By Bobcat, 16 December, 2013
iOS and iPadOS
What is the Voiceover jesture to copy the last thing spoken to the pasteboard?
I don't see it in the manual. Where did I read that?
I found it. I went into Voiceover practice on the phone from settings> general> accessibility> voiceover.
I found the jesture but haven't found much documentation on the clipboard or pasteboard and copying the last text spoken.
VO says ""Copy last spoken text to clipboard." I was looking for pasteboard. Where did I read that it is also called a pasteboard in iOS?
I remembered it might involve 3 fingers. Yep. It's 3 finger quadroople tap.
I want to practice using that feature and pasting to other documents with the keypad.
iOS and OSX:
That was fast
Braille Command
Is there a Braille command for copy last spoken phrase?