly, 14 November, 2011

iOS and iPadOS
We all know that there are a lot of really cool apps available in the app store. What are some of your favorites?



By AnonyMouse on Friday, November 11, 2011 - 04:58

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
There are absolutely so many awesome apps for the iPhone. Here a few of my favorites. FeeddlerPro iCatcher Breaking News Focus Google Voice with TalkaTone WeatherBug Bookmark Bing FindMyFriends Vlingo Dragon Dictation VizWiz Money Reader White and Yello Pages UrbanSpoon TuneIn Radio MusicID Crackle Yes, Facebook isn't the best but I do use this myself along with Twitter. I don't seem to have any problem in using Twitter. Focus doesn't seem to display all of the status if I were to use Facebook to read what has been posted. Strange.
Yes that is strange especially since focus is supposedly geared toward news feed. I would have to agree with you on some of thos apps I love dragon, vlingo, focus, vizwiz, and icatcher. And the rest of those you mentioned I'll have to check out. I also really like seven little words and HeyTell.

By Robin Christopherson on Sunday, December 11, 2011 - 04:58

Some of my current favourites, in no particular order, and all totally accessible: Downcast - powerful podcatching app Audible - for listening to Audible books Book Player (I think it is Audio Book Player in the store but it gets shortened on the home screen) - excellent player for downloading all the free out of copyright Librivox books read by volunteers. DropVox - quick voice memo app with DropBox sync. Can be set up so that on launch it starts recording automatically and press Home button to close it and it stops recording and sends memo direct to a specified DropBox folder. Extremely useful. TuneInRadio - already mentioned but worth mentioning again. Especially nice is the ability to catch up with older episodes and make recordings of programmes. Tweetlist - my prefered Twitter client. A tip is a double tap and hold on tweets to get a list of actions. Dragon Dictation - again mentioned already but super useful for dictating texts, emails or tweets if you aren't lucky enough to have an iPhone 4 S. Recognition is breathtaking. Skype - shame about the keypad in current version but still invaluable for cutting down on travel for meetings, and works over 3G unlike Facetime. Train Times (I think UK Train Times in the store) - excellent for all train journeys (UK-specific) SnooZZr - location-based alarm app. Search for a postcode or point of interest and set an alarm so many miles radius around it. Alarm works even if app in background or screen locked. Doc Scanner - excellent for OCRing a page of text in good light. Flex Player - a nice video player for almost every file format (ideal for presentations where you need to show video clips and the only truly accessible I've found) Crackle - a wide range of free films to stream TVCatchUp - watch a huge selection of streaming TV channels (not sure if UK only) DataMan - great way of tracking your wifi and 3G data usage. Set alarms when get close to limit. Remote - Apple's app for remotely controlling iTunes on your PC from your iPhone Units - handy utility for converting a value from one unit to another (including currency and measurements of all kinds) Reminders - the new app with iOS5 which takes a little bit of getting used to but is extremely handy when you have. Frotz - the only game I have found really compelling (although I have quite a few like Papa Sangre, NightJar etc). It's all the old text-based adventure games. Probs best to have a bluetooth keyboard for heavy text input. VizWiz - it goes without saying that this one is a must. Vision Sim - simulates a range of vision impairments using the camera and special filters. Very useful for awareness sessions with an audience. Box.Net - get 50Gb of free online storage if you set up an account through the iPhone app. Offer lasts until 2 Dec if memory serves. I have also put a number of shortcuts on my home screen to web pages - such as BBC iPlayer (which I actually find easier than the mobile app - but not sure if UK only for both) and live.twit.tv (an excellent source of tech podcasts which I listen to in DownCast, but sometimes it's just nice to listen to the live stream). It's easy to forget that one can save a web shortcut from Safari in this way. Thanks, Robin.

By Holly on Sunday, December 11, 2011 - 04:58

I have a lot of new apps to find now! Thanks for the description and for mentioning that all of them are accessible :)

By Phil Kragnes on Sunday, December 11, 2011 - 04:58

In no particular order... Re-minder SimplyTweet 5-0 Radio Pro WebDAVNav+ Dropbox LookTel Money Reader Amazon Mobile Studio Dragon Dictate Clear Record Timer+ Convert Light Detector Ariadne GPS DataVault Ping Pong Adapt. Trivia

By Dave Nason on Tuesday, December 11, 2012 - 04:58

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

In reply to by Phil Kragnes

There are so many... - Downcast, Tweetlist, Facebook (though I still use an older version), Facebook Messenger, Skype, WhatsApp Messenger, Notes, Akinator the Jeanie, iAssociate 2, ZanyTouch... I also use Pages, Keynote, Dropbox, Skydrive, Netflix and McTube a lot, but those are more on iPad for me. Some specifically Irish ones are Dublin Bus, Luas, Halo (a taxi app), Irish Rugby and Leinster Rugby. - all very accessible. you're never bored with an iPhone, lol!
I have an app called Simplenote on my iPhone I use it a lot and I love it with voiceover So give it a try it will work great for you

