Microsoft OneNote


Description of App

Harness the immense potential of your thoughts and discoveries with OneNote, your very own digital notebook. With OneNote, you can capture that flash of genius, that moment of inspiration, or that list of errands that’s too important to forget. Whether you’re at home, in the office or on the go, your notes travel with you. And you can share your notes and collaborate with others, across multiple devices! Here are some more ideas on how to use OneNote: •Capture rich notes for classwork, meetings, or research •Keep track of your shopping list and mark items off wherever you are •Create an itinerary and keep track of your travel plans for your next big vacation •Take pictures of receipts and bills to remove some of the paper clutter •Collaborate and share ideas with your team •Research items and prices to make the best purchasing decision •Keep and edit all of your notes – whether taken from OneNote on Mac, tablet, phone, or browser Key Features: •Sync your notebooks seamlessly across computers and devices -then share them to your friends, family, or colleagues •Your notes look just the same on your Mac - including rendering ink annotation and formatting •Bold, italicize, underline, highlight, increase indent, decrease indent - format your notes like you want in a free form canvas •Search your notes and files for anything you’ve captured by just typing a keyword or phrase •Create, move, copy, re-order, rename, color code and delete pages, sections and notebooks to organize your content as you'd like Harness the full potential of you - with OneNote. Requirements: •Requires OS X 10.9 or greater •A free Microsoft account is required to use OneNote for Mac •OneNote for Mac opens existing notebooks created in Microsoft OneNote 2010 format or later and are saved to OneDrive Now available for free for a limited time. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, or visit the blog for the latest news:



Free or Paid


Version Of macOS App Was Tested On


Accessibility Comments

Surprisingly enough, It's very obvious Microsoft knew what they were doing with this. Voiceover gives a lot of information about the various controls which makes me think this is probably not coincidental. I haven't really delved into it, but it's pretty safe to say Microsoft put in a lot of work to make it accessible.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

I'm not sure about the accessibility of the windows and mobile apps. This, though is very impressive and gives me high hopes for the new version of office that's do to come out this year.
Developer's Twitter Username


1 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Piotr Machacz 10 years 10 months ago



By Faruk on Sunday, June 4, 2017 - 09:59

I cannot delete the text word by word while using Braille screen input. I have an iPhone 5S running on ıOS 10.3.2. Does anyone else observe this behavior on their OneNote app?