Weather Gods 1.5.1

By Weather Gods (Scott), 25 October, 2017

iOS and iPadOS

Hi All,

Just a quick update to say that 1.5.1 should be on the App Store shortly.

The main changes are:

1. Voiceover will announce the sunrise and sunset times in the weather wheel in addition to the smart weather conditions
2. Follow me should be working now, however, you might need to go into settings and set the location permission to 'always'
3. We removed the message at startup about the app being a subscription only service.

We've also squashed a few internal bugs.

If you are enjoying your time with Weather Gods then we would love it if you could leave a review on the App Store please - it helps us with our search rankings (there is a direct link in settings).




By MelodicFate on Thursday, November 9, 2017 - 14:29

Thanks so much for your posts concerning all of the updates. This new version seems faster for me, and I love all the information you can get from the moon god. That being said, I've noticed that it always says "awake". Now, obviously this isn't a big deal since you already know if it's daytime or nighttime, but I played with the app a little, and even when I went to tomorrow during the day, VoiceOver still said the moon god was awake. I just wanted to let you know that was happening. Thanks for all you do.

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Thursday, November 9, 2017 - 14:29

Thanks for the feedback MelodicFate :) It's good to hear it's faster, we did make some internal changes, but I wasn't sure on which devices it might be faster - I only have a 6+ and an old iPad Air 2 for testing.

For the moon god future days - we show if she is awake based on your current time and the time of the moon rise and set for that day. We chose to do it this way in case there is always a set time when you might be doing something e.g. walking a dog at 7pm, and it helps to know if there might be some moonlight at that time.

Hopefully the moon god is awake if the current time is between the rise and set times? If not, then please let me know the location and I can investigate further.


By MelodicFate on Thursday, November 9, 2017 - 14:29

Ah, I see. Thanks for that explanation, it makes total sense :) And yes. It is currently between the rise and set time, and the moon god is awake. I'm on an iPhone 7, so I know I'm no help in testing since my device is newer, but yes. It's definitely faster for me.

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Thursday, November 9, 2017 - 14:29

Great, thanks for confirming, we have had problems with the rise and set times - there are some days when the moon will rise but not set on that day or not rise at all.

I'm probably going to add the number of days to the next moon phase in the timeline section. I feel it might be more helpful to know full moon is 10 days in addition to the date and time. Also looking to add the position of the moon to the horizon.

Yes, the 7 is a nice fast phone with a decent amount of memory. Good to know it seems improved on the 7.

By cool cat on Thursday, November 9, 2017 - 14:29

Hi. Just downloaded this version 2 seconds ago. I really like the rotor option of the last update to toggle between locations. You mentioned that you fixed the notification situation about 5 or 6 days ago. It worked for 2 days for me. The last 4 or 5 days I haven't got my sunset notification. I know you mentioned to send you a feedback email through the app. I noticed when you went to the body of the email theres's a bunch of info. Should I write you the problem I am having after that? Maybe that's a stupid question. Sorry for all the complaining. Oh, should I keave the subject line as is?

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Thursday, November 9, 2017 - 14:29

Hi Cool Cat,

Sorry to hear about the sunset notifications :(

Yes, please send me the feedback email - the stuff in there doesn't contain any personal info - it just identifies your device on our system and allows me to then go through our logs to understand why the sunset notifications aren't showing up.

Are you getting other notifications?


By Holger Fiallo on Thursday, November 9, 2017 - 14:29

FYI. Notification does not work well in iOS 11.03. Instead it tells me the time when normally weather god suppose to tell me the weather. Hope iOS 11.1 will fix.

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Thursday, November 9, 2017 - 14:29

Hi Holger,

I haven't installed 11.03 yet but will take a look at the weekend.


By charles on Thursday, November 9, 2017 - 14:29

In reply to by Weather Gods (Scott)

Hi, Scott: Just a quick note to let you know that summaries and push notifications do, in fact, work on an iPhone 7 plus using iOS 11.0.3. In a short while, I will be installing the latest beta of iOS 11.1, and will send a message to this thread if Weather Gods does not perform as expected using the beta of 11.1. I appreciate you continued improvements, work, and support.

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Thursday, November 9, 2017 - 14:29

Thanks Charles, good to know, appreciate the feedback, and please let me know about 11.1 beta as well.

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Thursday, November 9, 2017 - 14:29

If anyone is lucky enough to be getting an iPhone X this week then I'd love to hear how Weather Gods runs ... and any opinions on the new phone. I've run our app in the simulator but it's not quite the same :)

By Holger Fiallo on Thursday, November 9, 2017 - 14:29

Would love to have iPhone X. Holidays are coming and if someone wants to let me have one, I will not object and can be able to test weather god with it.

By charles on Thursday, November 9, 2017 - 14:29

In reply to by Holger Fiallo

Holger: I think that your idea is great! If anyone wants to provide me with a tool such as the iPhone 10, I will be more than happy to give feedback on their app using the new phone. Scott?? How about it?? In fact, I will give you my 256 gig iPhone 7 plus with the latest firmware installed as long as the iPhone 10 has the same storage capacity. Great promotion for your app, don't you think??

As for the fifth beta of 11.1, I received push notifications, last evening's and this morning's on my iPhone 7 plus using the beta. I have looked through the info that the app provides, and find that it all works well with Voice-Over.

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Thursday, November 9, 2017 - 14:29

LOL at Holger and Charles :) If Weather Gods becomes a runaway success then I will run a giveaway on AppleVis :) It will probably be iPhone 14 by then :)

Thanks Charles for the feedback about beta 5 11.1, good to know. Helps me a lot as I only have the two devices, and one of them I keep at iOS10 to make sure new updates of Weather Gods are still backwards compatible.

By Steve Mann on Monday, January 9, 2023 - 14:29

I'm having an interesting issue with the app. when I change locations, I still am getting only notifications from my former location. For example, my default location is Tacoma Washington in the United states, but I'm currently in Nottingham in the United Kingdom, but I'm still getting weather notifications from Tacoma Washington, and I want the app to give me notifications from Nottingham, but no matter what I do, I can't get the app to do what I want it to do. Is there something I'm missing?