iOS 11 and subtitles

By Andrea Barker, 22 September, 2017

iOS and iPadOS

Hello all return I am also having difficulty with close caption and subtitles. I cannot seem to get them to work in the TV up, which I think it’s odd. It only shows the movie contact the track position and the ultimate track button and the volume control, but not the captions. Is anyone else having this problem? Thanks



By DMNagel on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:50

I bought a movie from the iTunes Store and had no luck with this so-called new feature. I have set it to speech both in the router and in the verbosity settings. If it doesn't work with iTunes content, then something must be buggy.

I am having the same problem. I've tried getting captions or subtitles to be displayed in Braille in YouTube videos. I'm using the YouTube app and a Braille Edge 40 Braille display on my iPhone 7 Plus. I'm also not able to find an additional Media Descriptions rotor item added to the rotor when I'm in YouTube while a video is playing. If all of this is not a bug, has anyone figured out a solution or work-around? Although I don't have a hearing impairment, this was one of the features I was really looking forward to trying out because of the increased access it would give to lyrics and subtitles on videos, so I'm very disappointed that it's not working. Thank you in advance for any guidance or suggestions you can give.