Deleting Apps off iPhone

By Debbie, 2 July, 2017

iOS and iPadOS

I want to delete some apps off my iPhone as I don't use them. I often find myself in "arrange aps" mode without knowing how I did it and have managed to delete a few that way, but it would be very helpful to know either how to get into that arrange apps mode properly rather than by sheer fluke or another way of deleting apps off my phone, preferably without having to use the iTunes web site as I find that near impossible to understand what's going on! Thank you.



By Dawn 👩🏻‍🦯 on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 - 07:37

Here's how you do it. Put 2 fingers on the screen and rotate them. Go until you hear actions and stop. Then, put your finger on the app you'd like to move/delete. Flick with 1 finger and you'll hear arange apps double tap. Then flick with 1 finger until you hear activate, and double tap. Go until you find the delete button and push it, and the app is gone! Once ynu're done, push the home button and that takes you out of editing mode. You can keep doing these same steps for deleting an app.

By Konchog on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 - 07:37

You realize that double tapping activates an app on the home screen. Well, there is another gesture very similar to the double tap that puts you into what is called "jiggle" mode. Double tap, but on the second tap, hold the finger down on the screen instead of lifting it. The iPhone then enters "jiggle" mode, or edit mode. Then select the app you want to delete. Do a normal double tap, and the iPhone will ask you if you want to delete that app. Confirm your choice, and voila--the app is gone.


By david s on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 - 07:37


Here is another way.

One finger swipe up on an app. You will hear arrange app. One finger double tap and VO will say arranging app. Now when you swipe left or right, you will hear the app name followed by editing. To delete that app, single finger double tap and you will be asked if you really want to delete the app. You can then continue to delete the apps you no longer want or need. Once you’ve deleted the unwanted apps, click once on the home button to exit edit mode.

HTH and good luck.

By Kent on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 - 07:37

There is an option to delete any added app in settings. Go to Settings/General/Storage & ICloud. In there, open "Manage storeage." All the apps will be listed. Find the app you want to delete and open it. Go all the way to the right and you will find the delete button. Activate it and you will be placed back into the list of apps. repeat the process for any other apps you want to delete.

By Debbie on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 - 07:37

In reply to by david s

Thank you so much to Dawn, Konchog, David S & Kent for all your help on ways to delete apps. I never guessed that there could be so many different ways! I am assuming that with any of the ways you guys have suggested, by deleting, they will be removed both from my phone and also the Cloud? Just thinking that if I changed my mind, could I go back to purchases and download the deleted app again or not?
You've all been so very helpful, thanks! Debbie

By OldBear on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 - 07:37

Yes, all the apps you have purchased will be listed in the app store purchases whether they are still on your phone or not. The app isn't actually stored in iCloud, just something that tells the phone to download it again if you restore, if I understand correctly.

By DPinWI on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 - 07:37

The only caveat to the restoration of deleted apps is that if they have been removed from the apps store, you will not be able to restore them from there. I keep copies of all apps in my computer's iTunes library, just in case.

However, this strategy will not work for everything as iOS 11 will not support old 32 bit apps, so whether I have them in my library or not, those will no longer work regardless.

Hi Crockerbear
Many thanks for your reply. You've confirmed what I thought happened. I always try to operate through my phone rather than the baffling iTunes web site which never makes any sense to me! Cheers! Debbie

By Debbie on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 - 07:37

In reply to by DPinWI

Hi DPinWi

Many thanks for your info about deleted apps. I thought I would be OK having them all backed up in my iTunes library, despite the fact that I hate operating the iTunes web site so probably would get totally stuck if I wanted to restore from my library using the web!

Interesting also to note what you said about v.11. Like you, I'll have apps that I won't be able to restore. Ho hum! thank you. Debbie.

P.S. I did previously send a reply to your very informative message about navigating apps, but I think I may have done it as a general post rather than a direct reply to yourself. So, if you missed it, thank you very much for all that info. I'm going to check out the Nearby Explorer as it sounds pretty good and as a GDO like yourself, it has extra benefits for assisting my new young GD.