Alarm volume

By Konchog, 9 July, 2017

iOS and iPadOS

Hello all,

I recently purchased an Audioengine B1 Bluetooth receiver. I purchased it in order to allow me to use my iPhone off of the headphone cable running under the floor into my receiver, which then sends the audio signal into my FM transmitter to my hearing aids. I am having some issues with this.

1. Ringers and Alarms do not make any noise.
2. When I make a phone call, the microphone does not work. I can hear the person on the other end, but he cannot hear me.

And when I disconnected from the AudioEngine, some things had changed on my iPhone.

1. Ringer and alerts are hardly loud enough for me to hear them.
2. When the alarm is ringing, voice over volume is cut in half.

I have gone into Settings>Ssound, and the Ringer volume is set to 100%, and audioducking is turned off.

I emphasize that the second set of problems is when the iPhone is disconnected from the audioEngine and placed back onto the headphone cable. Everything seems to be normal when the iPhone is sending audio signals to its own speakers. That means my dog hears the alarm perfectly fine, but does not help me that much.




By Dawn 👩🏻‍🦯 on Wednesday, July 26, 2017 - 22:23


Here's something to try. I have an Amazon Echo and I sometimes pair my ipad to it via bluetooth to listen to music and such. The volume of my ipad is separate from my echo's volume. What I'd try is turning your volume up on your receiver. Or try turning up your iphone's volume up then turning up the receiver. Do one after the other. I'm thinking that either the circumstance are the same for you as they are for me, or that maybe something's getting lost in transmission. A link is broken in the chain so to speak.

By Konchog on Wednesday, July 26, 2017 - 22:23

The volume is fine until the alarm goes off. Then the iPhone's volume seens ti be cut in half, and the alarm is barely strong enough to be heard. The AudioEngine receiver has one button on it--off/on, and for 3 minutes after it is turned on, it is in pairing mode. The home theater receiver is on full bolume. I have my PC laptop and theAudioEngine receiver transmitting signals to the same input on the home theater system.

It is almost as if trying to ring the alarm takes power away from voice over, but that does not make any sense.
