Info for using Airplay in Ios 11

By Lee, 20 September, 2017

iOS and iPadOS

Hi All, If people use Airplay to send audio to different output devices there has been a change in how this works in Ios 11. I've found that the following works but it isn't as easy as previously. I also don't know how this would work if you don't have 3d touch. However if you do then if you open Control center as per the normal way. Then flick to you hear "media controls music" press and hold this and it opens a new menu. Flick around and you hear playback destination. Double tap this and you can choose your output. HTH as it took me ages to work out how to do this.



By sockhopsinger on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:48

I believe there is also an option in control center called iPhone Mirroring. I think that is the new Airplay name in iOS11.

By Lee on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:48

Hello, Well I don't have that. I have screen mirroring and double tapping that must do something but I get a totally blank screen. Nothing there then works so you have to press the home button to get out. I don't have iPhone mirroring anywhere.

By jeremy jeffers on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 - 07:48

Had some trouble with this as well, but after doing some research I found out that there are two ways to do this. The first way is to go to control center and hit screen mirroring. Then you will see the AppleTV, double tap it and you will be able to airplay your content. However, everything including VoiceOver will be heard through your airplay device. The other way to do it is go to control center, find the audio options in the control center click whatever is playing for this example will use Music. Double tap and hold that and it will bring up the audio options. Select AppleTV and you should be good to go.

By Geoff37 on Saturday, November 11, 2017 - 07:48

I am having big trouble sending audio to my Airport Express on my new ipad 2017 ios 11.1. When I select the Airport Express device voice over speed often increases to what sounds like 200 percent so becomes unintelligible squeaky noises. I have to hard reboot which fixes for a while but selecting more tracks to play suddenly turns VO up to fsuper speed again. Due to this problem I can no longer send my music to my sound system. Apple say they cannot reproduce bug. Anyone else have this problem?
Ps I have just done full erase and icloud restore but did not fix. Phoned support and demonstrated To them over phone. Awaiting response.

By Geoff37 on Saturday, November 11, 2017 - 07:48

Update. Apple accessibility support have been very helpful via lengthy phone calls. I did an itunes factory reset by connecting to a Mac and was able to reproduce problem on this “out of the box” ipad. I was then talked through procedure to send diagnostics to Apple. I was promised a call back in 7 days with an update. I cannot fault Apples quality of support.

By dvdmth on Sunday, February 11, 2018 - 07:48

On my older iPad Air, enabling AirPlay for audio would occasionally cause VoiceOver to distort, speeding up as described by earlier posts. I first encountered it during iOS 9, though later updates made the issue happen less frequently. The problem returned to the iPad Air with iOS 11, but the issue is intermittent, happening about once every three or four times I turn on AirPlay. Meanwhile, my newer iPad Mini 4 has never experienced the issue, under any iOS version, so this may be something more likely encountered on slower devices.