Apple Releases iOS 11.0.2; Bringing a Fix for Crackling iPhone 8 and 8 Plus Earpieces

By AppleVis, 3 October, 2017

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Apple has today released iOS 11.0.2, which brings a handful of bug fixes; one of which addresses a bug that caused some iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus users to hear a crackling or static noise coming from the earpiece during phone calls and FaceTime calls. .

According to Apple's release notes via MacRumors, iOS 11.0.2 includes the following fixes:

  • Fixes an issue where crackling sounds may occur during calls for a small number of iPhone 8 and 8 Plus devices
  • Addresses an issue that could cause some photos to become hidden
  • Fixes an issue where attachments in S/MIME encrypted emails would not open

At the time of posting, it is unknown as to whether there are any additional fixes to address the bugs that iOS 11 introduced for blind and low vision users. We will update this post if we learn of any fixes. In the meantime, please let us know in the comments of any fixes, enhancements or regressions that you find in your own testing of this release.

iOS 11.0.2 is available via Over-the-Air Update (Settings > General > Software Update) or via iTunes on a Mac or PC.



By Johan Piryns on Friday, October 20, 2017 - 19:44

I have again problems with the item chooser. We cannot type words in search fields. The table index don't work and the virtual keyboard don't appear on the screen. The bu in the message app is not fixed. You can only telete a whole conversation when you go in the conversation itself. In the header view, deleting a conversation didn't worked.

By themusicman08 on Friday, October 20, 2017 - 19:44

Notifications on the locked screen are still not being read by VoiceOver. Also, you are not able to download ringtones or text tones within the store. Apple has said that is a bug they are working on. So in order to fix that, you have to manually go into the store and grab the tones again. You will not be charged since they are already on your Apple ID.

By Holger Fiallo on Friday, October 20, 2017 - 19:44

I am noticing that now you can clear a notification by flicking finger up. So far this is working. However you still get the time when you get a notification.

By peter on Friday, October 20, 2017 - 19:44

I have an iPhone 6 and it seems like opening apps with iOS 11 is much more sluggish then when opening apps in iOS 10. Is this my imagination or are others experiencing this more sluggish behavior also?

In addition, it seems like it takes VoiceOver a while before it will response to touches when first opening a new app.


By Toonhead on Friday, October 20, 2017 - 19:44

The latest iOS is always optimized for the latest hardware. an iPhone 6 is going on 3 years old now, so iOS 11 is probably built better for the iPhone 7 and 8.

So why Apple release new software for old hardware? So Apple wants you to install new software on old hardware, see it's slow, so you feel forced to buy their new hardware to get that new software work smoothly? Is Apple such a company?

By BlackCat on Friday, October 20, 2017 - 19:44

After installing IOS 11 and then IOS 11.0.1 II discovered, like many others here, that the new Siri female voice is slow and it crashes my iPhone 6S. Does anyone perhaps know if that is fixed within IOS 11.0.2? I don't want to download and reinstall her if it means my phone will crashes again and then she will be gone again. Currently I'm using Siri Australian female with no problems thus far.

By Rafal on Friday, October 20, 2017 - 19:44

Hi All,
I use iPhone se with the latest iOS on board and I’ve noticed that the device runs more smoothly than before. Also, the issue of the app switcher has been somewhat fixed. Previously, when I flicked with three fingers to close an app VO announced that the app is still active. Now this probems seems to be resolved. I tried to open as amny apps as possible and close them one after another or at random order.
Since iOS 11, I’ve noticed something strange with a native e-mail app. When my default mailbox refreshes and new mails arrive, no sound is heard. But when I open the trash folder or any other the sound can be heard. I don’t understand why.

By Holger Fiallo on Friday, October 20, 2017 - 19:44

I misspoke regarding fixes with clearing notification. Still have the same problem. Roter keeps changing. This is the worse iOS ever. I am thinking that nothing will be fix regarding accessibility until iOS 11.1 I hope they fix the beep with Bluetooth headset. It is hurting my ear when I use my Bluetooth.

By DPinWI on Friday, October 20, 2017 - 19:44

On my iPhone 7, I don't find that opening apps is sluggish, but I do have a focus problem when opening apps. If I hit the Home key, focus is placed on the mail app I have at the top left of the screen. Then, I tap on an app in the dock and double tap to open it. Often, Mail will open instead. I have found that if I tap on the dock app, and wait a second, voice over will, after saying the name of my desired app, then say Mail.Focus is not being retained on the app I placed it on, and instead, is shifting back to the app in the top left corner of the page.

This has the result of sluggish behaviour in that I find it best to tap, wait, and sometimes retap to ensure I am going to open the desired app.

By Wayne Scott Jr on Friday, October 20, 2017 - 19:44

Does anyone know if the braille display issues were fixed in this latest release? I haven't upgraded yet from IOS 10.3. I'm waiting to see if the bugs regardeing braille displays are fixed before updating. I'm using a Focus 14 Blue with my iPhone 7.

This really doesn't pertain to the thread, but I will say if you want the new features you upgrade and yes every company is like this after so many years you upgrade your phone for a variety of reasons. Look at the difference in processing chips, camera abilities, software response, 32GB apps needing to be developed into 64GB apps... all this is due to advancement in hardware and the acceleration in technology

By BlackCat on Friday, October 20, 2017 - 19:44

Hello again
So I reinstalled the new Siri American female voice again on my iPhone 6S and I discovered a very slight increase in responsiveness. Also my phone did not crash when I change her to Siri Austrilian female voice and back again.

