Hi there everyone. I have some questions regarding the applications on the Mac that allow you to load Windows. I know Bootcamp is a great app offered by Apple but my plans are that I'm on my way to get Vm Fare Fusion. I've read that this app lets you use 2 Operating systems without rebooting. If I understand this correctly does this mean that with a Shortcut I can do my work on both ends (Windows and Apple) and switch between them simultaneously? If not please verify what this means? For those who have used it is it fast and does it have to be downloaded from the Web or the Mac App Store? When I purchase the app how much is it? If an update to the app is released do I get it for free or do I have to pay for it?
Windows on Mac
As far as the Mac system is concerned, you're just running an application called Fusion. If you switch tothe Fusion window, you can use Windows keyboard commands to navigate and use Windows. I'd recommend disabling VoiceOver when you'll be using Windows since it tends to mess with the arrow keys.
Fusion must be downloaded from the internet and costs around $60 for Fusion Standard and $120 for Fusion Pro. Major updates to the software are not free which is why I stopped using Fusion. I refuse to continually pay for upgrades to a product I already sunk a considerable amount of cash into. While it's not that much money in the grand scheme of things, I'd rather be spending that money on more useful things than Fusion upgrades. This is why I've switched to BootCamp when I'm running Windows. In BootCamp, Windows runs natively on the hardware as if your Mac was a standard Windows computer. The major drawback is that you'll need to reboot the computer to switch back and forth between operating systems. This is a plus if you need all the computer resources allocated to Windows. Fusion is great, but I've found that you should have at least 8 GB of RAM if you're planning to run both macOS and versions of Windows past XP in Fusion. I tried Windows 10 in Fusion on my MacBook Air with 4 GB of RAM and the experience was horrible! However, the same copy of Windows running natively runs like a champ.
Re: Windows On A Mac
Hi there. So once I've set Fusion can I just like use it as an app so that when I'm in the app I'm using apps of Windows like Microsoft Word with a Windows Screen Reader and then when I'm out the app I'm using the Mac again right?
Windows and mac with fusion
Hi there, yes, using fusion on the mac is much like using any application. the only difference is as the previous comment noted you will likely want to turn voiceover off to ensure that the windows keystrokes operate successfully including those for your screen reader. The difficulty I had using bootcamp was ensuring I had been able to boot in to the system I wanted when rebooting since there is no voiceover speech at that point in the process. that's why I use fusion.
Another possible advantage depending on your circumstance is that you can use the mac file movement commands for instance to move files around. Hope that helps.
No need to turn off voiceOver while using Windows on VM fusion
I'm using a windows 10 VM on my 12 inch Mac book with 4 GB ram on it. Of course one needs some patience with the Windows Operating system on the VM in this case if one is pushing the VM to do memory consuming work like video editing etc. And I haven'te turned off my VoiceOver on Mac while working with windows. To prevent keyboard commands from messing up the navigation experience inside the VM, you can go to the preferences of the VMware application and disable the option that passes commands to Mac OS through the VM. From there on, the Windows OS will behave independently when it comes to keyboard commands. If you are using Capslock for V O keys like I do, you may have to consider reassigning the capslock key on Windows OS to some other preferred key in the keyboard, In my case, I've assigned right shift key. The tool I used for this purpose is some small program called Sharpkeys. It's available to download for free and you should install it on Windows before reassigning keys. There was a post on this website as to how you can get this done. Just search a little with the keywords 'Sharpkeys'.
Once you have reassigned, you can switch between Mac OS and Windows VM by holding down V O Keys or capslock like in my mac and using arrow keys you can minimize the VM and thus take control of the Mac and when you want to switch back to the Windows operating system, you can do so by pressing command key and tab key together couple of times till you reach the Windows VM and releasing those keys at that point.
Fusion, BootCamp, oh my!
In terms of Fusion, I tend not to have Mac OS and Windows keyboard shortcuts interacting with one another at all, so haven't had much trouble having both NVDA and Voiceover going at the same time aside from the quick nav toggle which can be fixed with an activity if need be. For the NVDA key issue, there's this thing called Karabiner-Elements. This is a rather well written guide from not too long ago, and should work no matter what version of Windows or screen reader you're running. There wasn't even a need to keep the caps lock modification active in elements after making the changes in Fusion. As for BootCamp and selecting it to boot, you could always use the "Startup Disk" pain or the Bless tool in terminal if you're feeling more adventurous. The system preferences way is easy enough to do, but bless requires a little more effort and typing to make anything happen. I'm sure it's also worth noting that you can specify an operating system to boot after only one restart similar to selecting it in the option startup menu with this bless tool, but system preferences only allows you to select an operating system for every boot.
Thanks a lot. This Really helped.
Thanks again.
Thanks to everyone for replying to this post. Has someone used Parallel to load Windows? According to at I read I think Parallel is better than Bootcamp and Vm Fare Fusion. If possible for those who have used it can you please reply with all the questions that I asked in the very first post? Thanks.
d, parallels is inaccessible. I. tried it once, and couldn't use it