looking for a good blind friendly writing app

By Sabrina, 12 July, 2017

iOS and iPadOS

Hello. I am writing a book and have used the notes native app. Writing a book. Should I stick to notes?



By Dawn 👩🏻‍🦯 on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 - 07:43

Hello! I use Microsoft Word and love it!

By Tangela on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 - 07:43

I use a few different apps in conjunction to get different functionality. Scrivener is hands down the best for organization, character sheets, or anything you might need a template for, and ultimately formatting, and voice dream writer is good for composing/freewriting since it lets you listen to your writing in high quality voices as you write. It also has a spellchecker. So my usual workflow is to make character sheets and story sheets in scrivener, write and spellcheck in voice dream writer, then put it into scrivener, reorganizing as needed. I probably should do a podcast about this at some point.

Scrivener is 20 dollars while voice dream is I believe 10, but 30 bucks for a comprehensive writing platform on ios is reasonable to me. Writer is also on sale frequently, so check there if need be.

By Erion on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 - 07:43

The best writing app for the Mac and iOS is undoubtedly Ulysses. I could give you reasons, such as markdown support, automatic saving and organisation, no filenames, etc, but you really have to try for yourself and see if you like it. It is a clean and simple interface.
The app is a bit pricy, but it's worth it.

By Tangela on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 - 07:43

I'm pretty sure Scrivener has markdown support as well, and I know voiceDream does.

By OldBear on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 - 07:43

The way I've used the Notes app is to have it sync with my Gmail and then compile those notes into what I'm writing later on in the word processing program I use on my main computer.

I've been a little frustrated with the IOS writing apps because I need to use RTF format and I don't seem to be able to find an app that syncs with Dropbox in that format the way I want; ie as if I could directly edit the files in Dropbox.

By Ben Swiggett on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 - 07:43

In the most recent Dropbox update, you can edit .txt files directly in the app. It could be an option if you wantted to right your file in markdown or plain text. You could then convert it to a different format later.

By Remy on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 - 07:43

Simply put, you can't import very many external file formats. Writing a document primarily in pages or .docx? Want to work on it in Voice Dream? TOo bad for your creativity. It's a great app if you're writing exclusively on your IOS device though as it does allow exporting in more professional formats. Honestly, give me a word processor for my Iphone or Ipad that allows me to read by paragraph with Voiceover and doesn't lose my place all the time, and I'd be pretty happy. I so want to do more serious writing on my Ipad.