Yes, Armik, Apple is exactly such a company. welcome to being an apple user.

By Troy on Friday, October 20, 2017 - 19:44

Gotta love the apple haters on here! I have an SE and there's no slowness when opening apps, and yes every company is going to make you upgrade no matter the company after a while, that's just the way it is, deal with it!

By Travis Roth on Friday, October 20, 2017 - 19:44

In response to the Braille display bugs question: my experience with 11.0.2 is that the bugs remain. I recommend not upgrading to 11 if you are a Braille user and don't have to.

By Holger Fiallo on Friday, October 20, 2017 - 19:44

Troy just because you are not having issues does not mean those of us who have bugs hate apple. My first iPhone was 4. From them I got iPhone 4s, 5, 5s, 6 and 7. I never had issues with bugs in the past until now. This is the worse iOS ever.

By Toonhead on Friday, October 20, 2017 - 19:44

I'm not an Apple hater either, just for the record. I'm honest though, and if Apple screws something up, i'm going to let them know that a bug exists, politely, of course! I don't think you're seeing Apple haters, you're just seeing comments from people who've upgraded to iOS 11 and are having a particularly difficult time. I'm still on iOS 10 and will stay there until I can be convinced that a lot of the problems a lot of the folks here are experiencing have been fixed.

By Dawn 👩🏻‍🦯 on Friday, October 20, 2017 - 19:44

I'm with you Toonhead! I'm on ios. 10 still too, and I'll stay here unjil bugs are either exterminated or at least not quite as bad and bothersome! I agree with you on another front too! I'm not an Apple hater, I LOVE Apple! That being said, I don't use some of their services such as iBooks, because I found it not suitable for my needs, and it was quite buggy, and I find Amazon Kindle to be WAY more adequate for my reading needs! Which are quite extentive, as I am a MAJOR bookworm who reads a variety of different genres. I think that when Apple screws up no matter what it is or how big or small it is, I think the word should be spread to the moon and back! I know these can vary from case to case, since we all use stuff differently, but still, who wants to take chances? I don't especially not with some of the more serious bugs that came with this version! YEESH!!!!

I'll just sit back and wait for the next release or maybe I'll upgrade to this one if Apple forces me to, which ever comes first. Or maybe I'll finally give way to temptation and upgrade. The bugs I'm dealing with in ios. 10 are annoying, but compared to some bugs I'm hearing about in ios. 11 on here and other news agencies, they seem just a bit more tolerable!

By Dawn 👩🏻‍🦯 on Friday, October 20, 2017 - 19:44

I'm with you Toonhead! I'm on ios. 10 still too, and I'll stay here until the bugs are either exterminated, or at the very least, not as bothersome!

I aqree with you on another point too! I'm not an Apple hater, I REALLY LOVE Apple! That being said, I don't use a few of their services such as iBooks, because I've found it to be buggy, and not suitable for my reading needs. I find Amazon Kindle WAY more adequate and better working! That being said, I think that when Apple screws up, no matter what it is, or how big or small it is, I think the word should be spread to the moon and back! I know that it's different from case to case, and people use their devices differently. Compared to some of the more serious bugs I'm hearing about on here and other news agencies, the bugs I'm dealing with in ios. 10 are a bit more tolerable!

I'm with you on the polite thing too! I try and be as nice and helpful to the tech support no matter what company I'm calling, because yes, I'm irate and irritated that my equipment isn't functioning properly, but it's not right to take it out on them! Plus, that's all they get all day from 99.99% of customers I'm sure! So, if I can be the part of that 1% of customers that's mad, but nice to the tech people, then it makes me feel good that I could make their day a lot easier on them! I've had 1 tech rep thank me 100 times for how helpful and nice I was not to mention prepared! And I'm not saying that to brag either! Honestly, I feel bad for them! Suffice it to say, that Toonhead, I agree with you 100% on ALL points!!

I may upgrade to this release if I give way to temptation, or if Apple forces me to which ever comes first. But for now, bugs and all, ios. 10 is a safer bet!

By Unregistered User (not verified) on Friday, October 20, 2017 - 19:44

In reply to by Tree

Thanks for letting us know about it.
Now read:
EFF Blasts Apple For Misleading Bluetooth And Wi-Fi Toggle Switch Behavior In iOS 11
iOS 11’s Control Center Doesn’t Truly Disable Wi-Fi or Bluetooth: Here’s What to Do Instead
Actually I am now a happy Android user, and never, probabbly ever get an Apple device again just for their accessibility claims.
Let's ask this question. Is anyone from that company's accessibility team is in Applevis, the primary source for discussing accessibility in that company's products? Apple accessibility, is, well just money maker for some people and nothing else.

By Dawn 👩🏻‍🦯 on Friday, October 20, 2017 - 19:44

Hi all!

I have a question that I was thinking about off and on. I know how irritating and outright annoying these captchas can be. I heard about this image thing, and I've thought about it off and on ever since. Can Vo. disscribe and/or read captchas? Even if Vo. cannot do them all, can they read certain ones? Has anyone played with this yet? I'm just curious, because boy wouldn't that be nice if that was a feature?! That'd be a darn good one too, especially for someone such as myself, who has only 1 device at the moment and can't really use another app such as Be My Eyes to help me solve captchas! Just curious is all!