Seeking a mix of app recommendations

By Tarja, 6 May, 2017

iOS and iPadOS

I need suggestions. I need an app that tells me my surroundings like shops, restaurants etc. What is the best money reader? I also need a good app that tells me what color are my things.
Thank you



By JeffB on Friday, May 26, 2017 - 18:26

What is your price range? The GPS apps vary in prices. Blind Square is $39.99 but since it uses Four Square the nearby business information isn't that accurate. Nearby Explorer which has better business information is $79.99. However if you get Blind Square you can still check businesses around you using maps or Google Maps. I don't know of any money readers that work but I've been using Tap Tap See. Also I'd be interested in a color reader as mine ColorVisor is probably going to be removed since it hasn't been updated.

By Dawn 👩🏻‍🦯 on Friday, May 26, 2017 - 18:26

I can't give you a GPS. app, but I can give you a money reader and a color app. And the best part, is both are free.

color app
Try Be My Eyes. It's free, and you can ask sighted helpers for help.

money app: I'd try LookTel Money Reader. Although you could also use Be My Eyes foh that too. I'm not sure where you live but if LookTel doesn't read the currency for your country, then you can use Be My Eyes for colors and money reading.
Hope this helps.