

Description of App

There are a few questions you need answered before pushing that shiny buy button in the upper corner:

* Who is your AppAdvice and what does he do?

AppAdvice tells you everything there is to know about apps and your iPhone or iPad. What's the latest app news? Which apps came out and need to be downloaded right now? Want to see a detailed review of any app in the top 25? Need to know what the best Twitter client is? AppAdvice shows you which apps you can't live without and uncovers tips and tricks to get your iDevice rocking to its full potential.

*Who is AppAdvice for?

If you just got an iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad, AppAdvice gives you detailed guides and ADVICE on what apps to download right away to make it cool. Or if you've got tons of apps and want to learn what new apps are better than your old ones, or want to discover brand new apps to get you excited about your device again, AppAdvice is the perfect app for you. Finally, if you have an iPhone or iPad and can't figure out what all the buzz is about, let AppAdvice teach you all about your new toy and get you speaking the lingo in no time. We even have lists of apps for every kind of person, if you are an outdoorsman or a pet lover, we have a list of apps ready for you to download.

*Okay fellas, what's the deal? $2 for this app? Why not free?

First of all let us ease your concerns. Believe me, no one is getting rich off this app. We believe in our product and will continue to develop it to make it better and better. We update it dozens of times each day and are consistently adding new features. There are no ads at all in the AppAdvice app, so your $2 contribution keeps us building and ensures we are the ultimate app discovery service in the App Store. This $2 also gets you the app on all your devices. iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad, the same $2 gives you a custom ideal experience for each of your devices. I mean honestly, isn't it better to spend $2 on AppAdvice than half a cup of coffee? We think so too.

On a serious note, please let us know any feedback or suggestions you have, as all work is centered around you always knowing what apps to get, what apps to skip, and what's cool in the App world. Look for constant updates based on your suggestions.

Here is a list of the features:

-AppNews - Latest Information on everything App Store.
-AppGuides - Ranks competing apps that provide similar function.
-AppLists - A bundle of apps that fit unique types of people and needs.
-AppReviews - Over 5,700 detailed reviews of the top paid apps, new ones added daily.
-Appisodes - Daily video news recap show about the latest iPhone/iPad apps. Don't like to read? You'll love these.
-AppMovers* - Lists good up and coming apps that are still relatively unknown. Great way to find new apps.
-New Apps* - Lists all the new apps that come out each day.
-Updated Apps* - Lists all the apps that are updated each day.
-AppSales* - Shows you which apps have dropped their price so you can get them cheap.

If you love your iDevice, you'll love the AppAdvice app, as it will help you rediscover it day after day.
* Sections already live for iPhone app and coming soon to iPad app!
**Push notifications are now live!



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


Accessibility Comments

This app is generally very accessible and easy to use. VoiceOver appears to read all page elements. A number of buttons are poorly labelled, but in nearly all cases the labelling is fairly easy to translate into something obvious. The home page of the app is the main victim of this poor labelling. On this page the various sections of the app are presented as a grid of nine icons. The first part of the label for each of these icons is "nav-select-item", which you quickly tire of hearing. Thankfully the last part of the label is the section name, so it is clear what each icon links to.

I will send the developers an email, and hope that they can tidy up the button labelling. Other than these minor problems, I would certainly recommend this app to anybody who is something of an app junkie like myself.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

Most buttons are clearly labeled.


There are some accessibility issues with this app, but it can still be used if you are willing to tolerate these issues and learn how to work around them.


1 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by solan 6 years 6 months ago



By AnonyMouse on Wednesday, November 21, 2012 - 14:36

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

They have made a great deal of changes since I've last looked at this app. This is ann app that you literelly have to stay on top of to use it at its fullest potential. So if you are a serious app hunter looking for that diamond in the rough then this could be it. The interface and the lack of certain unlabel buttons is something you have to get used to. I personally don't like the fact you have to pay for something like this and the interface a bit weird to get used to. However, I do find apps from time to time that perk my curiousity that I like to try out. I don't think I would have found the app if it weren't for apps like this one. So I have a mixed view on the app.

What's New in Version 1.5

- FINALLY!!! Support for the new iPhone 5 screen size.

- Many bug fixes including app refreshing to wrong day