iphone verses ipad, advantages and disadvantages to having both devices

By Andrew90, 18 May, 2017

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

Hi all,
I'm thinking of getting an ipad. I'm thinking it would be good to have another ios device for apps and activities that use a lot of battery. for example, I might use the ipad for streaming videos from netflix, youtube and other video streaming services as well as use facebook which has been known to use up a lot of battery.
However, I can't justify this because my thinking is if you've already got all those apps on an iphone, what's the point of having another device. Perhaps I'm over thinking it. I think the battery argument is a good one, but not sure if that's enough to spend money on an ipad. I mean, when the phone gets low sure I can just plug it into power.
Just wondering what other vision impaired users who have both iphone and ipad use there ipads for? especially since we don't need all that extra screen space.
Another question, do you find it easier to type messages on an ipad? I imagine you would use two fingers? the left index finger for the left side of the keyboard, and the right index for the right side?



By Paul on Sunday, June 11, 2017 - 07:39

I actually bought an iPad 4th generation for the larger screen. Then when the first iPad Pro 12.9in came out, I bought that for an even larger screen. If Apple came up with a way to make an even larger hand held screen I'd probably buy that too. lol Funnily enough, I wanted the larger screen so I could get a better look at a cute anime character (Holo from "Spice and Wolf").

I actually think battery life is a poor reason to spend money on an iPad (particularly if you couldn't afford it). For me, money wasn't an issue and the larger screen size was beneficial.

If you rely on a device's speakers rather than using headphones (bluetooth or otherwise), iPads with stereo speakers (like the iPad Pro previously mentioned) may offer a better listening experience due to the greater stereo width, increased volume, and slightly improved bass response all due to the iPad's larger size.

As for typing, I prefer the iPhone's smaller screen.

In conclusion, if you don't need the larger screen or the increased processing power, and you're unlikely to use the builtin speakers, there is no real benefit to having an iPad.

By Siobhan on Sunday, June 11, 2017 - 07:39

Hi. I had an iPad, my brother has it somewhere up in Boston, I moved and don't want it back. It was the one with the 30 pin connector. Anyway I was always using it for games, and now that I saw the Pro I might get that for my birthday. Then again I might go for a watch. I'm glad to hear the speakers are improved as the ones on the phones personally aren't good, and the mac I'm writing this on, the speakers really suck. I'd maybe go to a store, play with an iPad and see if it lights you up. If you want to make sure, wait don't buy it right off.

By JeffB on Sunday, June 11, 2017 - 07:39

I have both a iPhone and iPod and mainly got my iPod to hold my large amount of music. My iPhone holds 64 gigs and I have over 50 gigs of music. So I got a 128 gig iPod for Christmas. I now use it for all my music and I am considering either putting my games on it, or using it to beata test IOS11. I use both my iPod and iPhone when working out. One is connected to my bluetooth speaker and the second I use to check my timer. This prevents the audio being interrupted on whatever I'm listening too. The down side to having an iPod to me is that it can't have a data plan. So if you lose or have your iPod stolen you are even less likely to track it. I like how much thinner and smaller the iPod is to my 6S and wish my 6S was that small. Another drawback is not having touch ID. I never typed with more than 1 finger as I have large hands and it’s tough to do that for me. If you have an iPhone that can hold all your music and apps I don't know that I'd be able to justify getting an iPad just for the battery.

By Jeff on Sunday, June 11, 2017 - 07:39

As JeffB mentioned, you could consider an iPod rather than an iPad as your second device. As others have said, I think it really depends on whether you have enough vision to take advantage of the larger screen. I honestly do not see any other advantage to an iPad. I actually find it more difficult to type on the larger screen and I certainly wouldn't invest in an iPad just for the battery. If that's what you want, invest in the "plus" version of the iPhone.

