question about the native music app

By Wayne Scott Jr, 13 July, 2017

iOS and iPadOS

Forgive me if this gets long winded. In the native music app, how do I get to a specific album to add to a playlist. I have already created the playlist and hit the "add" music button. How to I get to the Table index after I hit Albums? I know how to do this with a braille display, but my display needs to get fixed. So, I want to do it via the screen. I hope this question makes sense. Wayne



By Wayne Scott Jr on Thursday, July 20, 2017 - 19:35

How do I use the braille screen input keyboard built into an iPhone? Where do I find it? How do I do do symbols like the "at" sign? How do I change braille screen input? I am using an iPhone 7 with the latest version of IOS.