3D audio podcast episode 2 and 3 are out on oseyeris.com

By Yuma Antoine Decaux, 23 July, 2017

App Development and Programming

Hi Everyone,

Podcasts 2 and 3 are out, discussing character control in the 3D world and making voice over positional. Both tutorials are accompanied with respective zip files containing all the project and media files to run it on your system.

If you have missed the intro and podcast 1, you can refer to them in the link further down.

You can go to

www.oseyeris.com and click the lab page. There you have the series of podcasts available to learn how to create a fully immersive 3D audio engine.

Please leave comments if you wish to change the tutorial method, or wish to know about some swift API and I will try to fit it in with the next podcasts if they are relevant enough.

Have a great rest of weekend :)



By Greg Wocher on Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 22:14

When I go to the GITHub link I am unable to find the second tutorial. All I see is tutorial1.zip and tutorial3.zip. I do not see anywhere to download tutorial2.zip. Is this one not up there on the GITHub page yet?

Greg Wocher

Hi Greg,

Thanks for pointing this out. I think I hadn't finished uploading and left the page. It should be up now.

Best regards,

By Greg Wocher on Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 22:14

I got it. I have some experience with C#, Java and ASP.net on the Windows side. I am finding swift to be a whole new beast. Some of the concepts are quite a bit different than what I have seen on the Windows side. I have been looking for a good book or tutorial on Swift for newbies. Any tips on where to possibly look for one?

Greg Wocher

Yeah, java is very type secure and not very agile to my taste. c# is pretty good, but not very functional, which is why I'm focusing on swift at this point as its similarities with python are nice, and functional programming can be used.

I would suggest just looking at the swift introduction book apple provides on its developer site, but I can outline the changes compared to java.

-var is for any non static variable
-let is for constants or const in c
-a function signature is func nameOfFunction(argumentLabel: DataType)-> returnDataType
-no semi colons at the end of expressions
-All operators, operands, binary and booleans and their operators are the same
-the extension keyword lets you add more methods to a class without subclassing it
-protocol is the same as interface in java
-optionals and explicit are unique to swift but are useful for memory
-no de-allocation required in swift
-closures are easier to define and call
-Most documentation is available with command-shift-0 for every framework and module, from foundation to higher layers.