By Remy on Sunday, June 11, 2017 - 07:39

TL/DR: Love it, worth it, but I have juuust enough vision to use it. I took the deep, deep plunge (Canada resident) and got an Ipad Pro 9.7, as it has a better camera than the 12. I absolutely love having both. The phone is portable and useful for the every day, but I also cary my pro around for stuff like video streaming, writing, garage band, and video recording, and most importantly for me, using it as a really,k really amazing magnifier. I have serveral magnification apps which make seeing, if not easy, then at least "easier". Also works better for me when using OCR apps like Prismo Go, Identifi and *shudder* KNFB reader. Worth the money, but I have juuuust enough vision to take advantage. Also easier to type on, though I've "never" had good technique when typing on an IOS device. I use the braille input screen quite often.

By Andrew90 on Sunday, June 11, 2017 - 07:39

In reply to by Siobhan

Hi Siobhan, I am interested to know more about gaming with the ipad. Why did you choose it for games specifically?

By DPinWI on Sunday, June 11, 2017 - 07:39

We have an iPad in the house, but I choose not to use it. I don't benefit from the large screen, and my better half does. But like another poster, I have an iPod dedicated to music, and a phone as my main device. i like the separation of functions, and this works well for me.

By Siobhan on Sunday, June 11, 2017 - 07:39

In reply to by Andrew90

Hi. I'm a big proponent for sound quality. The iPod speaker for my personal choice is awful. The phone, not much better. Especially for things like face time and blasting music so loud I can shake my windows, I want volume. Let's face it, the smaller the device, the lower the volume you achieve. If that works for some, awesome. Plus, I'm pretty sure Apple will eventually start phasing out the Pods. Your phone plays music, your iPad plays music, and why do you need an iPod anyway? I mean, what can it do that an iPad can't or a phone? Simple, it is exactly the same, inside and out, just different hardware and depending on what you have, it will be obsolete anyway in another IOS version sooner or later. I enjoy the split screen, but mainly I need the volue as maxed out as I can. If I could, I'd invent an iPad roughly the same size as now, and max the hell otu of the bass. As one singer wrote recently, "If I can't feel it in my chest, i'm in the wrong damn place." So I guess I'm saying, the sound is better, though the price is higher, you'll probably get more use out of the iPad. Oh and I liked reading on it too.

By alex wallis on Sunday, June 11, 2017 - 07:39

Hi, looks like I am in the minority, personally I actually dislike the iPad and wouldn't recommend it to someone who is blind, this is because really mostly its just an overgrown screen. I regularly have to be support for my mum with her iPad and for me the issue with it is particularly when navigating complex apps like settings or her mail that when say I open a message or a particular part of settings the newly opened area doesn't take up the full screen so its very easy to get lost. I much prefer the iPhone for typing because of its smaller screen, also if I have to use the on screen keyboard on her iPad its a nightmare. I get people love there iPads and that's your choice, personally I just see it as an expensive paper weight with few advantages for us as blind users as we don't really need the large screens, so we are effectively mostly paying for visuals that have no effect for us if we rely on VoiceOver, plus annoying issues when navigating it, effectively we are paying for a complex annoying navigation experience. what I like with the iPhone is I can't get lost when I open a message or something in settings it takes the full screen up.