By tay tay on Tuesday, December 11, 2012 - 04:58

In reply to by Robin Christopherson

What is drop box and what do you use it for

By Toonhead on Tuesday, December 11, 2012 - 04:58

I really like listening to internet radio, so here are a few of my favorites. at the top of the list isOO Tunes Radio and alarm clock!. It's my favorite internet radio app. Another one I particularly like is SHOUTcast Radio. You can enjoy the very same stations you listen to on your PC, right there on your iDevice. None of the top 10 featured stations work because their links have changed but the app is extremely accessible with VoiceOver. Yet another is Pandora Radio. I subscribe to Pandora 1 which gets rid of the adds and gives you a higher quality stream if you're on a wifi connection. I sometimes have a little difficulty with the app as far as giving tracks thumbs up or down, but I always hear stuff I like so it's worth getting. Hope this helps!
I also like Simplenote because it's the only note app I know of where you can accessibly search and find text strings within individual notes using VoiceOver. This is because when you run a search of your notes, and select a note that contains matches to your search terms, Simplenote will shift the text in your note so that the matched terms appear at the top of the visible screen. So if you simply touch the screen of your iPhone below the heading for the note, you'll find the line with matching text. Use the next and previous buttons in the bottom left corner of the screen to find the next match, and again touch the top of the screen just below the note heading to locate the match. You can start reading from that point with the standard two finger flick down, or you can flick left to back up a bit before starting to read.

By AnonyMouse on Tuesday, December 11, 2012 - 04:58

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team


Now that is a topic I just love answering! Believe it or not. I keep an ongoing list of mine. It changes every month as new things comes in and replaces older ones. So I am currently trying to make the AnonyMouse Top 100 Must Have apps suggestions because I get this question a lot.

People have certainly, have some new ones I need to check out! I love to hear what others consider their favorites.

AnonyMouse Top 100 Must Have Apps:
Accessible Minesweeper
Ariadne GPS
Assistant - Voice Controlled Time Management
Atomic Web Browser - Full Screen Tabbed Browser w/ Download Manager & Dropbox
Audiobooks Premium
Audio Xciter - DSP Enhanced Music Player
Blind Bargains
Check the Weather
Digit-Eyes Audio Scanner and Labeler
DropVox - Record Voice Memos to Dropbox
Find My Friends
Fleksy - Happy typing
Google Voice
GV Connect - Call & SMS client for Google Voice
HearPlanet: Audio Guide to the World
Hourly News
iBlink Radio
iMap Weather Radio -NWS Weather Alerts like a NOAA Weather Radio & Radar
IM+ Pro
Light Detector
List Recorder
LookTel Money Reader
LookTel Recognizer
McTube - Client for YouTube
MotionX GPS Drive
Muxic: The Music Lover's Music App
My Local TV
Naval Combat
Newsify ~ Google Reader RSS News Client
Papa Sangre
Pro Football Radio and Live Scores
Roll it!
RunKeeper - GPS Running, Walking, Cycling and more!
Status Report
Stem Stumper
TuneIn Radio
Twitterrific 5 for Twitter
Type Brailler Learn Braille
ViA - By Braille Institute
VM Alert - Video Motion Detector
Voice Brief - text to speech voice assistant for news email and more
Voice Changer Plus
VoiceTexter - Voice assistant, translator and interpreter for iPhone and iPad
Voxer Walkie-Talkie PTT
WeatherBug Elite
Westminster Chimes
Where's my rubber ducky
Where To? - Discover your next destination
Wikihood Plus
Yellow Pages
Zello Walkie Talkie

By Esther on Tuesday, December 11, 2012 - 04:58

In reply to by tay tay

Yes, you can tag notes so that you can select tag categories. You can also pin any frequently used note so it will always appear first in a category. And on the Mac, at least, there are a number of very good, free and accessible Desktop clients to let you create and read notes with or without tags, search, edit, etc. I've been using this app since I recommended it on the viphone list in Fall 2009. Currently I use it with either the Notational Velocity app, or it's variant that supports the Markup language, NV-Alt.

By Jen on Monday, February 11, 2013 - 04:58

Audible Bible Downcast Goodreads IBlink Radio IBooks IMobsters IPeng - app for controlling Squeezebox radio ITreadmill LastFM Live365 MLB at Bat Money Reader My Writing Spot NatureSpace - relaxation app with breathtaking soundscapes OoTunes - best radio app in the app store, imo Pandora Read To Go Spotify TweetList Yocto Clock - formerly Alarm Where To YouMail

By Isaac Hebert (not verified) on Monday, February 11, 2013 - 04:58

zello BBC news blog fire papasangre king of dragon pas downcast runtastic of course my fitness pal for my workouts netflix viggle skype

Facebook Quizlet read to go I studies pro Zello walkie-talkie Glitter draw Glow paint DoodleBuddy Pig dice King's corner Pandora

By Andrew on Monday, March 11, 2013 - 04:58

I love Downcast, Tweetlist Pro and EZ feeds....the last one was my favorite until the dev stopped updating it...but he has a new update pending with apple, so that should fix everything in a matter of days and ez feeds will once again be at the top of this list for me. -Andrew-

By Aaron Linson on Monday, March 11, 2013 - 04:58

Downcast AccessNote AccessWorld Instapaper iBooks MyAT&T Walgreens Money Reader TapTapSee Audioboo Tiwitterific Zello Blindsquare Adriane GPS Get off now lite Around Me Pandora Blind Side
Favorite iPhone apps. TapTapSee messennger for Facebook, or whatever it's called. The one that makes FB messages look just like texts. TuneInRadio OOTunes DiceWorld I Associate II VoiceDream

By DJ on Thursday, May 11, 2017 - 04:58

Sorry, couldn't resist reviving this thread...

Books: Audible

Entertainment: Podcasts

Games: King of Dragon Pass, Moxie 2 and Shredder

Health & Fitness: NatureSpace

Music: Concert Vault and Qobuz

Reference: SkySafari 5 Pro

Sport: Forest, PlayerHD and talkSPORT

By Sydney Barrett on Thursday, May 11, 2017 - 04:58

My favorite apps: