How did your IOS 11 update go?

By david s, 19 September, 2017

iOS and iPadOS


So how did your update to IOS 11 go? I’m talking about the release, not beta.

Do you like the new Siri Voice? Do you still have access to your often used apps? Or did you lose some because they are not 64 bit ready.

I’m going to wait and see what folks are saying before I update.



By Karok on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

i am sorely disappointed as on my ipad mini 4 the software seems so sluggish and slow

By Justin on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

Not slow yet on my end. Running on an iPhone 6S plus. So far, everything is great on my end.
Now, to delete, delete, delete all my 32 bit apps. Yay!!

By That Blind Canuck on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

Wow, I am a little surprised that iOS 11 is sluggish on the latest iPad Mini. Kind of makes me happy knowing I didn't update my iPad Mini 2 yet. I guess my iPad Mini will not be getting iOS 11 after all. I'll just update my Mac and Apple TV and make sure that my Watch gets done once I get my new iPhone. Has anyone else out there installed iOS 11 on iPad Minis, possibly even an iPad Mini 2? I am curious to know if this is a reoccuring thing with iPad Minis.

By Lit Xuan on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

From the moment of downloading and installing it which was surprisingly smooth to the time of started using it on my iPhone 7, it's been a great experience so far aside from a little lag I have with the new Siri female US voice which sometimes shut VoiceOver off and on. But that doesn't stop me from liking her and I'm enjoying what I'm having so far.

By MHicok on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

I really like the new smart invert colors. My biggest issue is the Siri screen results. The Siri screen results do not invert colors. This is a huge disappointment for me considering how much I use Siri.

By Lielle ben simon on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

Hi! the update to iOS 11 for iPhone 7 doesn't go well, my iPhone getting stopk on the apple logo. Everything is fine, i connecting to iTunes on my computer, press on "download and install", everything is fine until i have rich to the apple logo in the site screen. what's going on? I had ask a site per ignorer to understand what's happening hear. I will be happy to help.

By Fiona on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

I have an iPad Air and an iPhone 6S Plus, I firstly tried updating my iPhone 6s Plus. It takes me hours to finish the update, I guess that's because too many people are rushing to update. Some of my apps crash, and my photos disappeared after the update...but after I follow a post that says I can try turning on and iCloud Photo Library I got some of photos synced back, luckily..

By Kimbowen on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

I just downloaded iOS 11 and can’t use the new Siri voice. For some reason, I still have the old one from iOS 10. How do I activate the new Siri voice?

I had an easy upgrade with no problems. However, I also seemed stuck with the old Siri voice. I worked at trying to get the voice talking, with no success. That is, until I finally did a “hard reset.” On my 6S Plus, I held down the Home and Power until the iPhone recycled and the new voice came up, all on her own. And, it is a good voice too.

By DJX on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

Guys, for those who have done over the air installs, don't forget to power cycle/restart your device, this usually helps with many issues that might hang around as part of the update process.

Also, if you are experiencing a slow device or issues that might be related to the update process, it might not be everyone's favorite choice, and for some maybe not even an option, but wiping the phone using iTunes restore phone feature is probably a last resource to try. I've always done my installs like this (complete wipe and using iTunes to install) for major releases, and have yet to have a problem.

Also, if you don't like iOS 11, if Apple hasn't changed things, and if you have a firmware file for iOS10, or a backup of it, you might still have time to downgrade to the previous iOS. I believe Apple allows this type of downgrade for a few days after the new version comes out.

As for my experience with the new update itself, besides a few bugs that have been pointed out in Applevis's blog, everything is running smooth on my 7, it has been since the beta days, fast and responsive; but do read the article on the new bugs before updating, as some can be darn serious for some users, or down right annoying, like the messages list bug (if you delete allot).

By Lielle ben simon on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

Hello! I update from yesturday comment. my iPhone has successful updated to iOS 11. but, i can't hear any sound and i vibration doesn't work, sited people see the screen, i had tried to turning up the volume up or down, but nothing. i try to toggle switch button to silence mode and go back to ring mode without success. before iOS 11, 10.33 it works fine. i don't know about finically problem in my device. very strange thing happening here.

By David Standen on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

The download and installation went well on my iPhone 7 and my iPad Mini 2. However, I agree with the above comments concerning sluggishness on an iPad Mini. As for Siri, there are no new Australian Siri voices.

By charles on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

I always use iTunes for major upgrades so that I can monitor the progress using my screen reader. I have a Mophi Juice Pack Air case on a 256 gig iPhone 7 plus. It came with a cable that will connect to the PC using a regular USB connection, but the connection at the case is not a mini USB as the cable that came with the phone is. Part way through the upgrade process, the screen reader spoke that the upgrade failed for an unknown reason. Out of curiosity, I removed the iPhone from the Mophi case and tried updating with the cable that came with the phone, and it was flawless. This cable that came with the case could also be the culprit for a crash using the new version of iTunes when trying to back up my phone prior to the firmware upgrade. If any of you have this case, keep this in mind before updating.

By That Blind Canuck on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

Hi David, when you updated your iPad Mini 2 to iOS 11, how does it perform compared to when you had iOS 10? I too have a Mini 2 and it is running reasonably well with iOS 10, but if updating it to iOS 11 makes it run very sluggish, more then with iOS 10, then I won't bother updating my Mini, will just leave it on iOS 10. Would appreciate yours and anyone else's thoughts on this. Thanks!

By sockhopsinger on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

Liel Ben Simon, I lost complete Voiceover speech after my upgrade for a few minutes after switching Voiceover voice to the new Siri female voice. I went to my language roter, changed the language, and I had speech back. You may wish to try that. Good luck.

By Siobhan on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

Hi all, Only problem is I have Alex selected and the evil Sam is back. ;) anyway I thik I'll try a hard reset. Other then that, things are good.

By PaulMartz on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

It appears iOS 11 won't install on my iPad 4. Software update tells me that 10.3.3 is the most recent version of iOS. The upgrade went fine on my iPhone SE, however, with the exception that Invert Colors, which had previously been off, was set to Smart after the upgrade. It seems like the upgrade should have left it set to Off.

The only other issue was 2-factor authentication. The install turns this on, and then I needed to re-enter passwords on every single Apple device I have, including my Windows 7 box running iCloud Drive. PITA.

By JoseM on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

I never had problems with any of the previous iOS upgrade, until iOS 11. I downloaded it and installed it yesterday, and it is buggy. I have an iPhone 7-Plus, and I wish I could go back to a previous install. The screen freezes often. Trying to open an app takes 15 seconds or more. Flipping through a three page-screen may take 40 seconds. Worst, the phone doesn't ring when receiving calls. And the speakerphone icon is grayed out. I should have waited.

By JoseM on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

In reply to by DJX

DJX, how do I downgrade from iOS 11 to a previous install?

By Karok on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

well, i am waiting to upgrade my phone and downgrading my ipad back to ios 10. question though, as i have a recent backup of ios 10,3,3 will it be able to restore from this backup, when i put ios 10 back on the device?

By steven carey on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

Hi all,
I am in the UK and did an overair upgrade last night (8PM UK time). I found the upgrade to be brilliant: the <download> part only took 15 minutes and the actual upgrade about 20 minutes. I was also prompted to upgrade my CLOUD storage which took a further 10 minutes or so.
I am running an iPhone 6 with 64Gb. I have found the operation of IOS 11 ok, although I do have a minimum lag on opening apps.
There are two main issues I have come across so far. The first is with the passcode. I am finding that if I enter the wrong passcode I do not get a 'wrong passcode' notice with VO and I have to press the on/off switch followed by the home key to get back to entering the passcode again. I know this is the correct procedure but I have detected a click when entering the passcode for the first time after the on/off, home key procedure but this does not appear to happen if you try and enter the passcode again. Can anyone else get this one or is it just me?
The other problem is with pronunciation from VO. The '£' in e-mails (not sure if this happens elsewhere) but I get VO saying '£ sign' rather than just '£'. Also, there are no periods pronounced in e-mail addresses. This is a little annoying but does not affect the operation of my iPhone.
Lastly, like others, I do not appear to have a new SERI voice. I have tried to switch off and on again but I still have good old male English Seri.


