Voice over volume are reduced during phone call

By Tienie, 19 October, 2017

iOS and iPadOS

Good day, I am using a Iphone 6S with Ios 11.03. I made a call to our mobile service provider and found that once connected the voice over volume goes down to almost zero percent. When ending the call the volume returns to where it was before again. So you cannot select options from the keypad. I cannot find a way to turn the voice over volume up. Does anybody know how?



By Roxann Pollard on Friday, October 27, 2017 - 03:54

I don't know if this will resolve your low Voiceover volume problem, but, during your next call, pull your phone away from your face so that the screen becomes available. then, press and hold the volume up switch, while simultaneously swiping anywhere on the screen to cause Voiceover to begin talking. If this is successful, you should hear Voiceover become increasingly louder to a point. Remember, during a call, Voiceover is naturally a bit quieter by default. However, you should hear it enough to do some things on your phone while engaging in a call.