By Andrew90 on Sunday, June 11, 2017 - 07:39

Hi all,
Thanks for all of your comments. I agree that there isn't much point getting an ipod especially now that most music is in the cloud with apple music or spotify what ever you prefer and if you want to listen to that music while travelling you have to have it on the device since the ipod doesn't have 4G capability.
I have heard from other friends who have an ipad and can't see enough to use the screen and they love it and get lots of use out of it. I agree that settings not opening up in a separate window might be difficult at first but I'm sure with persistance I'd get used to it. I'm going to play with an ipad to see how I like it.
The sound quality for gaming sounds good and for audio when streaming netflix or youtube etc sounds like it would be good, the better the audio, well that's a good thing.
Good suggestion about the plus range of iphones, but the reason why I haven't got one already is because it's too large to hold in my hand, so practically it's not a good idea. one time I was using my family member's 6 Plus on a phone call, and muscles in my hand were protesting after a while because they were sore. and it also stuck out of my pocket quite a bit and I like deep pockets. So thanks for the suggestion, but it's not practical.
I'd rather keep my current phone.
I also think it would be good to have a second ios device in general. right now my iphone's charging and I don't like to use it while it's charging because you can't move it around as much and I don't like pulling on the cord because I don't want to risk damaging it in the long term. Sure I can use my mac for messaging, mail and safari, but there are times when I prefer ios particularly for mail because let's face it, it's much cooler than a computer in some ways. However there are advantages when you want a proper keyboard built in rather than getting out the bluetooth one, the mac's good for that or if you are going to write long documents etc. So I guess everything has it's place and you've got options.
I don't wish to put any of your suggestions down just expressing my thoughts. I appreciate everyone's comments and please keep them coming.
I'd particularly like to hear from those who are blind or don't have enough vision to see the screen. Does the split screen feature where you can have two apps open on each side of the screen come in handy? if so, when do you use it and what do you like about it? and what are the disadvantages if any.

By DPinWI on Sunday, June 11, 2017 - 07:39

For me, the iPod is a great tool. I use it extensively as a music playback device. I can sit in my favourite listening environments, and plug the ipod into the stereo, and remote control it with my iPhone. I don't clutter up my phone with lots of music, and am free to use it while listening, without dealing with Voice Over coming through the main speakers. The iPod started life as a music player, and for me, it still does that job wonderfully.

This also has to do with my choice of neither renting nor streaming music. I purchase music. I know I am in the minority in this regard, but I like knowing that I have full access to my music, even if it's digital now, and not albums, tapes, or CDs anymore. I also like that the artists I enjoy get a better return if I purchase their creative efforts.

The iPad holds no interest to me as I don't listen to the speakers of my phone, nor iPod for anything more than a quick check. I use headphones much of the time. The better sound of an iPad is still no better than a pocket transistor radio of my childhood, stereo image aside. If I want to hear something, I plug in.

So, in my iOS world, the iPad is too bulky, and lacks any advantage for me. I could get by with just a phone just fine, but the addition of an iPod is a lifestyle choice I appreciate.

By Bingo Little on Sunday, June 11, 2017 - 07:39


As with so many of these devices it's very nice to have if you can afford it, but it's by no means necessary. I have an iPhone 7 and a 9.4-inch iPad Pro. The iPad I find particularly useful with the split screen feature, plus its sound quality is superb. This last is something that should not be underestimated I find. Also the smart keyboard that comes with the Pro is very nice, and makes the iPad more suited to being a business tool than an iPhone. But it's a luxury, not a must have. The iPhone if your must have.

By Andrew90 on Sunday, June 11, 2017 - 07:39

Since that's your choice to buy and download the music and keep it on the device that's fair enough and I completely understand why you like the Ipod. As you say, having access to all your music downloaded to a device is great in your situation.
It also makes sense that you're supporting the artist more if you actually buy the music. However, in the interests of saving money, for me, streaming is a great option because you can add lots and lots of albums only for $11.99 Australian a month. Think of how many albums you can get in a month for only $11.99, instead of paying $16.99 for every individual one. But that's just my view.

By Ekaj on Sunday, June 11, 2017 - 07:39

Hello. I've recently been thinking about getting an iPhone, and I think this thread will help out there a bit. As great as my MacBook Air is, I've come to realize that there's stuff I need that it doesn't do or that nobody has shown me how to do. One of these is .pdf files. Regarding iPads, a neighbor across the hall has one and the sound quality is pretty good. He showed it to me not long after he got it, and I kind of like the design. He is fully sighted and therefore doesn't need any or most of the accessibility features, but I informed him that at least VoiceOver is available on there.