By Toonhead on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

I am quite definitely staying with iOS 10 for now. The first release is usually pretty buggy so I am learning that it's just best to let Apple fix some of these bugs. and some of these are ones that really should've been fixed before the final release came out. This is simple stuff that they could've fixed. I know iOS 11 was in beta for many months and with as many bug reports as they've gotten, you would certainly think they would pay attention to some of these bugs. Glad I'm not a beta tester. I think that'd probably drive me crazy for real. LOL!

By david s on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43


I gave in and updated my iphone 7 plus to IOS 11. A few observations.

Using Itunes, the update took about 15 minutes from start of download to finish. This felt like a minor update, not a full system update. No Hello screen or lengthy setup. It just prompted me for two factor authentication and to enter my Apple ID password.

I didn’t hear the new Siri Voice so I ended up going to Setting> Siri and playing with the settings there. The voice is great and sounds realistic.

In mail, swiping up or down is inconsistent. Sometimes swiping up gives me Delete and more often, it says activate. I would have to swipe up or down a few times before I get Delete.

Moving apps. Swiping up or down no longer gives the arrange app option. You now double tap and hold. Then I swipe up on the app, and a drag option comes up. Swipe where you want to move the app, swipe up and an option to drop is provided.

In Safari, VO now says rule while in IOS 10, VO would remain quiet where there is a line break. This might be the way the website is setup.

I have a pair of made for Iphone hearing aids and an Apple watch. After the update, my hearing aid connection to the phone was very bad. To the point where I couldn’t understand VO or audio books. I updated to Watch OS 4 and the problem went away.

Everything else seems to work okay. But I still plan to do factory restore and setup as new. For the folks having problems, this is something you might want to try before downgrading back to IOS10.

HTH and good luck.

By Vicki Andrada on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

I updated my iPhone 7, and the update was swift, and it works great! In fact it was the fastest update I've done on any new big iOS update so far, and I've updated from 7 on up. I love iOS 11, I feel it was worth the upgrade. I helped a good friend update his iPod 6, and that was also very quick and he's had no problems, working fine for him. I also updated my iPad mini 2, may regret that, it may be slow, but I did put it on there, and it seemed to be working okay, but I use the phone quite a bit more than the iPad. And of course my phone is a 7, the update better not be sluggish lol.

Now TV OS, that is a different story, but that is not what this thread is about lol.

By clarence carter on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

I notice that the current configuration of the locked screen will not speak alerts, messages, or messenger announcements. When a alert pops up, only the current date is spoken. To read the alert, I had to swipe down the screen to fine it. This is a problem, as specially if there is something that I am waiting for. Now I have to swipe the screen every time that an alert appears. I assume that they are going to come up wit a work arround.

By DJX on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

To JoseM and anyone else interested, as of 4:00 AM (eastern time) on Sept 22, Apple is still signing (allowing) iOS10 installs. So you can still downgrade your device; but do it quick, as nobody really knows how long they'll keep on allowing the downgrades.
If you are sure you want to revert to iOS10, here are 2 ways to do it:

Before we get started, a disclaimer: you agree that by reading and following my instructions, you assume all and any responsibilities for what may happen to your data or device. These steps should work perfectly fine, but to be sure, please do an archived backup of your current device, even if you don't plan to stick with the current installed OS, or if your device is sluggish etc. This backup will save your butt if there's trouble; also be sure to backup your data separately, such as using iCloud etc. Again, I'm not responsible if you accidentally wipe all your data for good and can't recover it. Both of These procedures will wipe your device's current content, so be sure to back everything up before you proceed. Now that we got that out of the way, let us proceed.

