I have an app that I can't seem to delete. I double tap and hold. Then double tap again which before would say something like, "Delete such and such app", and then I would get the, "Deleting this app will, etc." Then I could double tap OK or cancel and it would be gone. Doesn't seem to be working. I re-started my phone and still can't get rid of my no longer wanted app. Thanks for any suggestions.
My steps for deleting
Some apps can't be deleted. Could this be the problem? Which app has the issue?
Reply to Paul
Paul, Thanks for the above steps. Those are what I always did but now can't delete this one app. No it's not an app that cannot be deleted. The app is a local one called Waitr which is not really VO friendly. So wanted to get rid of it. When I do the double tap and hold, it just makes the noise and doesn't say anything about editing like before. Thanks again for any suggestions.
Bug in iOS 11
Here's a possibility: if you have Zoom enabled, the deleting doesn't work in iOS 11. So if you have Zoom enabled, disable it before going through the delete process.
If that fails....
If all else fails, try the following.
Go to Settings> General> iPhone storage. Find the app and double tap. On the next window, towards the bottom, double tap on the delete app.
HTH and good luck.
Deleting Apps in iOS 11
Apple has confirmed a bug with this editing feature. If the icon lines on the last line of the screen, just above the dock, you cannot double tap and hold. What you need to do is to find an icon above that last line, double tap and hold to start editing, then touch the app you want to remove to move focus to the app. Then, do a double tap to invoke deletion.
Deleting apps in OS 11 upwards
David S is quiteright.
Go to Settings> General> iPhone storage. Find the app and double tap. On the next window, towards the bottom, double tap on the delete app.
I use VO and this way of deleting works fine for me too.
Happy deleting!