There are 2 ways to restore your device to an earlier OS, in this case, iOS10. It's worth pointing out again, that this will only work while Apple has an open window to allow signing of the previous iOS installation; once Apple stops this or closes that window, iTunes will not allow the downgrade to happen.

The first option for restoring your device to iOS10 is to use an archived backup. This backup will restore your phone to the way it was the day you made the backup. Simply restore the archived backup using iTunes.

If you don't have an archive backup available, say if you upgraded using over the air install, or you just ignored what we I T people always say to do and didn't backup before you upgraded, your only other choice is to use an IPSW file.
An IPSW file is Apple's firmware file which iTunes uses to update the iDevice. So in this case, you'll need a IPSW file for iOS10. I believe that the latest version of iOS10 was 10.3.3, but I'm not too sure, since by that time I was on the iOS11 beta.
The first thing you'll have to do is get a download link for your specific device's IPSW file. Be sure to get a link that connects directly to Apple's servers for the download, never grab it from elsewhere. I'm not sure on the link posting policies of Applevis when it comes to links of this nature, so I will not post any direct, or indirect links for that matter lol.
Whatever you do, be sure that the file you download does match your device's name; if you aren't sure, don't worry, iTunes won't let you get too far if the IPSW file doesn't match your device.

A quick tip: if you had iTunes do your iOS10 upgrade, it might still have the IPSW file saved on your hard drive, though it might be outdated.

Once you've downloaded (or found) the IPSW file, sign out of your iCloud, or disable find my iPhone if it's enabled. This would also be a good time to make sure you've backed up your data!

Assuming you've followed all the steps till now, connect your iPhone to your computer using the USB-lightning cable. If iTunes doesn't open automatically, launch it.

Once iTunes launches, use the iPhone summary and find the "Restore" button. Once on that button, on windows, press and hold the shift key, while you press enter or somehow activate the restore button. On the mac, hold down the "option" key while you press or somehow activate that restore button.
If you did that part successfully, an open file dialog should appear. At this point, navigate to the place to where you saved your device's iOS10 IPSW file, and press enter on it. iTunes should ask you to confirm that it will check with Apple and then restore the iOS10 firmware to your device.
At this point, the restore will proceed as any other restore normally would: iTunes will extract the software, prep the phone for restore (put it in DFU mode), and then verify the restore with Apple. This is the part where if the grace window is closed, the restore will fail, because Apple will not allow the firmware on the phone; but don't worry, if it fails that just means your phone will remain as it was, since at this point iTunes hasn't really done anything on the phone. If the firmware is OK by Apple, iTunes will proceed to install it on to the device.
Assuming everything went smoothly and the restore did complete successfully, When iTunes is done, it will let you know that the phone was restored and that it will now restart, to wait for it to show up again; press OK to dismiss the dialog.
If you got that far, congratulations! When your phone reboots, it'll be running iOS10!

I just tried this at 4:00 AM eastern time on sept 22, and as I mentioned above, Apple is still allowing the downgrade.

Hope that helps anybody who wants to downgrade. If something isn't clear, or you have further questions, let me know.

By gailisaiah on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

Just like Vicki above, my update went perfect and was faster than other major updates have been. The only thing I had to fix was my screen was not very bright. I brightened it a little so I can tell if the phone is on. But that was no big deal at all.

By jrjolley (not verified) on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:43

I updated three devices, an iPhone 5S, iPad Mini 4 and a first generation 12.9 iPad Pro, my main computer. All works as expected. I have enjoyed the new functionality, especially the drag and drop abilities. I'm enjoying iOS 11 personally and going back to iOS 10, even after a couple of days would be strange.

By Ekaj on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 - 07:43

My iPhone 7 was updated by an AT&T employee right in the store. This is my first i-device, and I got it at the end of March. I've been bombarded by a certain neighbor across the hall and haven't had too much time to spend with my new toy, lol. But I have managed to do some things with it, and thus far it's working very nicely. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the concept of typing on one of these things, but so far so good regarding software updates. Siri and VoiceOver are working great.